Caylee Anthony 2 years old #5

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I haerd/read somewhere that the police ruled out decomp, and dying in car. Not sure where i read .heard it though.
suziQ had mentioned that they had ruled out she had not died in the car seat....but that was all... no word on forensics for the rest of the car
I found the statement regarding the carseat. Is "there" the carseat or the car itself?

Sources told Eyewitness News that investigators have talked to the person who drove Casey from an Amscott parking lot, where her car was found abandoned, and feel that person may be able to provide more information. Investigators said the car seat found does not indicate the child died there, but they are still unsure what caused the stench they said was emanating from the car.

Thanks Suzi, thats where I saw it. Just couldn't remember where. Thank you!
My mom was here earlier watching NG with me. First thing that popped in her head was that Casey was hiding Caylee from Cindy because she was afraid of what Cindy would do to her daughter for some reason. Mom also noted that Cindy seemed like a woman that could be very abusive.

It made me stop and think anyway.

Esp after Geraldo interview. I can picture Cindy being very "verbally abusive"
I found the statement regarding the carseat. Is "there" the carseat or the car itself?

Sources told Eyewitness News that investigators have talked to the person who drove Casey from an Amscott parking lot, where her car was found abandoned, and feel that person may be able to provide more information. Investigators said the car seat found does not indicate the child died there, but they are still unsure what caused the stench they said was emanating from the car.

As far as the pizza goes, I asked hubby, and he says that if it was a real "meaty" pizza, it could cause a smell when it begins to rot. Rotting hamburger smells pretty gross. So if it was hamburger, sausage, and other meats it could produce a stench. But a pizza that was only cheese, he doesn't think could cause that type of smell.
Thank You Aimee!

This girl is lying! I see her eyes averted, she can't look the reporters in they eye when saying she is 'very close to Casey and very close to this family'... she nods and looks very guilty when asked when she learned about Caylee missing, when she came back from her flight.. Then admits Casey took money from her, but then says obviously she's not that close to Casey..

She is a key, I do believe.
I found the statement regarding the carseat. Is "there" the carseat or the car itself?

Sources told Eyewitness News that investigators have talked to the person who drove Casey from an Amscott parking lot, where her car was found abandoned, and feel that person may be able to provide more information. Investigators said the car seat found does not indicate the child died there, but they are still unsure what caused the stench they said was emanating from the car.

thank you SO MUCH :blowkiss: i've been searching for this information!
Aimee...again....thank you so very much... SHE IS LYING IMHOO. She is not upset about the baby...she is upset about her own role in this.... how could you live with casey...sans caylee for 5 weeks and not wonder where that child is?? wow...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your so welcome. I could see her trying so hard to wish she didn't open the door. She tried to close it numerous times. Nobody is crying over this that I have saw (except once Cindy did almost)
Thank You Aimee!

This girl is lying! I see her eyes averted, she can't look the reporters in they eye when saying she is 'very close to Casey and very close to this family'... she nods and looks very guilty when asked when she learned about Caylee missing, when she came back from her flight.. Then admits Casey took money from her, but then says obviously she's not that close to Casey..

She is a key, I do believe.

your welcome. I agree 100% with all you said.
Oh my, what a drunk fest! Little Caylee sure doesn't fit into this lifestyle.

I noted that.............a few token pictures of Caylee, but the rest are of Casey and friends drinking and partying.
Hi everyone, I don't post much (obviously), but I read all the time. I can no longer refrain form giving my .02.

This entire case is so troubling. There are so many things that just don't add up.

1. In the raw footage of Cindy's interview where she goes on and on about the bamboo, she also talks about locking the sheds about a month prior to the interview. This has bugged me since I heard it, IMO the timing is just plain odd. Why wait until Caylee is almost 3? Am I the only one troubled by this?

2. In the same interview she makes a big point about how safety conscious they are. She specifically mentions the pool and door knobs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they show the pool without a cover or fence around it yet the sheds (how many are there?) are now locked.

3. Cindy hadn't had time tell her family about Caylee's disappearance, but George's family was contacted (MIL's difficulty with the press)?

4. Regarding Casey calling Caylee "the child". IMO it's no different than saying "the parents" when you're conversing with a sibling or close friend. That's especially true if you've just had a difficult conversation/day/visit. I still, occasionally, refer to my almost 30 year old daughter as "the brat" :).

5. I must have missed it, how was it determined that George is former LEO?

Repeating, this is all IMO. Family dynamics are probably the key to finding Caylee.

amen! As per George's le was reported, I believe, today...but I do not have the exact link in front of me...have to do some digging.....
For someone so close to the family and loving that little girl as much as she claims, where is the support on her own myspace to find Caylee? The entire thing is about herself, only a picture of Caylee.

Amy's eyes look tired and worried.
this flurry of activity of me writing after over 3 years of mostly lurking has inspired me to actually decorate my user profile! lol.

thanks for the questions answered, be back later :)
your so welcome. I could see her trying so hard to wish she didn't open the door. She tried to close it numerous times. Nobody is crying over this that I have saw (except once Cindy did almost)

We had a 13 year old in our neighborhood that didn't come home one night and thankfully popped up the next afternoon. He'd gone to a new friends house, that no one knew about, without telling anyone. No one had a dry eye the entire time the kid was missing. Everyone was failing miserably at being brave. His poor family looked like death warmed over. It was bad.
Good night Sleuthers, hope there isn't too much posted for us to have to catch up on in a few hours, AFTER I get some sleep!

I still say this friend Amy is lying. She can't keep her eyes open while trying to answer simple questions. :liar:
:bedtime::bedtime::bedtime:goodnight everyone! This nurse is mooned out from naked casey butt pictures! LOL...

Keep up the good work. I hope le is reading here to get some ideas on where to go with this case! What a cache of BRILLIANT MINDS! And I do mean that sincerely, despite the jokester that I can be :crazy:

amen! As per George's le was reported, I believe, today...but I do not have the exact link in front of me...have to do some digging.....

Please don't go to any trouble, I've no doubt the answer will pop up here, again, soon.
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