TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #19

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I just want to post two thoughts I have:

1) Many people look at the perp's "knowledge of the local roads" as evidence that he is a neighbor or lives in the area. This might not be the case because all it would take to become acclimated to the roads is a GPS, telling you which way to turn. This combined with someone driving into the area, checking out the house, landscape and schedule of the Bobo's activities for a few days, could mean that the perp did not need years of local knowledge to plan and carry out the abduction.

Case in point - "The person responsible for Holly's disappearance lives in the area," said Mark Gwyn, director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. "Because of the terrain, you have to know where you're going, entrances and exits. " -Taken from this article about the case

2) I believe the school she was enrolled in is the University of Tennessee Martin Parsons Center. It is a newer facility located at 975 Tennessee Ave N Parsons, TN 38363-2954. I found it interesting that this school is located on TN-69 about 1.3 miles south from the location where searchers found some possession of Holly's on the side of TN-69. Could this mean that the perp had a reason to go into the TN-69 area immediately after the abduction? Say to go to class as an alibi? Just a thought.

Great thoughts!
You would think all it takes is a GPS.....but my DIL was driving the big ole TBI crime scene vehicle equipped with GPS......and they actually got lost. Apparently, there are some road signs missing in the area.

Oh i understand there can be some diversions but they do tend to get ya close to the area ya want to go.
Restraining orders can mean lots of things....not all restraining orders are entered into NCIC...for example if you and I are in a business dispute I can get a restraining order stopping you from disposing of any of the business' assets but that wouldn't be entered because it's a contract issue and not a safety issue. You can get a restraining order that forbids contact that is a civil order and it won't be entered into NCIC. These types of orders are common in divorce cases, contract disputes, etc. They require a lower burden of proof.

Protection orders are entered in the NCIC so that if a police officer would run your license or name they would be notified that there is an order against you. Because of that there is a higher burden of proof to get a protection order. Usually a temporary protection order is first issued ex parte meaning the other party is not given a chance to be present to dispute the need for the order. If that is the case then a full hearing is held within a few weeks where the other party may dispute the order if they choose. If the judge determines there is no need to continue the temporary order it expires and is removed from NCIC. If it is not contested or if after a full hearing the judge determines that there is need to continue the order then the judge will issue a permanent order which will be in place for years.

I'm pretty sure it works more or less the same everywhere. I'm not a lawyer but have been through the process. When I had to get a TPO for domestic violence on behalf of my child the judge was able to order my ex to turn over his gun collection to the local PD until the full hearing. I had a copy to keep on me and a copy to be given to my son's school so that if there were any problems and the police were called they could right away see exactly what the terms of the order were and act if necessary. At the full hearing my ex and I were able to come to an agreement that he would go through anger management and in exchange the TPO would be lifted.

We don't know if Holly had one, or if she did, what the nature of it was. But you can bet the police do.

If she had one against someone who was violent and it was granted by the judge, don't you think the media would have gotten wind of it by now or found something?
At least Geraldo or
You would think all it takes is a GPS.....but my DIL was driving the big ole TBI crime scene vehicle equipped with GPS......and they actually got lost. Apparently, there are some road signs missing in the area.

So you think the perp is more than familiar with that area?

This article says he was last seen at 10 pm on April 14th. 38.5 hours after HB last seen.

TY. Good find.
This theory was raised here before and abandoned for this reason, IIRC.

Which is fine - WS threads sometimes repeat themselves a little as new members join and start following a case weeks after it first breaks...great minds...will think alike...over...and over... ;) :D
Will Nunley
Source: even though volunteer-led searches are not being organized, numerous law enforcement remain, following leads. #hollybobo
1 minute ago »
Will Nunley
Details about what prompted the search have not been released. #hollybobo
2 minutes ago!/search/#hollybobo
I wonder if there are many men living alone within a few mile radius of the rural location from which HB was abducted? If someone is holding her hostage, it would almost have to be someone living alone in a secluded area unless their spouse was a co-conspirator like in the Jaycee Dugard case or the Elizabeth Smart case.
I wonder if there are many men living alone within a few mile radius of the rural location from which HB was abducted? If someone is holding her hostage, it would almost have to be someone living alone in a secluded area unless their spouse was a co-conspirator like in the Jaycee Dugard case or the Elizabeth Smart case.

Yellow there has to be alot of guys living alone, Kids move out want to have a place of their own no tonly that they dont have to live alone when they get older and still live at home most times they come and go as they please .

there could be some guys out there living home that went out in camo that day
do u think the parents would say something ot LE?
I wonder if there are many men living alone within a few mile radius of the rural location from which HB was abducted? If someone is holding her hostage, it would almost have to be someone living alone in a secluded area unless their spouse was a co-conspirator like in the Jaycee Dugard case or the Elizabeth Smart case.

I think we have to separate the men that take children from a guy that wants a woman,, they to me are two diff creatures! JMO
Yellow there has to be alot of guys living alone, Kids move out want to have a place of their own no tonly that they dont have to live alone when they get older and still live at home most times they come and go as they please .

there could be some guys out there living home that went out in camo that day
do u think the parents would say something ot LE?

I was thinking of more of a "hermit" kind of man living alone in a more or less isolated area close by.

Would a parent say something if their son went out in camo that day? Good question. Maybe or maybe not but, either way, I'll bet they would be watching his every move since then.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...
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