FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #32

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merry christmas eve everyone. There are alot of posters that think I am a DT basher. I dont think this is true. If anything I think I have repeatedly talked myself into believing that she had nothing to do with somers death. Just as I have talked myself into believing that ST had many road blocks that kept him from seeing his kids.

I too have been through a bad divorce many moons ago. My ex took my 2 yr old and kept her from me for months. I was broke and didnt have dependable car, she too was over 500 miles away. LE in that state did not help me. This was "his" state. In those days each parent could get custody in their state. Thankfully this changed to the custodial parents state having venue in these cases. What I am trying to say is that NO road blocks (and there were many) kept me from getting to my child, because she was my priority. She is almost 30 now (yikes) and still comments on how no matter where she was, I would move heaven and earth to find her. I would have faced the devil himself to see my child. I still would.
My four yr old gdaughter has several backpacks, so does my 4 yr old grandson. They pack toys etc, in them. And in defense of the mismatched socks... socks arent something that is needed in fl until oct, when the weather gets chilly. This was our first cold weather and maybe she was just glad to find a "pair of socks" that day. This could also be why she remembered them so vividly. That is had gotten cold when she picked out her clothes.. I myself have been glad to have found any pair of socks at this time of year, and searching for any pair of socks and finally finding two that match each other would make you remember the ones you finally found. (with a mental note that I need to get the kid some socks)

I have personally felt DTs wrath, at least through eye contact. Her look was one of pure hatred. Maybe it was because I was with ST. Maybe it was because she knows I am a ws member and have called her out on her dress choice and lack of supervision for these kids. But she was obviously trying to intimidate me with her glare, and honestly it worked, it was that fierce. I shook it off quickly, but I remember wondering if she had ever glared at somer when she was angry in that way. Just how bad is this womans temper?

I personally am going back to the beginning on my thoughts of everyone involved in this case and try to squash any of my preconceived notions regarding them. ST can think Im on his side, DT can think I am against her. I am neither. I am both. I want justice for somer. I want the other kids to be someones priority. NO matter what each thinks of me or who I am "for".. I will tell the truth as I see it... thanks to all of you I can see more clearly now.

I have read all of your posts since way back when, and I never got the impression that you bashed anyone. I think you have a big heart and more experience than the rest of us with this family. I think you want to do and say the right things, and that you have put a lot of personal effort and time into trying to help point to the truth. I would like to say that I think even professional detectives - being human beings - have their own ideas, perspectives, or even prejudices which they have to fight to get over. I imagine they also have some lively discussions and even arguments over cases. But they keep working until hopefully they find the perpetrators. I wish that everyone here would refrain from saying even veiled or sarcastic things just because they feel strongly against someone else's theory or understanding of the situation.

I highly doubt that most people are here to gossip or be entertained. I don't think most people want to bash anyone. Evidence is evidence, facts are facts, and in the absence of them, behaviors are behaviors. Period. The rest is speculation or questions. How is that wrong? Respectfully submitted.
I don't know - I agree with you on all accounts. Everything is about HER - on so many different accounts in the videos. Where you would expect her to talk more about the family and Somer. How this is so wrong for Somer - yes, few mentions but the latter overdoes it.

I swear that human lie detector website had to be that original poster who showed up here the first week that Somer went missing and told us to REALLY look at what mom is saying - and not saying-- and her body movements. I was TOTALLY on mom's side and was not suspicious at all - I have a weak case of trying to see the good in all people. My opinion changed over time. I am not saying mom played direct role in what happend to Somer but she is not being upfront about something!!! Anyway, they did a few things on Diena and mostly what your saying is the conclusion this person came up with.

I have to say that honestly I think DT's marbles get scrambled a lot, and this trips her up, and I personally think there are a lot of discrepancies in important information she has given.

In this instance, though, I think she meant that if something happened she would have been there in a flash, meaning she would have tried to protect her daughter. Once again, it's the "we're comin' to get ya" type of comment. We have three distinct emotional affects from her: (1) the quiet, fact-giving (describing her clothing); (2) the highly dramatic sobbing and (3) the vigilante mode. I notice that when interviewers ask her things she will often say, "yes ma'am" or "no ma'am" almost like she is in the principal's office. Look at the video of her standing next to the sheriff and she gazes at him like she is hero-worshipping him to display such a high regard for authority. In the one where her attorney is speaking, she stared at him for so long I became uncomfortable.

I have to say, from the first time I saw her, she made me feel uncomfortable. I guess the words I would use to describe her are intense, and insincere.
Someone who has other children that need to learn its ok to smile, or have fun, no matter how hard it may be? U wouldnt get some choices, like being able to function. 4 them u would just have to, wouldn't you?

Sadnpod, I guess I was thinking from the perspective of a mother with only one child, which is me. Of course, if I had other children, I would not want them to be sad - it would break my heart even more to see them always sad. I would want THEM to have fun, but I don't think I would be having any myself just 3 weeks into the most horrible tragedy one can experience. I don't think I would be strong enough to go on TV and talk nor go to fund raisers. I don't see how these fund raisers are helping Somer now - that is supposedly why DT is attending them, isn't it? For Somer? All MO, of course.

DT is a suspect? I missed that release from LE.
Saying no one has been cleared is not the same as saying everyone is a suspect IMO.
DT has not been named a suspect as far as I know.

Did I miss something?

If nobody has been cleared, then everyone is still a suspect (suspected) in an unsolved murder. If you want to discuss semantics, then she may not be a prime suspect, or a "person of interest", but, then, LE has not stated that officially about anyone. There have been no recent releases from LE as far as I am aware of.

So technically they could read the whole roster of Orange Park and the USA as suspects.
Since the video Ccane and I were talking about was Diena three weeks after Somer went missing, I don't think her having fun at the fundraisers applies. I'm not really sure when the first fundraiser was. I have a section of that in the Facts that needs major updating.

Also, the article that ccane posted about the 5 year old having walked home with Somer ... the article still exists online; however, that part has been removed. My assumption was that it was incorrect. The attempted abduction was not an abduction after all according to LE. I wonder what the mom thinks now ... did she accept that explanation? What about the woman who followed the little girl home to make sure she was safe? I still wonder why the Sheriff turned that press conference over to two civilians. Maybe in order to get first-hand report but at the same time, he was telling us to not assume the two were connected.


Sad....I had saved the article ...the part is still there..

Article also mentiones another attempted abduction at the JR High where a black SUV was involved.

Yeah I remember reading how Somer would visit them and their dog. Child did visit alot of people....

Also about the treehouse. Have we found any?

Everyone have a safe and wonderful Christmas....



Thank you!
It's been pulled from the versions Ccane and I had found. Example

ETA: I thought it worked for me once but maybe I was on wrong tab? I'm reading 'Give me my baby back,' pleads mother of missing Orange Park girl Somer Renee Thompson and I don't see it in that story. But I saw something (Crimesiders? that did have it)

This is story that I opened.

Searching Crimesiders now.
I havent watched any videos of fund raisers and its painful to look at the videos over and over again, but someone told me that they thought AT might have been singing at the last fund raiser.. has anyone seen this and if so, can you please link it to me? TIA very much....

DT led the crowd in "You are My Sunshine" at that biker fundraiser. That's the one I referred to where the little boy was up on the stage looking very sad and uncomfortable.

Are you saying this happened at the viewing or funeral? If so That's unbelievable!
I would think the complete and utter devastation over her child's murder would be so overwhelming and engulfing that nothing else in the entire world would matter at that time. BBM

I would like to add something here regarding expressions of intimidation and rage. I had read (was it here, 4merNaybor or SAD) that at the funeral, CPC was staring daggers at the poster trying to intimidate the person. The same person said that CPC stepped on Samuel's foot ON PURPOSE. That AT looked at her dad and mouthed the words "I'm sorry, I can't" in reference to talking to or going over to him. That she was very upset. Many other things that happened that were unbelievably horrendous at the funeral of a little murdered child.

Well, I have heard may priests talk about the antics of ex-spouses and etc. at mostly weddings and funerals. People never cease to amaze me. What continues to outrage me is how CPC has taken on the role of human shield between the kids and their father. And how DT has allowed (or encouraged?) it.

Of course, I have no links or factual things to back up what I am saying. But all you have to do is put together the whole scenario with what everyone has offered up here, and you would conclude that sadly this information is more likely than not correct.

So anyone who is offended at my opinion, feel free to do whatever.
Does the fact that LE has not come forward and said "We clear ________ in the murder of Somer Thompson mean that each of these people are still considered possible killers?

You can put in Diena, Sean, Perry, Anna or anyone you like in the ________.
Sadnpod, I guess I was thinking from the perspective of a mother with only one child, which is me. Of course, if I had other children, I would not want them to be sad - it would break my heart even more to see them always sad. I would want THEM to have fun, but I don't think I would be having any myself just 3 weeks into the most horrible tragedy one can experience. I don't think I would be strong enough to go on TV and talk nor go to fund raisers. I don't see how these fund raisers are helping Somer now - that is supposedly why DT is attending them, isn't it? For Somer? All MO, of course.

They say kids are more resilient than adults and bounce back quicker. But I wonder about little AT. She took on the role of an adult, and her sister died directly as a result (probably in her mind) of getting out of her sight. And if she, as a child, has any "fun" she will probably torture herself with guilt. I thought about those children today. My thought was: With all of the money from the fundraisers, they will probably be loaded with Christmas presents. Perhaps kind-hearted people will be donating things directly to them with good intentions. But all of this is connected to their dead little sister. How can they possibly process this? Her death being the reason of their sudden improved financial circumstances.

I also wondered what kind of DVD entertainment Santa brought CPC this year...did he open his gifts in front of the kids? I would not put it past him. When DT says she feels guilty for having "fun" does she mean dates out with him, like the ones she used to have when the 17 year old babysitter was called in? Remember, she quit. There was information (rumor) circulating that it was not a happy parting.

So the family can be opening all of the stuff that money can buy today, buy, IMO, how EMPTY will it be for those precious children (especially AT and little ST) because their sister is dead and will not be able to share with them.
Yes. If you consider that a person's inner self and lifestyle are often revealed through their outer forms of expression. And that that revealed self and lifestyle would bring people into the world of the child.

I would like to clarify this response to the question of does the cut of a person's clothing....etc., have anything to do with the murderer?

I noticed in the funeral videos that there were two other women (sisters of DT?) who were wearing similar, almost exact replicas of the dress DT wore.

So, she was not the only one wearing the breast-revealing neckline.
And, one would conclude that all three of them either had similar dresses already or purchased them - in purple - to wear that day. In either event, they took them out and wore them.

I do not understand and never will understand why anyone choosing clothing for a funeral - and knowing that you are going to be photographed and those photos posted around the world - would select such inappropriate clothing. These dresses are appropriate for a cocktail party, a night out with a husband or boyfriend, a gig singing jazz on stage with a backup band, a nightclub, a cruise ship, and etc. Not a memorial or a funeral. Especially one where a little child was possibly victim of a sexual assault.

These dresses would not be allowed at work. They would be inappropriate in church (and this was in church). They would be inappropriate to go shopping in. If you walked down the street wearing those dresses, everyone woujld look at you. They would look right at your breasts the same way they would look right at your legs if those ladies had chosen to wear micro-minis.

These clothes state: look at my body. There is no way around this.

I've heard a lot of opinions on this subject. I have a question for posters here. Have you ever, or would you ever, wear a low cut cleavage baring dress to a funeral or a memorial service? Do you know of anyone who has done this, other than DT and her female companions? Just wondering statistically. It's just another of many things that add up to paint a "what was/is she thinking" picture. And please contrast her later subdued appearance in her last TV interview and tell me why she so drastically changed her appearance? TIa
I found this video of a little girl singing at the benefit concert, but not sure who it is...'

Merry Christmas!!
Does the fact that LE has not come forward and said "We clear ________ in the murder of Somer Thompson mean that each of these people are still considered possible killers?

You can put in Diena, Sean, Perry, Anna or anyone you like in the ________.

Wouldn't it be great, if LE would make a statement like they did in the missing Marc Bookal case (see below)? I note they have not made statements in the Haleigh Cummings case, nor this one. It is standard procedure to offer these tests. I wonder what determines whether they release this information?

NEWBURGH – Cory Byrd, the boyfriend of Marc Bookal’s mother, has declined the Newburgh City Police Department’s request for him to take a polygraph test. The rejection came via Byrd’s attorney, Erik Indzonka, city police said Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the 4-year-old’s biological parents, Christina and Yul, both were found to be truthful in their responses when they took polygraph tests days before, said Police Sgt. Paul Weber. http://www.midhudsonnews.com/News/2009/December09/22/Bookal_update1-22Dec09.htm
I guess I'm about the only one posting today...well, I've done Christmas for 3 weeks now, I came home from work and wanted just to rest and get back to "normal". Kids grown and at others' homes, just me and Georgie (my Bichon) and my laptop and a nice fuzzy blanket.

I did a quick scan of Noway's fantastic summaries today, and clicked on - I think it was - Crimestoppers.

I wanted to share something I found which may answer an ongoing question asked here; please forgive me if it's already been posted. There were questions about the description of Somer's body which LE said was "partially covered" and people wondered if this meant she was undressed.

On article #14, which was at the time they had found her but not positively identified the body as Somer: "Besler said that tentative information of Somer was based on a birthmark on her leg and CLOTHES, INCLUDING A CRANBERRY JUMPSUIT. So that would indicate that yes, she was clothed (at least partially).

On article #15, Beseler was quoted as saying that Somer was "partially covered by garbage".

Well, WS'ers are probably thinking I should "get a life" today for hanging out here on Christmas Day! But any day is a good day for me to get closer to the truth for the sake of Somer's little siblings. GBY all.
I would like to clarify this response to the question of does the cut of a person's clothing....etc., have anything to do with the murderer?

I noticed in the funeral videos that there were two other women (sisters of DT?) who were wearing similar, almost exact replicas of the dress DT wore.

So, she was not the only one wearing the breast-revealing neckline.
And, one would conclude that all three of them either had similar dresses already or purchased them - in purple - to wear that day. In either event, they took them out and wore them.

I do not understand and never will understand why anyone choosing clothing for a funeral - and knowing that you are going to be photographed and those photos posted around the world - would select such inappropriate clothing. These dresses are appropriate for a cocktail party, a night out with a husband or boyfriend, a gig singing jazz on stage with a backup band, a nightclub, a cruise ship, and etc. Not a memorial or a funeral. Especially one where a little child was possibly victim of a sexual assault.

These dresses would not be allowed at work. They would be inappropriate in church (and this was in church). They would be inappropriate to go shopping in. If you walked down the street wearing those dresses, everyone woujld look at you. They would look right at your breasts the same way they would look right at your legs if those ladies had chosen to wear micro-minis.

These clothes state: look at my body. There is no way around this.

I've heard a lot of opinions on this subject. I have a question for posters here. Have you ever, or would you ever, wear a low cut cleavage baring dress to a funeral or a memorial service? Do you know of anyone who has done this, other than DT and her female companions? Just wondering statistically. It's just another of many things that add up to paint a "what was/is she thinking" picture. And please contrast her later subdued appearance in her last TV interview and tell me why she so drastically changed her appearance? TIa

There have been posts about this back and forth since the funeral/viewing.
I happen to agree, but only because of the situation and the sensibilities of the children. Put yourself at the age of 7, 10 and 13. You would feel uncomfortable for your Mom to be wearing cleavage baring clothes to ANY event. The blush meter I would think would go way up if that event were in Church. You look around and nobody is wearing a plunging neckline but your Mom and possibly her sister's but I don't know about them. I don't remember seeing them similarly dressed. But, I do remember my own jaw dropping and feeling utter embarrasment on behalf of her kids.

Does poor wardrobe decisions equal a murder suspect? No. But, it does point to a lack of judgement and ability of conform to societal norms of decency when the occasion warrents. Had she not been to Church often enough to know whether that might make others besides her children cringe inwardly and feel uncomfortable or embarrased FOR her? It's possible. But my harshest criticism I have ever made about her choice is that it seems apparant to me, that it was based on thinking more about herself on TV being seen by many millions of people, rather than being dressed for the solomn occasion of her 7 year old daughter's funeral and viewing.
There have been posts about this back and forth since the funeral/viewing.
I happen to agree, but only because of the situation and the sensibilities of the children. Put yourself at the age of 7, 10 and 13. You would feel uncomfortable for your Mom to be wearing cleavage baring clothes to ANY event. The blush meter I would think would go way up if that event were in Church. You look around and nobody is wearing a plunging neckline but your Mom and possibly her sister's but I don't know about them. I don't remember seeing them similarly dressed. But, I do remember my own jaw dropping and feeling utter embarrasment on behalf of her kids.

Does poor wardrobe decisions equal a murder suspect? No. But, it does point to a lack of judgement and ability of conform to societal norms of decency when the occasion warrents. Had she not been to Church often enough to know whether that might make others besides her children cringe inwardly and feel uncomfortable or embarrased FOR her? It's possible. But my harshest criticism I have ever made about her choice is that it seems apparant to me, that it was based on thinking more about herself on TV being seen by many millions of people, rather than being dressed for the solomn occasion of her 7 year old daughter's funeral and viewing.

Hounds, if you check out videos (say Jax4) some of them show mom getting either in or out of a car with two women on either side of her wearing the low-cut sleeveless dresses. I only noticed that a couple of days ago, and it caught my attention. I don't think the three of them chose their clothes for effect or to show off. I think this is DT's regular choice of wardrobe. I think she likes to show her better "assets".

I agree with everything you say here; I also want to add what I said in response to the original post. It IS important how one presents oneself. Bikers wear biker gear to identify that they are bikers. People get various tatoos that make statements. Older ladies who want to show they aren't over the hill join the Red Hat Society. Gang members wear scarves and colors that identify them. Every one of us (except nudists) chooses clothes for the day/event, and although some people live in pajamas (even at the 7-11), I think most people do make definitive choices. Otherwise fashion would not be a multi-billion dollar industry.

Clothing makes a statement. I realize in society "anything goes" for fashion, but this is kind of different. It has to do with the murder of an innocent child, and everyone who watched (local) news saw it on their TV screens. I think it shows a general lack of intelligence and disrespect. The video with DT and the sheriff (where she is holding the more recent pic of Somer) showed her in a body-clinging top as well, but subsequent interviews she was dressed in casual appropriate clothing. In the final video, her clothing is very subdued in contrast. It's MO that somebody somewhere gave her some advice.

If the subject is the appropriateness of clothes having anything to do with murder, I repeat my question: WOULD YOU wear an outfit like that to anyone's funeral; do you know anyone who has? This would not make you a "bad" or a "guilty" person. But I think that a provocative outfit takes the attention and focus off of the solemnity of the situation and is bizarre.

What this has to do with the "murder" is - I don't know how else to say it - it's a reflection of mom's character. Poor choice of clothing does not equal murder suspect. But it indicates her propensity for bad choices, which goes back to your original statement: The kids, what they live with and around. Somer included. I think she is bizarre.
I just viewed this on Jax4 and thought I would share it with you, although I suspect most of you have seen it already.

It is heart wrenching. It gives me chills in the beginning when DT is sobbing. And the last things she says are very sad. It continues to puzzle and sadden me so very much.

I hope everyone has a lot of love with your families today. I love you all.



The wrong video keeps popping up: This one is supposed to be Christmas without Somer. If it doesn't get on here, go to Jax4 News and click on Christmas Without Somer. Thanks for your patience.
Ok WS friends, something bizarre has happened to me here.

I accidentally stumbled across a CNN site where they are covering Somer's funeral but it is an unedited version with the anchor's voice discussing things with camera persons, etc. It is a really strange thing...just taking random shots of people, etc.

While I was clicking on it, my Printer turned itself on and started printing the whole thing. I had not turned the printer on. I had not asked the computer to print.

I cancelled the job and I am not going to sleuth any more today! Merry Christmas Night.


(Twilight Zone Music, exit).

I don't mean to be redundant, but I really really urge everyone to watch this, it is FULL of info from the reporter who regularly covers the police beat. Just go past the first few minutes until you see the anchor fooling with her hair. Then the dialogue starts. Unbelievable. Answers a lot of questions we've been knocking around.... ChickP
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