Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I dont think the post was short sided at all. We have read countless cases through the years where one lone predator was capable of kidnapping a victim all by themselves by getting them into their vehicle.

Until we are in that situation we cannot say with any certainty what it would take to subdue someone. Some victims will just freeze and be compliant ..others will kick and scream and try to get away and even that is not successful. A person capable of doing this rules by fear and intimidation. When a victim faces the monster of their nightmares we have no clue what is going through their minds at the time. I really think abductions like this happen so fast without any warning that the victim does not have time to react before they are in a vehicle and leaving the area with a person, who I have no doubt, is threatening to kill them if they dont do what they tell them to do.
I do think it is very possible for one lone perp to kidnap Sierra although I certainly know that others could be involved too.


Bolded respectfully by me.

Very true. We don't know if this perp was armed or not either. (s)he or they may have been. Even if not, Sierra is only 15 years old. A child may or may not resist but no indication of resisting doesn't mean she didn't. It just means there was no evidence of resisting left behind. Bless her heart. She must have been terrified. :(
I anxiously await the investigative details of Samantha Koenig's abduction and murder. Lone perpetrator, stranger, and random.

You have to be a member I see to view her Facebook page.
That is disappointing.

Waiting for links from today's searching.
HLN Prime News - 3pm PST Now :)
Sierra LaMar
A lone perp could have put her in the trunk after cuffing her.
Marc Klaas is on HLN saying he thinks the search today is LE "trying to eliminate high probability areas where she could be". He thinks that's what's prompting LE's search and Klaaskids' search as well.
Depends on the taser, but generally leave you pretty dazed and confused for quite a while.

Would imagine the fear of it being used again would also play a part in keeping a person compliant
Investigative Reporter Michelle Sigona says there will be another search tomorrow. She says she confirmed this with the superintendent of the school. Also, a search next Wednesday.

I'm not sure if she's getting tomorrow confused with Saturday, though.

ETA: Marc Klaas says the search is Saturday, but Michelle says the superintendent's office said the search is tomorrow.
Marc Klaas said of the handcuff box, "I think it was discovered under less than ideal circumstances. In other words, it was found by a searcher, but it was found by a searcher unilaterally, not on a search team and it was in an area that had been searched numerous times before."
I agree with the premise of your post, but it does seem short sided. If you are being abducted (or know you are in a deadly situation) and your hands are free, most people will instinctively grab at or jerk the steering wheel or attack the driver (eye gouging etc..)while the car is moving. There is a reason that abductors restrain or incapacitate their victims before taking them away, especially in a planned abduction. We also know that control is a strong motivating factor for most abductors, they like to control every aspect of their crime/victim.
In regards to this case, I would think a lone abductor would put a high priority on restraining her and he would need at least a minute to secure her, more if she struggled. OTOH, two or more abductors can grab and go with one of them restraining her. There is nothing to make me lean one way or the other here, but there are so many possibilities in this case and the info we are working with only diminishes the chances of her being a run away and not much else.

Hate to disagree, Frogz, but many young women will NOT fight back because they're scared spitless, and maybe the abductor has some kind of weapon they can see. To me, it's hard to say what most would or wouldn't do because every situation is different, and every person is different. In all honesty, nobody knows what they'll do until they're faced with it.
Marc says this case is similar to that of Christina Williams from Fort Ord. She disappeared while walking her dog and her remains were found months later, but the case is still unsolved.
Ted Bundy was a very sick person who enjoyed torturing his victims in brutal and horrible ways once he moved them to a secondary location. Some he kept handcuffed or tied to trees for days before killing them. Furthermore, he also would break into some victims' homes and murder them there.

I stated the fact that cars come equipped with child locks as a simple explanation of how someone could keep a person in a car against their will. Of course, that isn't the only way.

And you would think it'd be instinct to attack someone who is attempting to abduct you, but it isn't instinctive to everyone or else it wouldn't happen.

What is extremely short-sighted is how people have repeatedly stated it had to have been multiple offenders because there is no way that one person could abduct a tiny 15-year-old girl against her will. That is simply false. Much stronger, wiser, and older people (men and women) are taken against their will by a single offender. Statistics state that it is likely a single offender.

For all anyone knows, it could have been 10 people, but that is highly unlikely. Coming up with a theory that may happen 1 out of 1000 times does not make a case any closer to being solved.

Great post, and I totally agree.
I have to say...LE is doing a great job on this one. And awesome community coming together. I hope Sierra gets to see how much she is loved and cared about, even by people who do not know her personally.
Also, aren't child locks only on the back doors of a car? If she got in the car willingly and there was only one perp, it would be weird for her to night ride in the front.

Also, if the perp did hit her, I guess its possible he'd/they would drive for a bit, then throw the phone, and then drive a bit more, and throw the purse.

But more than likely, if this were the scenario, i'd think the phone and purse would have been thrown a bit closer to eachother. Although it is possible the perp(s) didn't want the purse to be to easy to find and knew the phone would be traceable.

A lot of IFs there.

One other thing ive considered, is how big this purse was. I know if I were getting into a car with a backpack, I probably wouldn't have room to put it in the front seat with me. It would either go in the back seat, or the trunk.

This could mean the phone was tossed, then there was a scuffle (or the perp had a weapon), then the perp stopped and through the purse.

Some interesting possibilities there, but I dont think they really reveal anything important about the case, because we cant determine if it were one or multiple perps from this information.

My Jeep is a 2004. My doors all lock automatically as soon as acceleration reaches about 5 mph. My FIL's car is the same way, and quite a few others that I've been in.
My Jeep is a 2004. My doors all lock automatically as soon as acceleration reaches about 5 mph. My FIL's car is the same way, and quite a few others that I've been in.

Mine are the same way and will not open if the car is moving. I've tried :rolleyes:
I used to have a Ford Taurus that allowed me to press a button on the driver's side of the vehicle that would automatically "lock out" the other three doors. They couldn't be unlocked unless I pressed the button in the opposite direction.
Hate to disagree, Frogz, but many young women will NOT fight back because they're scared spitless, and maybe the abductor has some kind of weapon they can see. To me, it's hard to say what most would or wouldn't do because every situation is different, and every person is different. In all honesty, nobody knows what they'll do until they're faced with it.
Ask yourself these questions. Do think there are more attempted kidnappings than there are actual kidnappings? Why did these potential victims get away? Did any of the people that got away survive because they resisted? Did they get away because they complied?
I think the real question is being overlooked here and that is- Do abductor's actually give their potential victims a chance to escape? That is the crux of it all and that is why Ted Bundy is not a good example to try to counter my argument. We are talking about a man who spent countless amounts of time scheming ways to get his victims
into inescapable situations.
AGAIN I will say there is a reason that abductors restrain their victims, it's to minimize their chance to escape.
I think Sierra was too street wise to have been simply grabbed off the street, at least if she was as edgy as she made herself out to be. Only those close to her can answer that.

IMO she was vulnerable and her anti-establishment feelings could lead her to accepting a ride from someone(s) she thought was a like minded rebel or appeal to her in some way.

I can imagine her using her street smarts to take control of the situation and not show fear. Perhaps realizing bad intentions, she might have even taken off her cloths in an attempt to defuse her captor and win favor, buying time by neatly folding and talking. It doesn't matter if she normally did not fold things neatly, as the situation is not a normal one.
I can see why Marc Klass would compare Christina Marie Williams to Sierra.

Christina was a 13 year old Filipina- American girl, who was abducted in 1998, while walking her dog one evening around 7 :30pm. Her family lived on the old Fort Ord base at the time. Her remains were found the following winter, in an area of Fort Ord that had previously been searched.

Christina's father was a serviceman, and the family had previously lived in Japan...

Sketches were made of two male suspects. One looked to be in his late teens, and the other was said to be in his early twenties. They were never located... Case still unsolved...

Interesting about both girls being Asian American...wonder if that is a prefered "look " for these perps ? Also, the placement of Christina's body in a place where searchers had already looked...

And that "neatly folded clothing " ? Maybe LE did have a reason for mentioning that... Military ?
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