17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #9

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Trayvon Martin: New witness to Trayvon Martin shooting to appear on CNN tonight

n anonymous witness plans to appear on CNN tonight and disclose what happened the night Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.

The witness will appear on the show Anderson Cooper 360, which airs at 8 p.m. eastern time, a publicist said.


Thank you, have it ready to dvr! Think NG will have anyone on this evening? Or should I skip recording her?
Is it the "John" witness speaking out?? I'm not watching? What was said?
I thought 'John' is the one who said GZ was on the bottom?? Is this another 'John'?

Yeah I'm going to edit my post for now. I wanted to see if anyone else saw it. Will post about it after Anderson Cooper at 7...
I find it strange and unsettling (and despicable) that the 'authorities' shoved him in the morgue and didn't try to contact his next of kin for a considerable length of time. Especially since discovering that they were in possession of his cell phone.

OK, now I am really confused, first some are saying the police don't have possession of Trayvon's phone, now you have discovered that they were, which is it?

Second, Trayvon had no ID on him so the "authorities" had no clue who he was so how were they supposed to contact his next of kin? "Shoved" him in the morgue???? Where else were they supposed to put the deceased body of a "John Doe", Madison Square Garden up on a shrine?
I lived literally 5 miles from where Rodney King was beaten. I was home the night when the riots started and it was horrific and frightening to say the least. I'm fearful this will happen again! I just hope the Sanford Police think it's worth other people losing their lives over GZ's irresponsible behavior. Because during the Rodney King riots a lot of innocent people lost their lives just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I say at least arrest GZ until they figure out what really happened? That is usually the normal protocal and if it were one of us you know darn well we'd be sitting in a cell right now!!

Rioting is the fault of those who choose riot, not the police.
My niece had a picture of a 12 pack of Corona posted on her facebook page once and I IM'ed her and told her to remove it immediately and told he she needed to come over so we could talk!

ITA I read an article that a young lady went on an interview and was called back 2-3 times to meet higher ups. They really liked her till they got to her facebook. She did not get the job. Ironically I did meet that girl at some point and I did not hire her either - it was summer and I saw that under her button down blouse (which was a bit open) she was tattooed to the max. This was no image for my firm.
Then I read an article do not put sexy picture, drinking picture, drug pictures, tattoos, or anything that will create any judgment by another person.
New thread opening soon. Start packing up. ;)
Trayvon Martin: New witness to Trayvon Martin shooting to appear on CNN tonight

n anonymous witness plans to appear on CNN tonight and disclose what happened the night Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.

The witness will appear on the show Anderson Cooper 360, which airs at 8 p.m. eastern time, a publicist said.


I think we know who this will be.

Keep in mind I'm playing devils advocate but...

Isn't what I bolded the heart of this case and if that fact has been proven, that he went 'gunning' after TM?

I think it's a pretty established fact, at least for me, that when he left his car with weapon in hand when he saw Trayvon runningaway, calling him an effin**** and these *advertiser censored****** always get away, that he was gunning for him. ( And when I say gunning, I don't mean as in shooting, I mean as in chasing, pursuing ) He wasn't out for a leisurely stroll. Although maybe that will change now and we''ll hear Oliver and Taafe say that he had decided to just take a nightime walk.

What 911 would she have called? I bet all she knew was that he was visiting his Dad in the Orlando area. There are a lot of little municipalities in that area and several counties. How do you figure out which to call?

Chances are she would not have had Trayvon's father's number, maybe not his mother's. She may not have know Trayvon's mother's last name since it was different than Trayvon's so she couldn't look it up. She certainly would not have known Trayvon's Dad's fiance's number, name or address.

Now that so many people only have cell phones, it's a lot harder to track them down. Kids I know don't keep track of their friend's parents - they don't want to talk to the parents.

So who's she gonna call?

Even if she knew he was in Sanford, she wouldn't have known WHERE Trayvon was. Even when Trayvon's father called the Sanford police, it took hours before they connected Trayvon with their 'John Doe' and he knew the area where Trayvon probably was.
If she knew he was in Sanford, she could have called and explained what happened. When the shooting occurred, they would have at least been able to connect the dots more easily. She had a cell phone number, and he allegedly had a smart phone.


It is possible for emergency responders to track cell phones in certain situations. JMO
I think we know who this will be.

Trayvon Martin: Anderson Cooper talks to new eyewitness tonight

CNN's Anderson Cooper has a guest tonight who should interest anyone following the Trayvon Martin saga. "Anderson Cooper 360°" described the guest as a "new eyewitness who has never told their story and actually saw the shooting take place." The...

Trayvon Martin: Anderson Cooper talks to new eyewitness tonight

CNN's Anderson Cooper has a guest tonight who should interest anyone following the Trayvon Martin saga. "Anderson Cooper 360°" described the guest as a "new eyewitness who has never told their story and actually saw the shooting take place." The...


I'm not getting sucked back into the Anderson Cooper/Jane Velez/Nancy Grace storm like I did for Caylee. Please tell me what's said.
I do not think it was a racial crime.
But this is what I do think.
His father saved his arz or at least it appeared that way at first.
Now it will end up being a huge enormous case.
But it is NOT a racial case.
It is how our system works -
IF you have some clout - you call in favors and things happen.

Sorry, but I disagree.

Of COURSE this is a racial case. The only reason TM was hunted down and killed was because he was a black kid. Race is the reason the cops on the scene attempted top coach the witnesses and why they exaggerated Z's injuries in their reports, it's the reason TM's corpse sat in the morgue unidentified, it's the reason the police didn't even bother to call the person TM was talking to at the time of his murder, and if we are going to be honest race is the reason many of Z's defenders are blaming the victim. Even here.
Trayvon Martin: Anderson Cooper talks to new eyewitness tonight

CNN's Anderson Cooper has a guest tonight who should interest anyone following the Trayvon Martin saga. "Anderson Cooper 360°" described the guest as a "new eyewitness who has never told their story and actually saw the shooting take place." The...

This should be interesting. How do you think they weed out the people that just step up to get some spotlight?
Trayvon Martin: Anderson Cooper talks to new eyewitness tonight

CNN's Anderson Cooper has a guest tonight who should interest anyone following the Trayvon Martin saga. "Anderson Cooper 360°" described the guest as a "new eyewitness who has never told their story and actually saw the shooting take place." The...


I might know and his name starts with a J but it is not john.
They just had some neighborhood watch people on this entertainment show? Extra? And none of them agree with what Zimmerman did.
Sorry, but I disagree.

Of COURSE this is a racial case. The only reason TM was hunted down and killed was because he was a black kid. Race is the reason the cops on the scene attempted top coach the witnesses and why they exaggerated Z's injuries in their reports, it's the reason TM's corpse sat in the morgue unidentified, it's the reason the police didn't even bother to call the person TM was talking to at the time of his murder, and if we are going to be honest race is the reason many of Z's defenders are blaming the victim. Even here.


These are rumors that I'm not sure where they got started. Didn't Mr. Martin say the police came to him the next day for identification?
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