100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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Can someone please give a brief synopsis from this mornings testimony? TIA

They only started around 12:40 due to audio problems. Seems like they got through a dozen or so questions and more audio problems. You haven't missed all that much. Oh and Nurmi being Nurmi.
Too bad Vinnie cant ask her these questions....hes funny!!!
The email sent to Lisa Andrews had the word "Whoredom" in it, the SAME word Arias just used on the stand when talking about the "Chastity" issues. It seems to me that the Jury isn't buying the line of bullcrap Arias is trying to sell.

I hope these questions keep going in this manner, if so one can tell whose favor they are leaning. Looks like it's going to be a GUILTY verdict, but of what?
omg she is saying the book of Mormon uses the terms "whoredom"... just like that tire slashing letter!

yes! it is in the Book Of Mormon and she I am sure used that word in the letters. (thats sort of an old biblical type term)

*advertiser censored*·dom (hôrdm, hr-)
1. The practice of accepting payment in exchange for sexual relations; prostitution.
a. Unlawful sexual relations.
b. Promiscuous sex.
3. Bible Unfaithfulness to God; idolatry.
If I were on that Jury, I would not ask one question.

Why bother? I don't believe anything she says.

Maybe there's a juror like you there.

Maybe the other 17 are responsible for these questions.

I'm not throwing in the towel and having a panic fest because they are asking questions that I perceive as astute and skeptical of her lies. I applaud their questions and participation. I was just offering my opinion and responding to your post and now I am done.
The question re anal sex and her answer that Travis told her ONLY vaginal was off-limits.

I'm pretty sure there isn't an adult on earth (unless severely lacking in critical thinking skills) who would believe a religion would condone anal and oral, but - ummmm - vaginal is an absolute no no.

like he would actually tell her that. He was doing everything else so why not that too?

I don't believe that for a second.
I'm sure you all probably know this by now...

But it is not normal for an abuse victim to save objects symbolic of degrading or abusive behaviors for sentimentality.

It just isn't anywhere close to the norm.

Great observation.
Love the question about 'why would you want your future kids to be around a pedophile.' This alone underscores the absurdity of Jodi's claim that he's into kids.

As one of the HLN experts said: "In a trial, it's often more about the questions than the answers." There's no legit response she could make to that excellent question.

Case closed: She's been lying to the jury all day long.
June 4th No phone upstairs - she had her purse/phone in the bedroom, I thought.
What a liar.
:yesss: :skip: :loveyou:
:jumping: :cheer: :yesss:
:loveyou: :jumping: :cheer: :skip:
:cheer: :skip: :yesss:
:skip: :loveyou:
Oh wait. Sound problem. Is this
:python: ?
I think the guy can hear just fine. It's the answers that make him think he can't believe he's hearing correctly. :floorlaugh:

His poor ears are probably giving out completely after hearing about anal sex for weeks on end.
Ok, I found an exerpt from the email on the HLN site...

"This disturbing behavior didn’t stop there. It took an even darker turn when Andrews got an anonymous threatening email shortly after Alexander’s tires were slashed. Andrews turned over the email to Flores. This is how that email is transcribed in his report:

“You are a shameful *advertiser censored*. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you’ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving away the Holy Ghost, and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future, your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions. You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don’t ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.”"

Link: http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/01/23/woman-arias-invoked-god-nasty-email-me
I'm nearsighted (ie, I am a little nearsighted and need to wear glasses to drive). I don't need glasses to see my pooter screen, or to read books. But driving is a SOB.

In 2010 she was in jail, but acknowledges that she had to get real close to a sign to read it. Well, that's a bad case of nearsightedness, and is quite dangerous.

For her not to know she had a problem in 2007 or 2008 makes no sense to me. And for those who drive in the dark (and are nearsighted), it's dang near impossible.

I don't believe her excuse of trying on someone's glasses and going "viola" - I need glasses.

But this is just my experience, as I've had to wear glasses for the last 12 years!



Here's the email sent anonymously to Lisa Andrews a day or so after the two tire slashing incidents at her house while Travis was there:

"You are a shamefulwhore Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you' ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving away the Holy Ghost, and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal convenants. Of all the commandments to break, commuting acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of the Lord. You cannot be ashamed enough of yourself. You are filthy, and you need to repent and become clean in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disprespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord And Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future, your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions. You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don't ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being."
Anyone on the jury that wears prescription glasses will know that trying on somebody else's pair does not help you see at all. In fact, they usually make matters twice as bad. Liar!
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