Seeking Key Info 6/10-6/14 for New Leads

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I need a little help with Ping 7 (1:15 pm - 1:16 pm) and Ping 8 (1:16 pm - 2:46 pm) around the Casselberry area for the June 10 map.

If you have any information please post it in the Ping Map for June 10 thread.
LE walked around w/ Kio in the early stages of the case. The date of that walk is recorded in the first doc release (400pgs) but I don't have them at my fingertips. Soooo...IF Kio walked LE through this area early on and nothing was noted, then later, a clandestine grave is spotted in the same least LE has a shot at connecting it to the case. That may support why the report surfaced in the recent release. The report of the find certainly isn't in there for no reason :) ...and as you indicated...LE is watching.

look at the reports that were filed/ le asked each witness if they had talked to the media. I really hope that le searched that wooded area really good, because from google maps it looks like there are dirt roads all throughout this wooded area. I was so concerned about this area I sent cocoamom a google map on 11/21 and asked her to check it out (dont know if she did or not,I think they were still looking at the church). This would have also been a good place to hide her chloroform..... and because these reports are included in the doc dump, they must have some relevance.....
Pulled from another site.

Posted on September 12th, 2008 at 1:04 am Poster Said:

Anybody hear of the radio show - Coast to Coast Am (on 10pm Pacific Std. Time every night for about 3 hours)
Well last week a Remote Viewer - Major Ed Dames says Caylee is deceased and in a big field not far from the Anthony house in Orlando area. If you look him up and look up Coast To Coast am..there is map where he says she is…it’s an area called “Longwood”.
I don’t live in Florida…so i have NO idea where that is.

Anyone have more information ?.
Brought this over from another thread :

Originally Posted by Chat Noir
Here's something interesting.... Dom Casey's PI business is called D & A Investigations but look at what's coming up at Corpwiki

D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Incorporated by Dominic A. Casey, D & A Construction Consulting, Inc is located at 2735 W State Road 434 Longwood, FL 32779. D & A Construction Consulting, Inc was incorporated on Monday, April 02, 2007 in the State of FL and is currently active. Dominic Casey represents D & A Construction Consulting, Inc as their registered agent.

D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Mailing Address:

2735 W State Road 434
Longwood, FL 32779
Seminole County
2 Companies at this address


Every time we turn around there's another link to construction with this crazy case.
And we keep going back to Oviedo, that is the first place GA said he was conducting his own investigation!
I have lived in florida almost my entire life, and you could survive in a car in florida overnight. When I was a kid we would tell my mom we were spending the night with our girlfriend, she would tell her parents she was spending the night with my sister and I, we would go out and party, and then sleep in our friends car. We did this alot no problem. I do not think she was leaving caylee at la's house, she was left in the car. I dont think she was chloroforming her either, I think she had given her zanax at parties before, and she knew how much to give her to keep her knocked out for a certain length of time. From what I've read about the chloroform it is very addictive, they were getting high on that.
And we keep going back to Oviedo, that is the first place GA said he was conducting his own investigation!

Hey, Bern. FWIW, before the ping data came out I was a big proponent of the 895 N. Jessup house in Oviedo being THE location she used 6/10-6/14. Waaaay back in this thread, you'll see where I tipped LE to it based on the info at the time...that's how convinced I was at the time.

When the ping data first came out, the absolute first thing I did was manually look over the pings for 6/10-6/14 to see if she was near that house. I didn't see any at that it was back to the drawing board for me.

Until recently I've been focused on disposal locations and spending less time on the preparation & crime itself. So, the ping spreadsheet is absent pre-6/14 data currently...that was done in the interest of getting it up quickly. TexasLil (and/or ElizaAvalon? and/or others? - my apologies for a foggy memory on that) got pre-6/14 data converted at a later time and I haven't gone back to incorporate it yet. I'll plow into that and give all this a closer look. Georgia PI has already posted a 6/10 ping map. It takes a tremendous amount of time to do I dunno if 6/11-6/14 will follow or not.

'That being said', there are periods of inactivity on her phone for which we don't know where she, almost anything is possible...(e.g. 895 N Jessup house)...just less probable vs. Lee's IMHO, given the ping data.

Georgia PI has already posted a 6/10 ping map. It takes a tremendous amount of time to do I dunno if 6/11-6/14 will follow or not.

Yes, I am working on June 11 ping map and will go to June 14. Then I will go back and do June 9.
Yes, I am working on June 11 ping map and will go to June 14. Then I will go back and do June 9.

i would like to see june 6th, thats the night she showed up at ric's after being at fusion (boss sent her to check on his daughter) she showed up at rics at 1130 had caylee with her...they spent the night. I think she may have been in the trunk when she was at fusion the pings should tell the story. tia
I realized this is out of your timeline, but in going over that timeline, I just have to ask a question.

On June 23rd, KC sent a message to Lee:

It's been said all along that KC talked code with Lee. Going with that thinking, is it possible that in this particular message, that KC is trying to tell Lee that a person by thy name of "Wendy" is who he should be talking to?

I've searched all thru the threads, and may have missed something, but is there anybody in KC's circle that we know of, named Wendy? We know KC knows all caps = yelling, so is she yelling the name Wendy out to Lee, instead of really referencing "the windy city"?

Just checked everyone on KC's cell phone in last doc dump and no Wendy
nor in her texts.
the reports filed about the suspicious rope and pipe/ this occurred on suburban dr/ suburban dr deadends into the woods by the school/ the school where kio said that her and jessica and casey spent many a day hanging out to get away from their parents.

This area has been searched.
Anyone have any info on 6/15-7/14? Anyone work in Chicago? Anyone work in the hotel industry? Anyone work in the airline industry?
This area has been searched.

I hope they searched this entire wooded area because in the latest doc dump there 5 witness statements alluding to something found here. all 5 witnesses were asked if they had spoken with the media (none had ) and all 5 agreed to testify. the statements were logged as evidence.

these statements were logged on 9/12, I know that le walked back here with kio after her 2nd interview with le, just wondering if an official search was done, surely it was right ?
...still noodlin' on this...

Was Casey setting up an alibi w/ the Jeff H. mini-vac-story that she was out of town when Cindy would be found dead by George 6/15 in order to frame him? Casey might think LE would have no reason to question her friends...hence, only family members would need to be convinced of her story. :confused:

If so, Casey needed to tell the Caylee's-with-nanny (instead of with Cindy) story to friends in order to set up the explanation after-the-fact how Caylee wasn't @ G&C's when Cindy was murdered... since Caylee obviously wasn't with Casey at night when she stayed over @ Tony's she had to be somewhere.

If Cindy thought Casey & Caylee where on a mini-vac 6/8-6/14 and Caylee never stayed the night @ Tony's. Casey must've been sedating Caylee @ Lee's while he was out of town. This would support why she would be texting Tony late into the night/morning from the same tower(s) that service G&C's house, yet Cindy says Casey wasn't there. After Caylee is sedated, Casey heads to Tony's for the balance of the night only to return to Lee's in the morning at about the same time Clint leaves for class (~9AM) to get Caylee and take her back to Tony's for the day. Since Caylee isn't taken home until 6/15 there's limited opportunity for her to spill the beans.

Did the 6/15 "fight" start because Casey had set things up only to be foiled by Cindy's insistance - before Casey could drug her - on taking Caylee to the nursing home where witnesses would screw the whole thing up?

...need to look @ 6/10-6/14 pings again. :waitasec:

Here's a focused look @ Tony's statement to LE & Amy's storyline w/ some suggested dates inserted in [ ]. While Tony's statement certainly isn't intended to be a perfect day-by-day accounting, it appears to me to line up reasonably well w/ Casey
(1) first laying the groundwork the week of 6/10, for murdering Cindy and framing George, and,
(2) a change in story to cover Caylee's demise 6/16 with the invention of Caylee being @ the nanny's to explain her being MIA, and reneging on having Amy move into G&C's.

Note: Casey telling Amy the G&C divorcing and Casey taking-over G&C’s house story was also laying the same groundwork for off’ing Cindy & framing George. It seems incredibly rare for Casey to tell the SAME story to both groups of friends. Casey reneged on this story to Amy 6/16 telling her the deal was off (also evidenced by Amy texting Casey she was going Tue 6/17 to fill out a change of address card to stop her things from going to G&C’s.) since Caylee died. With Caylee gone, Casey HAD to eliminate Amy from any move-in scenario. Amy was going to babysit Caylee in the new arrangement…changing that story was a top priority!

From Tony interview transcript (confusing because he talks about Casey's unprovoked cover-stories in the first paragraph...then goes back to talk about when it started):

Mom [Casey] has been…this is ah, the other thing. She’s been telling ah, me that..’cause she would go like, like without even me asking telling me out of just the blue just telling me just like, oh Caylee’s going to be with the nanny and they’re going to Disney. And I remember asking about it the next day I’m like, oh, what’s Caylee doing?

Like this happened like when she first started moving. You know what I’m saying? When this first happened when she first went…I guess grabbed most of her clothes [6/10] . And came back. And I’ll get into that a little…why she did that in a second [*account below] . But, um, basically she told me that she went to Disney [6/10] and then I told, that’s the next day [6/11] and she was like, yeah she gonna be at Disney , she’s going to Disney again [6/11 or 6/12] . I guess she got, they got a weekend pass [6/14-15] or something like that. And then I remember her telling me also, I remember I don’t (inaudible)…Next weekend [6/21-22] or the weekend after that [6/28-29] she said that they were going Cocoa Beach. And then she kept on saying that oh they stayed an extra day. And they’re gonna stay another day. I’m like, this became a thing like, oh..I was a little you know questioning, feel weird about that. But she would say that she talked to Caylee or she was going to visit Caylee. All the time. So, I mean…

Note: Tony travels to New York 6/30 – 7/5

Q: So, um, would she, would she like how often would you see her? Would you see her everyday or would you be..

A: Yes she pretty much shacked up here.

Q: Okay. So, when she said she was going to visit you’re in, you’re in class?

[Full Sail schedule discussionl]

Q: Right. Okay so what were you gonna tell me about her getting all

A: * Oh, oh the thing why she started staying here [6/10] I guess. Ah, she said this is what she told me. Her parents her parents are having some kind of huge dispute like. Um, she was telling me about how she hates her father. And how her father was cheating and has been cheating on her mom. And like her mom, ah, always is like I guess is not listening to what Casey’s saying to her. I guess to leave him. And this whole big dispute. And her reasoning for the whole thing of her being here and Caylee being @ the nanny’s is the fact that she didn’t want Caylee to be in the house while that was happening. And she couldn’t deal with it. And she used to tell me that she talked to her mom about how her mom’s glad that I’m here for Casey because she wouldn’t be able to go through what’s going on between the two parents if I wasn’t around and all this stuff….

Tony's account (albeit hard to read Tony-ese) ties very cleanly with Casey having creating a NEW, THIRD person/location to explain Caylee's whereabouts tied specifically first, to the week of 6/10 to set the stage, then, adapting it 6/16 to deal with Caylee’s death. Tony is adamant about the story being given exactly corresponding w/ Casey's move-in w/ her stuff [6/9], and later [post-6/15] Casey's insistence that she even tell him unprovoked, where Caylee was staying. I'm amazed that he gives the account of subsequent weekends, quite frankly. I also noted that "the beach" weekend agrees w/ the story Casey gave to Jesse G for Caylee's whereabouts on that same 6/28 weekend.

In the Casey-Tony relationship the NEW, THIRD person/location begat "nanny", nanny begat "zanny", and zanny begat ZFG.

Casey's care arrangements for Caylee 6/10-6/14 have yet to be determined. Casey had some method & location for "caring" for Caylee during the nighttime on those dates, which Caylee survived through until at least her sighting on 6/15. Initially gave alot of treatement to the Oviedo house as a potential for this service. More recently I'm strongly considering the potential that Casey used Lee’s house while he was outta town.

If Caylee was still alive on 6/16, why did Casey create the story of the new, third-party person/location w/ Tony on 6/16? If Casey's Caylee-Care was working 6/10-6/14, why change? Its quite simple. ON 6/16 CASEY REALIZED THAT SHE COULD NO LONGER PRODUCE CAYLEE PHYSICALLY TO EITHER G&C OR HER FRIENDS. CASEY REALIZED SHE NEEDED A THIRD-PARTY SHE COULD USE AS THE ALIBI TO TELL BOTH GROUPS - G&C AND CASEY'S FRIENDS. Whichever group Casey was with would always be told Caylee was with the nanny, and since the nanny didn't exist Casey didn't hafta worry about the two groups talking.

Casey could've played it cool and continued telling Tony that Caylee was w/ G&C for awhile. She could've played that out longer. She slipped.

So, is your theory that Casey was actually planning on killing Cindy and framing George, and Caylee was accidentally killed instead? Because her plan did not work out, she had to change her story. This is very interesting and extremely well thought out.
I hope they searched this entire wooded area because in the latest doc dump there 5 witness statements alluding to something found here. all 5 witnesses were asked if they had spoken with the media (none had ) and all 5 agreed to testify. the statements were logged as evidence.

these statements were logged on 9/12, I know that le walked back here with kio after her 2nd interview with le, just wondering if an official search was done, surely it was right ?

From what I hear from sources, Yes, it has been searched.
So, is your theory that Casey was actually planning on killing Cindy and framing George, and Caylee was accidentally killed instead? Because her plan did not work out, she had to change her story. This is very interesting and extremely well thought out.

Theory du jour you might say :)


Caylee's death may or may not have been accidental. It may have been accidental o.d. of sedation, or it may have been intentional crime of passion after something botched her plans for Cindy's demise (e.g. Cindy heads to nursing home before she can be dosed resulting in witnesses that screwed Casey's alibi, something went awry in dosing Cindy, etc.).
Bond. Regarding your working theory...when you say "frame George" do you mean as in a murder-suicide? Cause I can't see KC being clever enough to frame a still-living GA who's able to speak up with an alibi and fight for his own defense.

FWIW-I've always believed that both GA & CA were KC's original intended victims. That plan got messed up (like you've layed out) and in the heat of anger and panic, she switched gears and killed Caylee instead. Then, she was really screwed! She worked SO hard on this "perfect crime" plan! Now, it was Caylee who was dead. Lotta good that did her. Didn't get her the house all to herself.
She had 31 days to come up with a new crime story. Her mind went blank.

And OT: I have this thing bugging me. I can't help but wonder if Casey didn't run into the "real" ZG at some point and ZG must of really pissed her off! So she set out to find out things about this woman in order to pay her back someday. Maybe some confrontation at the shared tattoo parlor. "Iron" something. Maybe ZG didn't think too much of their run-in and that's why she can't ever place seeing KC before this case, but to KC who's ALL ABOUT DRAMA, maybe she never forgot ZG. JMO
(1) first laying the groundwork the week of 6/10, for murdering Cindy and framing George, and,
(2) a change in story to cover Caylee's demise 6/16 with the invention of Caylee being @ the nanny's to explain her being MIA, and reneging on having Amy move into G&C's.

Note: Casey telling Amy the G&C divorcing and Casey taking-over G&C’s house story was also laying the same groundwork for off’ing Cindy & framing George. It seems incredibly rare for Casey to tell the SAME story to both groups of friends. Casey reneged on this story to Amy 6/16 telling her the deal was off (also evidenced by Amy texting Casey she was going Tue 6/17 to fill out a change of address card to stop her things from going to G&C’s.) since Caylee died. With Caylee gone, Casey HAD to eliminate Amy from any move-in scenario. Amy was going to babysit Caylee in the new arrangement…changing that story was a top priority!

What caught my attention is the fact that "Amy" went to fill out a change of address card on June 17th. That is the same day that Z.F.G. went to Saw Grass... What if Amy and Casey were planing on getting rid of George and/or Cindy? As Casey had stated on June 16 telling "Amy" the deal was off. Again, brings me back to June 15th the night of the fight and that is when something happen to Caylee and Cindy and Casey know what happen and where Caylee is. Cindy as a nurse was not able to bring Caylee back so they plotted the new story. George was not home so they made up the script for all to follow which would make George lie about June 16 being the last time he saw Caylee and he is just protecting Casey and Cindy, as he still is and knows that Caylee is dead, even told the FBI the truth needs to come out, there is much more to this story..Again, June 17 could it be that "Amy" got that name for Casey? Maybe Casey had her on tape about getting rid of the parents and black mailed Amy? Just a thought, I find it odd that Amy went to fill out the change of address card on June 17 when she already knew June 16th that the deal was off..When did the deal close and did she already change her address prior? If not, why need to go and change it?
Hey, Bern. FWIW, before the ping data came out I was a big proponent of the 895 N. Jessup house in Oviedo being THE location she used 6/10-6/14. Waaaay back in this thread, you'll see where I tipped LE to it based on the info at the time...that's how convinced I was at the time.

When the ping data first came out, the absolute first thing I did was manually look over the pings for 6/10-6/14 to see if she was near that house. I didn't see any at that it was back to the drawing board for me.

Until recently I've been focused on disposal locations and spending less time on the preparation & crime itself. So, the ping spreadsheet is absent pre-6/14 data currently...that was done in the interest of getting it up quickly. TexasLil (and/or ElizaAvalon? and/or others? - my apologies for a foggy memory on that) got pre-6/14 data converted at a later time and I haven't gone back to incorporate it yet. I'll plow into that and give all this a closer look. Georgia PI has already posted a 6/10 ping map. It takes a tremendous amount of time to do I dunno if 6/11-6/14 will follow or not.

'That being said', there are periods of inactivity on her phone for which we don't know where she, almost anything is possible...(e.g. 895 N Jessup house)...just less probable vs. Lee's IMHO, given the ping data.

This is very interesting to me, because I didn't know about this house for a long time. I didn't even know about this site, and I got what I got in a vision, some can laugh, but I got it 2 days after this broke. I also think that the pings will help you see where she wanted you to see, but we need to look at where there should be pings and they are not. The dead time. That's how I came up with the house. Look at the 16th 17th and 18-19th again. See where she goes into a dead zone and where she picks up again. I think the pings threw us off a bit. I think we were right in the beginning, now if we could get some one to search......

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