Recent content by pip

  1. pip

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 5

    So now that the state has rested, does this mean Nurmi can blather on for weeks on end before resting, or do they all just move on to mitigation phase now? I don't know how this works. TIA
  2. pip

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 5

    Wow, I feel so sorry for TA's family having to keep re-living this horrific nightmare of their loss, and all of it's ugliness. I feel sad that they have to even be in the same room with her. I think the sentence the jury decides on will be luck of the draw as to the random jurors seated. I...
  3. pip

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #5

    I think Nurmi is stalling so the day doesn't end with pictures of Travis dead in the shower. He doesn't want the jurors to have that image in their mind as they leave for the day. Just my thoughts.
  4. pip

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #5

    Nurmi resorting to the Jose Baez defense. How original. Attack the parents, poor Jodi and Casey, both victims. Rubbish.
  5. pip

    Ariel Castro: Convicted Cleveland kidnapper/rapist found dead in cell

    1-800-waaah-waaah. Good. What a criminal coward. One less hot and a cot for taxpayers. Justice served.
  6. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    Well then she will either have to learn to live with it (her worst fear) or find the cojones to kill herself without assistance. (no way now, but maybe later when she hits the emotional/mental skids) case scenario for her is to let someone else extinguish her, cuz she can't!
  7. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    It's a combo deal.. she does not want LWOP. She shook the dice to see if she could get LWP.. but she would rather have DP over LWOP.. no doubt in my mind.
  8. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    I really think she would rather die than get LWOP. She took her chances and is now hung in the balance. Her family has nothing to do with her decision to roll the dice. She thought she might get life, and hopefully get parole. She wont accept LWOP. Trust me, this is not an option for her...
  9. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    She doesn't have the cojones to kill herself (too narcissistic) or to accept natural life in prison. She truly wants out early or dead, imo. At least with the DP someone else would do the dirty deed, which she cannot do herself.
  10. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    I don't think there is any way JA will take the plea deal for LWOP. She wants LWP or death. I believe she would rather die than do natural life like she said. She was just hoping for a shot at parole as a last minute hope.
  11. pip

    GUILTY CA - Gabriel Fernandez, 8, tortured to death, Palmdale, 22 May 2013

    Can I just say that my dream is that instead of the government selling lotto tickets to make some person a gazzilionaire... is that the government would sell lotto tickets to win a chance to take a swing with a blunt object at inhumane creatures such as this. I'd be buying tickets by the...
  12. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    Should she segregate herself with the whites or mexicans? She is both. It would be a benefit to her to speak spanish to be more accepted by the mexican inmates. As a half mexican she is in a bit of a quandry in the prison setting as to choosing a group. She will try to walk the line in the...
  13. pip

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    The convict learning to speak Spanish is purely motivated by the need for another survival tool in AZ prison system. The other inmates know she is half Hispanic and she is a sitting duck for violence and gang hate against her from other Hispanics that will see her as Caucasian if she doesn't...
  14. pip

    SIDEBAR #8- Arias/Alexander forum

    It is too bad that Travis didn't persist in the attempted reporting of his tires being slashed to LE. I am sure he would have mentioned JA's name. It could have made the difference had LE had a little chat with her. She would know they were on to her and perhaps it wouldn't have progressed to...

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