FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #15

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Just thinking out loud.......

Contractors such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, roofers, etc., work on not real tight schedules. A job at one place may take a day or 2 or whatever longer than projected. They may be scheduled to do work at a site, but may not make it there as scheduled. And if the home is empty, as this one seemed to be?, then they come and go at all different times of the day.

We had a general contractor here for an addition, and he was not here during most of the work. He really had no idea who his sub-contractors brought with them to do their job. And, lol, whew! some of them were scary.
I went on clay county site-I forget what it is called now.


It shows a floor plan of the house on Gano. Not a real picture, but what is there in a drawing form.

It is a concrete block house so no siding then? I don't know what Florida houses are like. We wouldn't have too many concrete block houses here.

Yes, most houses - at least the newer ones - are not wood framed and sheathed due to termites.

No heating and no cooling, but maybe with the fire the owner would have it installed?

Where is that documented? - okay now I see it in the link that you provided - I would be very surprised if there was no heating and cooling. I think the heating and cooling ducts were most likely removed due to the fire but were there in the original home prior to the fire.

I am wondering with a concrete block house and no heating or cooling, why would there be a fire? Something left on stove? I don't know if there's any reason to wonder or not.

The framing inside the home would be wood. Fires, at least around here, rare start in the heating and cooling.
I just do not understand this statement.

The Clay County Sheriff's Office hasn't said whether it believes the crime was committed by more than one person.
Well, to be honest, the CCSO hasn't said diddly. Could just as easily have been worded 'the CCSO hasn't said whether it believes the crime was committed by one person'.
Media Question: In your opinion, was the crime committed by just one person?
LE Answer: No comment.
There you have it. They haven't said. On the other hand, perhaps they don't know anything. Maybe we just thought they were so smart because they found her body so quickly.
Yeah, I had to stop for tonight. I'm going to have to be careful with it in the future - to limit the time I do that, because I'm pretty nauseous. I've had this problem for quite a long time. Or... I can just renew my scrip for that patch you put behind your ear. Can't remember what it's called.

Am still catching up for the night here....will be interested to see if anything comes of the possibly-mutual contractors (or laborers) between the two homes.

hopetohelp if you can't get a Transderm Scop patch (if that's what it is) you might want to try an old-fashioned remedy - Acupressure Motion Sickness bands! I used them on a ocean fishing trip on choppy seas and never once felt ooky even though I get motion sick just from sitting in the backseat of a car. One guy was pretty green in the gills and when I gave him one of my own bands, he felt much better. Just a thought!
The RSOs Kyle and [EDIT] are roommates.

EDIT: I was wrong, the RSO Kyle lives with a different RSO, initials RWM. We sleuthed him earlier, you can search my posts if anyone is interested. I don't have any information that they are connected in anyway to Somer, I just noted they both were required to submit DNA and fingerprints in their plea deals. And they have the same address.


I had just searched for SOs using GCV's address as a starting point, and he was the only one who showed up 0.0 miles from that address.

When I went to quote this post, I saw it had been edited. Thought it was worth bumping in case people just start reading where they left off and don't go back.
Police are calling it a suspicious incident, after a man offers a boy a ride home Monday night near Gilchrist elementary in Tallahassee, but fortunately, the 10-year-old is home safe Tuesday night after telling him "No."

Attempted Abduction? http://www.wctv.tv/news/headlines/69022652.html
Yeah, I had to stop for tonight. I'm going to have to be careful with it in the future - to limit the time I do that, because I'm pretty nauseous. I've had this problem for quite a long time. Or... I can just renew my scrip for that patch you put behind your ear. Can't remember what it's called.

OT/ The Scopolamine patch you put behind the ear makes me sicker than the motion sickness. On-line motion sickness; the drug companies will have a field day. Yikes mho
Ah, sorry for disappearing. And thanks Noway for bumping my edited post.

RSO KR and RSO RM live at the same address. It's also the location for a truck company. I had notes on GV on the same sticky on my computer so sorry for the confusion there.

I remember trying to find a connection between RSO KR and construction, but didn't find anything.
Poppin by to see what's new.

I see this thread is beginning to read like a scanner watch, what with all the codes and all. :crazy:

Not bad, really - you're gettin' the job done, and I'm actually following you!

IIRC, Caylee's thread looked like this for a long time.

Nice work! Carry on!
Just as a reminder, here is Tricia's instruction as to whether or not we can discuss RSO's in this forum:

"It seems there is a legal consideration concerning whether we are allowed to bring information to Websleuths from the actual sex offender registry.

It is illegal to use the sex offender register information to harass anyone. We would never condone this at Websleuths.

It is not illegal (in my opinion) if when a child goes missing or is harmed we look at the sex offenders in the area and post their information, along with maps to show how close they live to the victim.

In every case we have local people reading and posting here. Therefore we are within the guidelines using this info for local information.

Again, we are not EVER going to even hint at harassing anyone on the sex offenders list. Any posting we do about a sex offender will always be within the law.

If any of you have other questions about what you can and can't post please ask them here and we will do our best to clear things up.

I would like to add that any confusion on the rules is totally my fault. I am so sorry if my lack of recognizing problems"

I don't know how to properly quote posts from other threads. So I copied and pasted the info.

That being stated. It does seem we don't have to keep using just initials if they are an RSO - provided the info we are stating isn't used to harass etc. Does anyone think we have to keep using just initials? Please let me know why. Maybe I've misunderstood. My brain just hurts from all these initals that I have to keep straight. It's hard enough remembering what info goes with who, now I've got to remember the initials. LOL.

I just wanted to see if anyone else reads this as we can post names and info about RSO's here.
Some very interesting posts under this news article........( link above)
SharetheLight, I think people were just being cautious, maybe overly so.

I almost feel when I type the name out I have to use the first, middle and last so there is no confusion in case there is someone else out there with that exact name. So I get lazy and use initials.
Hi There: If you feel inclined please read posters comments under this link


wow, those comments are out of control!

A comment I did find interesting was someone stated that an FBI profiler went on the Today Show and said they are not looking for a predator/sex offender. Does anyone have a link to this? Does anyone remember this? A child was murdered and dumped. If not a predator or sex offender then who??
I am finally caught up reading everything and I have some questions and comments.

-I've seen a lot of people say that they have DNA on (insert name here) so if they were the perp they would have already been arrested. I don't think that is the case. I think getting those results back take time. I also think if they only have a dna match, they will not charge until they gather more evidence. Maybe that thought is incorrect though.

-remember the Sheriff stated the only person cleared in this case is him. That is telling.

-I also don't trust an assumption that if the media isn't all over something then it must have checked out or isn't worthy of being checked out. The media isn't all over anything in this case. It really is strange. So I don't think a lack of media attention to something or someone is indicative of anything.

-Can anyone point me to where it is determined that the info about CWG on the initial report is a mistake. We all see the info. I want to know who said it is a mistake. The media in an article? Le in a presser? Le in response to a direct inquiry about this? Someone here who contacted someone?? How did we find out this is a mistake? This is one of the most mind boggling things in this case (well there are a few, lol) I just want to go back and figure this part out. Clearly the media isn't all over this, and this is major!! imo.

-Does anyone remember 2 initial reports on this case? One from 10/22 and one from ?? I've seen it stated that there are two versions out there, one only slightly different. Anyone know about this? It doesn't seem at all possible, just asking.

-I think Kyle is a key person to this case. If he is the last person known to LE to have seen Somer alive, but not the last person to see her alive, he holds valuable information. Not even saying he had anything to do with her death. He saw which direction she went and possibly who she came across, he saw who else was in the area at this time. IIRC, the timeline from the time she was last seen to the time they started searching doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room.

-SP troubles me. He really does. Something is amiss with him. It may just be he is hiding some other illicit activity (not saying he is, just trying to describe my feeling here) and it comes across as him having something to hide in this case. I don't know how he could fit in this puzzle, I truly don't, but he troubles me.

-Lastly where are all the locals, the friends, the distant family, the neighbors, the old neighbors, the acquaintances, the coworkers, schoolmates of this family? Why isn't anyone talking about this case? Is there some sort of mandated hush going on?? I don't remember a case where no one talked. Very strange. In every case you have the people out there who will tell you some tidbit about the victim or their family just to get 5 minutes of fame. I want to know more.
Sharethelight, SP doesn't sit right with me either. I've wanted to know more about him since day 1 but aside from the "indigo" stuff have found very little.
I made my list of things that we know for certain in this case. Didn't include any statement/allegation that had a conflicting report. And actually the list was longer than I thought. It also paints an interesting picture. Kinda tedious in some points but interesting nonetheless. I'll post it all in the morning. I am curious what you all will think, and also curious if I've left out anything, or included something that had a conflicting report. I need to get some sleep. Praying that tomorrow brings new light to this case.
wow, those comments are out of control!

A comment I did find interesting was someone stated that an FBI profiler went on the Today Show and said they are not looking for a predator/sex offender. Does anyone have a link to this? Does anyone remember this? A child was murdered and dumped. If not a predator or sex offender then who??

Found the video...the FBI profiler comes on after local coverage of the story on the video...


It's the top video on the page.

ETA: This was early on in the case...evidently right after they found Somer's body.
Have you all already discussed the (updated?) photo of WLK that is up on the Clay County Jail registry? Because last time I'd checked, they had removed his photo in which he looked much younger.
Have you all already discussed the (updated?) photo of WLK that is up on the Clay County Jail registry? Because last time I'd checked, they had removed his photo in which he looked much younger.

yes Liz we did. a few pages back... I think they did it cause he had dyed his hair.. I told dh a lot of good it does if he gets out he will dye again.. he has a problem with gray hair I think.. That is odd for a man..

the jail should have a side by side of him... lol
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