17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Here's what you missed:

A: The sky is blue.
B: Not when it's storming. Then it's gray.
C: Sometimes the sun shines when it's storming.
D: Yeah but sometimes the sky's white when it snows.
E: Sometimes it's red. Or black.
F: There's always blue, even if you can't see it.
F: I had this sky once, and it was purple.
G: We aren't supposed to talk about purple.
H: We can talk purple as long as we don't talk violet.

There you go...all caught up. We really need a document dump!

because they're like, a little BETTER at deciding who is a real threat as opposed to a delusional threat cooked up in some gun totting vigilantes mind. Trayvon exhibited none, zero, actual suspicious behavior. But George calls 911 anyway-fine, then let them do their job. But no, he was sick of those a$%holes getting away. So, he decided to apprehend and detain Trayvon.

The intent to detain someone is not lawful but that's what he intended to do. No other reason to follow and CONFRONT him as shown by the gf's phone call when he pops up again after Trayvon thinks he is safe from the nutcase scoping him out. If someone IS a danger the last thing the police want you to do is go anywhere near them. Most people, when they call the police, actually do what the police tell them-don't follow the guy means wait in your car the REAL police are coming. He choose not to do that and he is thus responsible for everything that ensued, even if one thinks his following was legal (which I don't as it was clearly done with the intent to apprehend and detain) it was also stupid and jeopardized everyone within the reach of his gun, depraved indifference to anyone but himself.

BBM: How do you know? How do any of us know? We don't. IMO
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I was beginning to get that impression. I can't do the whole semantic dance. Just like my damnable computer, I am fried with all the bickering. Hope that is alright to say...

Right now, none of knows piddly @#$%

We can only go on our gut for now and the little that has come out. My gut tells me that GZ is guilty of more than just following Trayvon.

BBM: Totally agree with the BBM above!
I blame the media frenzy on the SPD fuster cluck. Not on Crump, AS or JJ or anyone else. If they had done their due diligence, there wouldn't have been the need for the massive call to justice and the media (or us) wouldn't be talking about it today. I believe the SPD is racist and corrupt up to their collective red necks and they thought the shooting of a black kid was no biggie and would primarily go unnoticed and unchallenged. Although I'm not convinced that Zimmerman's father has/had any real pull, I think the SPD weighed the dead black kid against the son of a magistrate judge, who was a known community member as opposed to Trayvon, and it was a no brainer to them not to charge Zimmerman. When the media got involved people were good and pizzed.

I believe that Trayvon was targeted by Zimmerman because he was a young black man. Whether that's because of the previous robberies or because he's a racist, or he had some sort of need to be a hero or all of the above, (which I personally believe) remains to be seen.

My bottom line is I think Trayvon was defending himself against Zimmerman when he was shot.

I'm beginning to think this also :-( Part of me hopes Trayvon was the one who attacked GZ first. To think that a 28 year old man could just go up to a barely 17 year old, (who was doing nothing more then walking on the
sidewalk, talking on the phone) and murder him because of the color of his skin is just beyond believe! And this same 28 year old man may be able to hide behind the SYG law is very scary.
BBM: How do you know? How do any of us know? We don't. IMO

hmmm, interesting concept, so the idea would be that GZ described to the dispatcher ALL of this child's behaviors EXCEPT the ones that were ACTUALLY the suspicious ones? That he chose to LEAVE OUT all the evil SUSPICIOUS things that Trayvon was doing, but yet describe to the police dispatcher every little NON SUSPICIOUS thing that the "kid" was doing?

I wish we had GZ's police statements, all of them...for there appears to be inconsistencies...

How is it that MOM hasn't seen the statements GZ made to police?

I believe, if you tell the 'truth' the first time. you don't have to remember the details...when you lie or misrepresent, that's when you get inconsistant statements...

I certainly hope someone from the FBI has tested the voice from that scream, but I believe it's TM's scream for after the sound of the gun, the scream goes silent...

That works both ways. The assault stopped after the sound of the gun, therefore if it was GZ screaming, he had no reason to continue screaming.
I'm assuming Crump wants this to go to trial. The records would come out at trial, Hippa or no Hippa. So you think he would make up this whole huge lie that would most assuredly be exposed at trial - that would kill the case he wants to be a success for his client??

That was so convoluted, it was difficult to type it out.

You know IMO there is another side to that -- I don't think he necessarily wants this to go to trial -- IMO all they wanted was an ARREST. Which if I understand correctly, opens the door to civil liability. They also don't want a SYG hearing. What they want is a plea. :moo::moo::moo:
hmmm, interesting concept, so the idea would be that GZ described to the dispatcher ALL of this child's behaviors EXCEPT the ones that were ACTUALLY the suspicious ones? That he chose to LEAVE OUT all the evil SUSPICIOUS things that Trayvon was doing, but yet describe to the police dispatcher every little NON SUSPICIOUS thing that the "kid" was doing?



Had to walk 2.4 miles each way to the store yesterday. :)cat: doesn't like to miss a meal) So I was listening to music, looking about and grumbling to myself about the broken down truck. I bet I looked on drugs or something. Actually reached down to my waistband to turn of the music. Glad my neighbors are friendly folks. JMO IMO MOO

I still can not for the life of me figure out if GZ thought it was suspicious enough to call for assistance why he decided to put his own life and that of his neighbors in danger by following? But that is just me.
You know IMO there is another side to that -- I don't think he necessarily wants this to go to trial -- IMO all they wanted was an ARREST. Which if I understand correctly, opens the door to civil liability. They also don't want a SYG hearing. What they want is a plea. :moo::moo::moo:

I think Mr.Crump wants justice. That is all. I just noticed if you take the p off your hat and you add it after the m....... Isn't that ironic???? jmp
I believe she will take the stand. By the time this goes to trial she will be older, she will be asked only specific questions and if MOM tries to discredit her if her testimony is solid the jury will not like it. It was just a conversation between two people and what she heard right before the call ended. I doubt if MOM would even ask her questions and he would want to move on quickly and get this out of the way and forgotten. jmo

What concerns me is that Crump seems to have interviewed her first correct?
I may have that wrong. But I think that's correct.

I wonder how much "coaching" may have went on during that first conversation. At that time the civil rights leaders were already involved and everything was getting really intense.

Do I have that right?

Everything runs together these days.

Had to walk 2.4 miles each way to the store yesterday. :)cat: doesn't like to miss a meal) So I was listening to music, looking about and grumbling to myself about the broken down truck. I bet I looked on drugs or something. Actually reached down to my waistband to turn of the music. Glad my neighbors are friendly folks. JMO IMO MOO

I still can not for the life of me figure out if GZ thought it was suspicious enough to call for assistance why he decided to put his own life and that of his neighbors in danger. But that is just me.

No, no...it's not just you. This is why LE directed GZ not to follow and that was without their knowledge at he had a gun. Had GZ disclosed that which he should have because he called for LE help (and he knew better), there would have been more of an order to stay with the truck until LE arrived.

I would hope in the future that should someone call in and LE asks them if they are following that the person would be told to not follow and the reason why they should not do so. Also I would hope in the future all LE asks the question are you carrying a gun, the officers need to know that. jmo
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If he was circling Zimmerman's car, I would say Trayvon was the aggressor, that would certainly concern me and make me feel threatened. I'd be petrified even more at what he might do to someone in the community when he took off running. I'd have to follow and at least keep an eye on where he was going.

Why in the world would he be circling his car if he just wanted to get home with his skittles?


I believe that never happened..how could TM circle his car (3times) and get to where he was shot dead in a matter of seconds? Doesn't make sense nor does it fit the scenario coming out of GZ's mouth...
In an audio recording of Zimmerman's call to police that night, Zimmerman says Trayvon is acting suspiciously and describes him as a black teenager when prompted by the dispatcher.

He does not say that Trayvon was circling his vehicle, but that's what he told police later that night and has consistently told authorities in subsequent interviews, according to the Sentinel's source.

Here, according to that source, is the sequence that Zimmerman provided:

Zimmerman spotted Trayvon, called a nonemergency police number and began describing the teenager. While he was doing that, Trayvon came toward his vehicle and began to circle it.

Zimmerman, though, never described that to the dispatcher.

At one point, about halfway through the four-minute call, he told the dispatcher, "Now he's just staring at me. … Now he's coming towards me. He's got his hand in his waistband. … He's coming to check me out."



How would TM circle his car, then GZ claims he lost sight of him he starts to walk BACK to his SUV..wouldn't he have still been there if like he states, TM was cirlcing his SUV???

Doesnt' make sense, doesn't match his own words during that call...If it doesn't make sense how true can it be???
What concerns me is that Crump seems to have interviewed her first correct?
I may have that wrong. But I think that's correct.

I wonder how much "coaching" may have went on during that first conversation. At that time the civil rights leaders were already involved and everything was getting really intense.

Do I have that right?

Everything runs together these days.

If her parents were so responsible trying to keep her from being involved what makes you think they would allow such behavior???? It seems to me that discrediting this young girl is top priority and we have not even seen her statement. Crump is an attorney, is he not. It sounded as if he had recorded the conversation with her. I believe that is what most attorneys would do. If her story is true she will retell it over and over again with the same details because she is remembering.

Why would you think Crump is not credible? jmo
If her parents were so responsible trying to keep her from being involved what makes you think they would allow such behavior???? It seems to me that discrediting this young girl is top priority and we have not even seen her statement. Crump is an attorney, is he not. It sounded as if he had recorded the conversation with her. I believe that is what most attorneys would do. If her story is true she will retell it over and over again with the same details because she is remembering.

Why would you think Crump is not credible? jmo

I don't find him very credible. I think he gets really caught up in the civil rights activist stuff and is loving the camera time.

I think he would have a lot to gain by swaying a statement.

I have read several things that are hinky to me about him.

Just following the case, I get a real weird vibe from the man.

Perhaps he was "in shock"?

Wow. I did not get that from the picture of GZ at police headquarters. He looked perfectly calm as if he was there for a class in police procedures. Even had LE tuck in his shirt before entering the building....and wipes his feet, too. Usually people who are devastated can't move out of their own way. jmo
I don't find him very credible. I think he gets really caught up in the civil rights activist stuff and is loving the camera time.

I think he would have a lot to gain by swaying a statement.

I have read several things that are hinky to me about him.

Just following the case, I get a real weird vibe from the man.


Oh, so it's a civil rights thing that makes him suspicious. It's not like some people in this country have a history of denying people their civil rights or anything, right? Tough job but someone has to do it. I don't think Mr. Crump has to "make up" stories to get his camera time. There are plenty out there and we all know it. jmo
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