Lies Exposed: discuss the cross exam of Arias

This is cross-examination 101: never ask an open ended question. OTOH, any lawyer, civil or criminal, tells their client not to argue with opposing counsel during cross. Further evidence that Jodi can't follow rules; they don't apply to her.

Not only does she argue with opposing counsel, she argues with her own attorney. He is trying hard to lead her to safety and she bucks him. I love it when she does that.
Did any one see that TA mentioned anything about " getting revenge" or something to that effect when on direct she read out loud the text where he's angry & has had enough of her BS?
I've seen it transcribed somewhere on the boards. He tells her he's sick of her constant drama and dragging him into her chaos daily, told her to just leave him alone. The one where he calls her out as having scammed him and being the sociopath she is wishes he never got involved with her?

Got company for weekend so can't go hunting it down but I didn't see anything there that she read during direct where HE talks about revenge???

Did she just ad-lib that in there for effect. To make his ire seem more ominous to the jury?
Or did he really text that?

If not I hope JM caught that because that would be yet another lie that could catch her up.
How is HE going to get revenge from 1000 miles away? She's the one who had that on her mind IMO for some time before finally taking her planned road trip!

I don't know if those were the exact words used, but she was reading from written texts, so what she read, was what what was said in the texts from Travis. He did say something similar, and he was angry at her, IIRC for speaking to Mimi in her restaurant, but she wouldn't tell him who she talked to.
He was just totally fed up with her psychopath self by then and wanted to get rid of her once and for all.
This was testified to on direct by Nurmi, and I believe it was during her last day on the stand.
Can't remember if this was posted yet or not -
I don't even think I took my camera out for that part of the trip.


She ALSO stated they used HER camera for the sex video when she was on direct.
Yeah, there was a text where he mentioned revenge, it was about that drawing she "forgot" to bring with her.

"it was some stupid *advertiser censored* way of ruining yet another of mine, which you have done so much of. bitter feelings are brewing in me towards you. i am sick of having days ruined by you. if it keeps up i fear i will have a genuine dislike for you. i am asking you before it gets to that to stop doing it before i start seeking revenge. your account with me is overdrawn. p.s you need start paying me back, so you better start looking for a job."
8. She enjoyed the sex adventures, contrary to her prior testimony
Not exactly. She could be enjoying the sex and attention from TA without particularly enjoying the specifics like the tootsie pop.

I think Juan established that Jodi enjoyed the experiences by reference to her diary entries about it - the journal entries specifically referenced naughty fantasies (i.e. sex), and not attention from Travis. I believe the effectively pointed out the difference between what Jodi said about it at the time, compared to the manner that she testified about it.
Exactly. Even if she was faking it and didn't enjoy the tootsie pop, the point was that she was an active participant in these encounters and Travis wasn't raping her or abusing her.
I would love to know if there are some receipts from the "salon" she stopped to have a manicure . . . . especially after driving 10's of hours to get to multiple (1000) destinations to see before (he dies) and she returns home.

If I were to be getting a mani . . . it would not be in some random town that I just happened to pull over for a few hours. I would obtain one in the town and salon I knew or had been told about. Wonder if the Brazilian wax and a hair dye were sold to a walk-in customer that someone recognized right away and came forward to testify.

How does it look to the Mormon population for a church member to be getting a Brazilian bikini wax? Would that be something she might want to do in a random city where no one might recognize her?
I think people suspect the salon she supposedly went to was in Salinas, CA, which is where she grew up. It's near Gilroy, and on the way to Monterey. Very rural, migrant farm workers.
Nope! It's not a Juan creation. You have it spelled incorrectly. Here is the link to Merriam-Webster.

I will trust you on that one. The last time I researched a word like that on the net I started getting ads in my Spam about "Big Willy". I did not click on it but I don't think it was about Mr. Wonka. jmo
I think people suspect the salon she supposedly went to was in Salinas, CA, which is where she grew up. It's near Gilroy, and on the way to Monterey. Very rural, migrant farm workers.

Thank you! This makes so much sense to me . . . . . she went to a salon she was familiar with (from her past or an old friend who works/goes there). If it was where she grew up - it is highly doubtful anyone there would be Mormon and recognize her (if she needed to hide the Brazilian bikini wax). It wasn't where she was currently living but where she had lived previously. She went somewhere she is familiar - wonder if the person @ the salon recognized her. . . . . .If it is a very rural area - highly likely someone would remember her. I'm not sure if the person who did the service watches the news on tv though.
Welcome to WS new members! We are glad to have you here!

I wonder if JA has told herself the lies for so long she doesn't know which is real and which ones are manufactured. I see her manipulation to make her stories match the evidence but the sneaking messages to her "accomplice in lies" in yet just another cover up exposed (to the second power). I think JM is trying to show how her lies grow exponentially and @ each level they come back to her premeditation and cover up of the killing of TA. Then she goes into story mode - only changing when she is confronted with evidence to the contrary.

Thank you for the welcome! I'm brand new and LOVE this site and the interactions!

I, too, have questioned Jodi's grip on reality and how many of the lies have become truths to her. But I DON'T believe she believes what she's saying. She is NOT convincing at all on the stand. It's all just too affected.

She's had YEARS to concoct & perfect this tale. But she sure is peppering it with some details while she's on the stand. (Even her lawyer seemed surprised when she said she stopped for gas. Twice.)

In short, Jodi KNOWS she's lying. It's what she does. She's spent her whole life PERFECTING her technique. And she's pretty proud of the tale she's spinning, as evidenced by her smirks and giggles. It's her moment in front of the camera and she's REALLY enjoying it!

Tell the truth? Where's the fun in that!
And she's using all the discovery to concoct the tale. No way she would have included things like the rope if she was telling the story the first time she was arrested.
And she's using all the discovery to concoct the tale. No way she would have included things like the rope if she was telling the story the first time she was arrested.

That's an excellent point and something I hadn't considered. The "rope" story doesn't ring true. I mean, if you go to all this trouble constructing this contraption around a sleigh bed, why no pictures, even deleted ones? Wouldn't THAT be a terrific photo op?

The rope was even lumped in with the gun as the ONLY items she removed from the crime scene. Rule of thumb: Don't forget your rope/pillow tassels on the way out!
That's an excellent point and something I hadn't considered. The "rope" story doesn't ring true. I mean, if you go to all this trouble constructing this contraption around a sleigh bed, why no pictures, even deleted ones? Wouldn't THAT be a terrific photo op?

The rope was even lumped in with the gun as the ONLY items she removed from the crime scene. Rule of thumb: Don't forget your rope/pillow tassels on the way out!

Great point. And wouldn't you know that it would take a Scorpio to point out that they were missing a great photo op by skipping the tied up sex partner. :wink:
hmm, does anyone have the times the night of Jan 21that according to texts Juan reviewed with Jodi, there is no way Travis was at home. It was the later section of the texts where he said he couldn't talk, etc. Anyway, a quick scan of all Starbucks in Mesa, AZ indicates they all close between 7 and 10 (varies by location) as of today (I don't know if that was the case in 2008, just thought it was odd how late she was grabbing Starbucks). I thought I remembered something about it being much later than 10 that they were still texting, and therefore not together.
Can't remember if this was posted yet or not -
I don't even think I took my camera out for that part of the trip.


She ALSO stated they used HER camera for the sex video when she was on direct.

I had this in some notes. Don't remember if I posted but I wondered too if JM caught that one!

I'm betting he did because he was listening intently everything surrounding the day she testified about killing TA!
I don't know if those were the exact words used, but she was reading from written texts, so what she read, was what what was said in the texts from Travis. He did say something similar, and he was angry at her, IIRC for speaking to Mimi in her restaurant, but she wouldn't tell him who she talked to.
He was just totally fed up with her psychopath self by then and wanted to get rid of her once and for all.
This was testified to on direct by Nurmi, and I believe it was during her last day on the stand.

Yeah, there was a text where he mentioned revenge, it was about that drawing she "forgot" to bring with her.

"it was some stupid *advertiser censored* way of ruining yet another of mine, which you have done so much of. bitter feelings are brewing in me towards you. i am sick of having days ruined by you. if it keeps up i fear i will have a genuine dislike for you. i am asking you before it gets to that to stop doing it before i start seeking revenge. your account with me is overdrawn. p.s you need start paying me back, so you better start looking for a job."

Thank you!

I didn't see this one transcribed. But it doesn't sound like she made it sound. She read it quickly and was trying to give the effect of yet another 'abusive' act on TA part.
When in reality the jury needs to know what JM brought out-it was JA who was screwing with Travis head every chance she got. And his daily life!
He fears he will have a genuine dislike for her? Wow. Threatening.
hmm, does anyone have the times the night of Jan 21that according to texts Juan reviewed with Jodi, there is no way Travis was at home. It was the later section of the texts where he said he couldn't talk, etc. Anyway, a quick scan of all Starbucks in Mesa, AZ indicates they all close between 7 and 10 (varies by location) as of today (I don't know if that was the case in 2008, just thought it was odd how late she was grabbing Starbucks). I thought I remembered something about it being much later than 10 that they were still texting, and therefore not together.

There wasn't enough time in that day for any of it to happen like she said.

Way later he's asking her if she used his phone without his permission that morning. The rest show he wasn't even home since she'd done that & they'd texted about it. ?

Best part. Jury is seeing who was chasing and manipulating who. Acting like a nut on a daily basis.
Her finger was not broken by Travis and Juan had pictures to prove it.

Today, she states it was her right fingers that were cut the night she murdered Travis (she didn't say that, I did) but in the interrogation video, she points out her left hand to Detective Flores.

JA has had time to manufacture a story that covers pretty much all of the state's evidence. Of course none of her stories are remotely believable. It will be interesting how she dodges this glaring inconsistency.
I am actually surprised JA fell into that "handedness" trap.

Some of the candidates for the "correct explanation" might be:

* I misunderstood the question and I mis spoke!!!
* When in police interrogation I was under duress and confused.
* The right hand wounds had healed by July and the left ring finger deformity was still evident and bothersome
Re her testimony about Jan. 21st: on direct she said she ran out after seeing little boy pic and jumped in HER car and drove home and punched HER garage door opener to quickly enter her house to supposedly throw up. But then at some point she says TA wanted to trade cars because he didn't like driving HER car to FHE implying she had his car and he was demanding it back. How could she have had HIS car - her garage door opener wouldn't have been in it when she had to get in so quickly to "throw up."
This is cross-examination 101: never ask an open ended question. OTOH, any lawyer, civil or criminal, tells their client not to argue with opposing counsel during cross. Further evidence that Jodi can't follow rules; they don't apply to her.

I found it fascinating and somewhat dumbfounding that JA would show up so IMPERIOUS while subjected to cross exam. We HAVE TO BELIEVE that her lawyers cautioned her not to be combative recalcitrant or a smart aleck. But this is exactly what JA did.

We know that JA is cunning and deceitful. She knows she is playing to the jury and not to the national audience. It is possible that her hypertrophied ego forced her to throw caution to the wind and begin a dueling match with JM. Obviously she wanted to show JM that she has NO FEAR of him and that she can deal with any set of facts presented to her.

We can assume that her legal team has carefully instructed her on how to be demure and respectful during cross examination. It remains to be seen if JA can keep her ego in check while JM batters (so to speak) her credibility.

If JA continues mugging and sarcastically answering JM’s questions she will score NO POINTS with the jury.

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