NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #19

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Depending on how the St. George library is set up, i.e. if they have a wireless network, he might well have taken his laptop there to use the library's internet. Our library here is set up that way and there are often a dozen people in the room with their own laptops or iPods.

That's true of the Washington County Library System as well.

But if he did, those communications would have shown on his laptop --and anything of a "hidden" nature would have been noticed.
Has his social security number been run to see if its been used?

That's one of the first things that was done.

At least one family member has the capability to do that periodically, on their own, through their job.

Plus, there's the issue of SSN address changes for work (or if NOT changed, how a W-2 would arrive at the Koecher home).
Laytonian, I also respect your decision to not yet reveal your suspect.

However, if Steven was in fact the victim of foul play, what would have been the motive? He couldn't have had more than a few bucks with him, and his credit/debit cards were not used, correct?

So if robbery was not the motive, then what was?
Laytonian, do you feel comfortable saying why you don't think it is GW? With him being in Vegas at the same time and being the last person he spoke to I know a lot of us have had suspicions. If you don't want to share I understand.
Laytonian, do you feel comfortable saying why you don't think it is GW? With him being in Vegas at the same time and being the last person he spoke to I know a lot of us have had suspicions. If you don't want to share I understand.

Look at the timeline for Dec 13th. I've got all times (when we know the times) annotated in both Pacific and Mountain time zones.

The bold time is the time at the location where the event took place; the other time, is there for comparison.
We know he went down there, Dec 12th.
If the theory is correct, all he'd have to do is respond to an ad in one of those "big nickel" flyers. Or hear about a "job" from an acquaintance (maybe someone who'd turned him down for a job in St George).

Here's a silly idea to match some that have been posted here:
Let's say Steven was hired to dispose of "something" (like a body) that was "created" (as a body) sometime on Dec 8th....and he took it to Northern Nevada.

Then, when he went to collect for this little chore......

(See, I can create silly scenarios)

I love silly scenarios and yours is not that silly. I m with a idea his trip involved transport. If his car had been searched with k-9 and no signs of drugs having been in the car...it would also rule out the diposal of lab equipment or wastes. Unless a k-9 was used to detect for decomp it would be unknown if he transported a corpse, in the event of any of those things, the car not being used after being found, it would'nt be hard for anyone searching his car to detect some odors related to...well you know. A 1500+mile trip things would get funky. The idea that he was in SCA to get paid is not silly...I just dont see foul play.

so we keep looking...
I did not watch the program but I am reading how the PI admitted it was an anonymous tip that led to that search by the airport.

it took me some time but I went back on the old threads as I am certain I had something to say about the tipster way back when.

I found a comment I made in thread #9, post #211 about the tipster -

With a $10,000 reward floating around, a tipster gives a lead to a PI and wants to remain anonymous?

Mind you not just any tipster, one who is well known to the PI and trusted.

I am putting less and less stock in this "tip" with each passing moment.

The PI is, however, getting great free advertising in the process.

If they find Steven's body near that airport, I will retire from WS as I would have been so far off the mark that I should keep my opinions to myself.

so the PI was lying when he publicly stated a year + ago that the tip came from a trusted source? As you can see, I did not believe him then.

A "Private Investigator" in my own opinion is not private if you hear about them before a case has been solved. I also dont place to much stock in PIs who proclaim pro bono...and seek media attention. As an agent for the family they should let them or other spokepersons do the talking, relating to tips, public pleas for help.

I hope he hasnt stopped looking...
I love silly scenarios and yours is not that silly. I m with a idea his trip involved transport. If his car had been searched with k-9 and no signs of drugs having been in the car...it would also rule out the diposal of lab equipment or wastes. Unless a k-9 was used to detect for decomp it would be unknown if he transported a corpse, in the event of any of those things, the car not being used after being found, it would'nt be hard for anyone searching his car to detect some odors related to...well you know. A 1500+mile trip things would get funky. The idea that he was in SCA to get paid is not silly...I just dont see foul play.

so we keep looking...

If you look up my threads, this is something which my husband and myself thought also. We had talked to someone in law enforcement, who had explained transport to us. How often it happens, and innocent people being used.
I also, have a few people, that I feel might be involved. Someone I thought may have been involved before. Maybe NOT necessarily that person, but a acquintance. I have been going to St. George the last couple of months. (Try to nose around a little)
Welcome! I've seen you around WS, but not here.

I don't have a theory on the parking place, but whether someone told him to park there, or if he somehow found it himself:

---It's one of only two dead-ends in all of Sun City Anthem, that doesn't have homes around it.
---Parking there means the car isn't tied to someone's home.
---On-street parking for longer than "quick visits" isn't permitted.
---Parking there means it unlikely someone will complain. It took what, four days?
---It looks like a good spot away from security cameras ;)

If you allow a slight chance that *someone else* parked the car that day, then it removes the "how the (blank) did he find THAT spot" problem. In that case, the car-parker would know about the parking spot (maybe he worked construction when those homes were built????) but maybe not be aware of the security cameras on the nearest home.

Someone like Steven who was at the time going door to door hanging fliers for a window washing company, who had training the in fine art of missionary work that invovled some door to door work, would know alot about HOA issues such as parking and fliers.

The positition of the car in relation to the US Postal box, would upset the carrier making his access difficult to the box. If I were to want to ditch my car so that it could be found...to me this would be a perfect place.
Really, we can't say who had his phone or who made the calls after his communications with the members of his ward that morning....that's why I'm not seeing the phone records as relevant...unless they could be verified.

There is also a possiblity of more than phone...
I know this has been discussed before (more than once, I'm sure), but I would like to point out, again, that looking for calls from someone unknown to Steven's family may not be the path to follow. KWIM? The possibility of Steven being randomly harmed by a complete stranger in SCA is far more unlikely than that of his being harmed by someone he knew.

One thing I did note from the show is that his Mother said she really didn't know his friends since he had moved away.

Of course, this would only apply if he has fallen victim to foul play. I have not generally been known here to believe that is the case. Yet I would not want to be guilty of overlooking anything that would be painfully obvious in retrospect.

Sometimes it may be the pattern of calls...and not to whom they belong that might have the key. Me...my phone is on at all times except for a daily reboot. If Steven were the type to allways be a pingin...it would be something of concern, or question if all of a sudden he starts turning it off or calls new numbers that seem ok. I would go back, as far back as records will allow, and look for patterns of calls related to things going on in his life.
Welcome back!

To me, the Christmas presents left in the car, are what say "goodbye". Why buy them on Dec 12th, when he told his family he'd be home for Christmas in Bountiful on the 23rd?

But it wasn't a visitor parking place; it was actually no different than any other no-parking area in the subdivision (where people park only for short times). That's why the car was ticketed by the parking patrol.

If he talked to his mom on the back leg of his trip, and didn't tell her he was in the area, then in the same call when asked when he would be home for xmas gives a date...I wonder how truthful he was being? If SCA could be a ruse...10 bucks for presents would be a nice touch.
Thank you. I wonder if they even could subpoena those computers, being public. I guess if they could establish with certainty that he was using a certain computer at a certain time. But would LE even do it? Are they adequately engaged in this case?

The question of his library use is a good one...to search the system I dont think it can be done without having a specific target in mind. It would take of an act of congress to get access. In this day and age when comes to computers you have to remember alot of folks have more than one. Smart phones are here. But libraries, churches, gas stations, motels/hotels all have wifi.

I do think he was using libraies to make his plans.
Thank you. I wonder if they even could subpoena those computers, being public. I guess if they could establish with certainty that he was using a certain computer at a certain time. But would LE even do it? Are they adequately engaged in this case?

They could get a warrant for it, but they'd need to have a specific reason to think there was information related to a specific crime. They can't just go looking in case there might be something about a missing person.
That's one of the first things that was done.

At least one family member has the capability to do that periodically, on their own, through their job.

Plus, there's the issue of SSN address changes for work (or if NOT changed, how a W-2 would arrive at the Koecher home).

This is scarey...a family member has the capability to periododicly, on thier own, through thier job look up SSN information...

W-2s are mailed to the address the employee gives to a employer...
I've always felt a transport job was a possibility here. I think Steven could have gotten a job tip through his Ward. Ward networking is a sad thing at times. People are too trusting of other people because they are LDS and sit in church with them on Sundays. Usually results in member on member crimes. That Scout Leader (child molester), financial advisor (thief), Psychologist (sex offender), etc. I'm thinking that a job tip came from a member who is now scared to say anything because of how far south this has gone. The church member could have made contact and arrangements through their phone and passed the info on to Steven. Steven could have unfortunately discovered it wasn't really tv's he was transporting. KWIM?

If you look at a google satellite image of the house in question, there are several white vans. The image is several years old I'm sure. Looks like a business was run out of the house to me.
Sorry for the multi posts...Im old school and am still getting used to this type of format, or I would have strung them all in one. Sometimes I need to take some notes, think about them before posting. Nothing in them is intended to casue anyone any harm...I want to find Steven

While some may say that I am crazy, I commend you for your honesty...I happen to be the best crazy person I know...I have known many crazy people and have expereince in detecting them. Knowing that someone is crazy makes them less threatening... it's the ones we dont know about we should be concerned with.

I've always felt a transport job was a possibility here. I think Steven could have gotten a job tip through his Ward. Ward networking is a sad thing at times. People are too trusting of other people because they are LDS and sit in church with them on Sundays. Usually results in member on member crimes. That Scout Leader (child molester), financial advisor (thief), Psychologist (sex offender), etc. I'm thinking that a job tip came from a member who is now scared to say anything because of how far south this has gone. The church member could have made contact and arrangements through their phone and passed the info on to Steven. Steven could have unfortunately discovered it wasn't really tv's he was transporting. KWIM?

Maybe he was helping to deliver cars, or was hired to drive a car cross-country. Transporting vehicles themselves, for people who have sold them or who've been transferred, is something that's advertised often.

If you look at a google satellite image of the house in question, there are several white vans. The image is several years old I'm sure. Looks like a business was run out of the house to me.

In the older image, there were some vans -- but since the neighborhood was under construction then, I always figured they were construction vans. Now, the neighborhood's built out, and there's no vehicles on EL.

Right now, the only vehicle I can see on the satellite view, is in the Marion Center Circle cul de sac. CLICK HERE for map.
I've always felt a transport job was a possibility here. I think Steven could have gotten a job tip through his Ward. Ward networking is a sad thing at times. People are too trusting of other people because they are LDS and sit in church with them on Sundays. Usually results in member on member crimes. That Scout Leader (child molester), financial advisor (thief), Psychologist (sex offender), etc. I'm thinking that a job tip came from a member who is now scared to say anything because of how far south this has gone. The church member could have made contact and arrangements through their phone and passed the info on to Steven. Steven could have unfortunately discovered it wasn't really tv's he was transporting. KWIM?

If you look at a google satellite image of the house in question, there are several white vans. The image is several years old I'm sure. Looks like a business was run out of the house to me.

To be fair we could drop the connection to religion and be talking about anyone...However...(this not an attack on the church or anyone specific) I would not over look the possiblity of Identiy theft, or misuse. Churches can be a great place to get documents that could be used to obtain new ID. A person in Steven position may or may not have had access, but anyone with such access and wanting to profit is a different story. We know he was considered to be a history buff, and liked tracing family roots. The best new ID would be one with no credit or criminal or other issues.
On the 13th he comes rolling into LV and pings Pecos, then pings Bermuda/Cactus not long before he leaves the car. Then later in the afternoon he pings whitney ranch area and pretty much stays there.

With in range of those towers there is a Rv Rental @6070 N Boulder hwy. We believe he had no money, but in a place like Nevada and Vegas...poor people become rich and rich people become poor, all because of a chance taken.

With clean ID and credit, or a handfull of cash it would not be odd for anyone to walk on to a car lot and buy or rent and in pay in cash. Nor would it be a problem for someone like Steven to show up with a good story and be able to talk thier way into being trusted to forward someones RV or car. As long as everything goes well and all parties are satisfied at the end of the venture who would be the wiser.
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