TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #23

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Now back to Holly.
Is it possible that LE has asked media outlets to back away slowly... for good reason?

I don't know what reasons there would be...
but I would still wonder why search parties of locals are not being formed on the weekends; LE indicated the other day they think they have cleared the east side of the county; that leaves a lot of county and they have never indicated they believe she is not to be found locally.[/quote]

This issue has been brought up repeatedly. Rather than go into the statistics, I'll give a couple of scenarios that I have personally experienced:

A member of a volunteer search team becomes injured. Who do you call? 911. That detracts from 911 dispatch calls to other (non-search) related issues in progress. Sometimes in areas where access is limited.

A member of a volunteer search team picks up a tennis sneaker, looks at it, and decides it doesn't match the missing persons sneaker. They drop it and move on, then forget to mention it to command- despite the fact that the victim changed shoes at some point and it is in fact their shoe.

A member of your volunteer search team takes a cigarette break. Just so happens, they put out their cigarette two yards from the missing person. They move on, because the MP is in deep brush and they don't see them. They also start a brush fire.

A member of your volunteer search team has knowledge of the crime, and tampers with evidence.

A member of your volunteer search team finds a piece of evidence and brings it back to the command center- then tries to remember exactly where they found it.

This is not a cold case, people.

Just sayin.
I don't know what reasons there would be...
but I would still wonder why search parties of locals are not being formed on the weekends; LE indicated the other day they think they have cleared the east side of the county; that leaves a lot of county and they have never indicated they believe she is not to be found locally.

This issue has been brought up repeatedly. Rather than go into the statistics, I'll give a couple of scenarios that I have personally experienced:

A member of a volunteer search team becomes injured. Who do you call? 911. That detracts from 911 dispatch calls to other (non-search) related issues in progress. Sometimes in areas where access is limited.

A member of a volunteer search team picks up a tennis sneaker, looks at it, and decides it doesn't match the missing persons sneaker. They drop it and move on, then forget to mention it to command- despite the fact that the victim changed shoes at some point and it is in fact their shoe.

A member of your volunteer search team takes a cigarette break. Just so happens, they put out their cigarette two yards from the missing person. They move on, because the MP is in deep brush and they don't see them. They also start a brush fire.

A member of your volunteer search team has knowledge of the crime, and tampers with evidence.

A member of your volunteer search team finds a piece of evidence and brings it back to the command center- then tries to remember exactly where they found it.

I am not saying that LE should be encouraging search parties...just that I am surprised it is not happening anyway.

This is not a cold case, people.

Just sayin.[/QUOTE]
if this case ends up going cold, and it turns out that they do not have a very specific idea of what has happened im going to be shocked.

will nunley has not uttered a peep about this case in a week, granted there has been nothing from LE to report, but he still could have had some comment to make, or done something to keep it in the news.

if they wanted this case in the news they would have made it happen, i have to think they specifically DO NOT want this case in the news.
<I am not saying that LE should be encouraging search parties...just that I am surprised it is not happening anyway>

Well quite honestly I am also, because that seems to be the way these cases usually go. However, I'm glad this one is not right now. I have some degree of faith in the FBI.

There are special circumstances as to why a 20 yr old might be listed on NCMEC.
Bumping again:
if this case ends up going cold, and it turns out that they do not have a very specific idea of what has happened im going to be shocked.

will nunley has not uttered a peep about this case in a week, granted there has been nothing from LE to report, but he still could have had some comment to make, or done something to keep it in the news.

if they wanted this case in the news they would have made it happen, i have to think they specifically DO NOT want this case in the news.

This makes no sense to me; they have a very large reward and she is listed with the FBI as missing/kidnapped.
A cold case for LE is one thing....A cold case for the public is another.

Give this one a blanket cause the north winds are blowing. The public has heard or seen nothing about this case in a while. Its not on Nancy Grace or JVM or Headline News. Its not on the first page of the paper....its not on the last....or any of the pages in between. Holly's case is sliding off the first page on Websleuths.

Maybe this is indeed the way LE, TBI, and FBI want it to be. They continue to say they are just "one clue away." Yeah...and there once was a boy who cried "Wolf!"
(So sorry to be cynical....please chalk it up to frustration)
I don't think it is a cold case as in nothing is being done to advance it. But a cold case can also be described as one where there is no movement, no suspects, etc...and I am not sure that this case is not "cold" in the sense that they are don't know what they have here, don't know the "who" or the "where."
I don't think it is a cold case as in nothing is being done to advance it. But a cold case can also be described as one where there is no movement, no suspects, etc...and I am not sure that this case is not "cold" in the sense that they are don't know what they have here, don't know the "who" or the "where."

Oh yes, I agree with what you are saying. This case is not cold in the sense that LE has given up or that leads are not being followed.
But in the public arena, where life is breathed into a case by a continual flow of information, statements, appearances, press conferences and media reports, this case is quite where are my ear muffs?
Let's see....
~the unidentified boy who was found deceased at the end of a driveway has now been identified. His mother has been found and is being questioned. She was from Texas and the body was located in Maine but the case was quickly in hand....within 48 hours. I think this is because the child's computer generated picture was released to the public. His clothing was shown, his shoes were shown, his weight, height and approx. age were released.

~the missing Guy family has been located. They're from Indiana and were located in Florida at a traffic stop. Lots of information was released about this family and the family background. The Guy thread was followed closely by some wonderful sleuths who entertained every scenario possible. The case was brought to a resolution in about 2 weeks.

~Holly Bobo? Been over a month of relative silence from LE and the family. No resolution in sight.

You said a mouthful in this post. There are so many cold and unsolved cases where NO information is forthcoming from LE, Kyron Horman is a case in point, but there are MANY others still closed to the public after 30, 40, 50 years, yet some case where info flows freely are actually solved. Maybe there is something to be said for giving out information and not holding "whatever" so close to the vest.
Oh yes, I agree with what you are saying. This case is not cold in the sense that LE has given up or that leads are not being followed.
But in the public arena, where life is breathed into a case by a continual flow of information, statements, appearances, press conferences and media reports, this case is quite where are my ear muffs?

No earmuffs needed for me, I totally agree with you. LE has said, in a LOT of cases, "things aren't what they seem". Well, most of the time life itself isn't exactly what it seems either. If LE would get off their high horse, or wherever they're riding, more of these cases might be solved.

My opinion only
MLE, that is not why your post was deleted but this thread is not the place to discuss that either. You can pm one of us Mods and discuss it that way.

If it isn't linked to the case its rumor until or if it is.

Discussing sex slavery and human trafficking is completely off topic on this case at the time. Nothing to show this happened at all. We do have an area to discuss this if you are interested. No one here is pretending it doesn't happen.

I'm going to remove both posts in a bit, but I wanted to explain and can do it further thru pm's if you still don't understand. Thank you.

One thing I have learned from following this case here is that when the hype and adrenalin drop, the thread occasionally gets hijacked by LE haters, family bashers (If it were my child . . .), and other off topic posts.

Thank you mods for keeping us straight. I do not envy your responsibility.

It is interesting that LE stated in the WTVF article that they do not have a suspect.

The fact that the one key piece of evidence has not surfaced leaves me thinking three possibilities 1) The perp is not very social 2) The perp is intelligent 3) The perp is not local. These do not have to be mutually exclusive.

I must say I am surprised that Holly has not been found. Unfortunately, I am now assuming a high possibility that Holly is dead and that her body has been hidden. That leads me to three possibilities of where her body is 1) Water 2) Woods 3) Barn. If water, I am surprised she has not been found. If woods, again, I am somewhat suprised she has not been found. Unfortunately, deer season is not until the fall. If barn, it may be years before she is found.

I am like many, I wish the outlook was not so bleak. I hate having to be patient just to hear sad news. I am frustrated with the situation but not LE. I do not have any reason to have an educated complaint against LE.

Just my thougths and opinions.
I hate to see this thread closed, but I feel like it is heading that way...maybe we would not miss much, but it's possible there could be news, someday...
Knock it off in here. If you have a question about moderation then PM a moderator. TOS violation to argue moderation on the threads.
I hope this question is appropriate. If it's been discussed, I missed it. A substantial reward has been offered in this case. Do you think the fact it's apparently not flushed out any suspects gives credence to the theory that the perp is not a local? TIA
I hope this question is appropriate. If it's been discussed, I missed it. A substantial reward has been offered in this case. Do you think the fact it's apparently not flushed out any suspects gives credence to the theory that the perp is not a local? TIA

Mandy, while at first, I leaned heavily towards the perp being local, it is reasonable to think that if the perp has not been "outed" by now, he may not be as local as I thought. If he lives in the Darden/Parsons community, he must be very isolated and/or intelligent. He would have to be showing signs of agitation during the past few weeks.
For the record there is no evidence about what happened to Holly. Any theory within reason is OK including she could have been part of sex trafficking.

What is not allowed is wild assertions about Law Enforcement, people who have not been named as suspects, family members etc., Political statements have no place in this thread. Stay on topic please and thanks.
Wow, still nothing, time is passing. I really thought LE had more than this. Maybe they do, and just not enough, but I thought sure this would be resolved before now.
Where is Holly? I keep thinking that we are going to get some news at any time but then the next day comes and still nothing. :banghead:
I hope this question is appropriate. If it's been discussed, I missed it. A substantial reward has been offered in this case. Do you think the fact it's apparently not flushed out any suspects gives credence to the theory that the perp is not a local? TIA

We know rewards often bring in calls that detract from the real case. Grudges against others and hopefuls in just getting lucky and getting the money.

I am confused right now about what is rumor, what is speculation, what is sleuthing, thinking aloud and outside the box. I hope I can say - As in many cases solved and unsolved from the past LE talks to the offender early on and either does not realize it or has a feeling but no proof.

If the FBI is involved surely there is hope it will be solved. I think LE usually knows what has happened. I also think there are a lot of times when LE cannot do anything about it.

aka JB Ramsey case IMO
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