Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #13

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I think it is time the circus ended and they send the clown where he belongs. The Grand Jury needs to step it up in special sessions and forget about taking four months to hand down this indictment. It is time for Stacy to be found and brought home.
DP needs to be held accountable for what he's done.
With each passing day, the creep thinks he's going to get way with Stacy's disappearance and Kathy's death.
OK the DP faultybroadcasting system seems to be behind in shocking new revelations. Isn't it about time for another remarkable sighting of Stacy?

Oh, maybe this time they could put her in Paris! At least, she would be having a much better time than she had in that cheap burger joint in Thailand or shopping at the Walmart in Peoria! (Has anyone noticed they never see her in high class places? Another jab at her, imo.)
DP thinks he is smarter then the ISP & going to get away with it. :furious: :furious:
SS I was just thinking. DrewP and JAB may need to come up with something innovative to get this back in the news again. People are getting tired of faux Stacy sightings.

Maybe they should start a "treasure hunt" with media. Each day they give out one more clue to her location. First to solve the clues gets a signed autographed copy of DrewP's book. (that's the only way I would own it. But I would take it if it solved the location of Stacy's remains.)
I wish their family could afford the lawyer that the Goldman family got for their civil suit against OJ. OMG he was fantastic. Dan Petrocelli, IIRC.

He would shred Drew in pieces!!!

I love Dan Petrocelli!!! I thought he was working for Disney? Or am I that behind on the times?

I know he'd show DrewP. to be the arrogant @ss he is though. Look what he did to OJ!!!
SS I was just thinking. DrewP and JAB may need to come up with something innovative to get this back in the news again. People are getting tired of faux Stacy sightings.

Maybe they should start a "treasure hunt" with media. Each day they give out one more clue to her location. First to solve the clues gets a signed autographed copy of DrewP's book. (that's the only way I would own it. But I would take it if it solved the location of Stacy's remains.)
Well...a media "treasure hunt" for her body would be typical of DP and Brodsky! We don't know but what DP has been doing this all along tho. (Giving hints in every statement he has made to the press actually sounds right on target.)
The Peterson case seems to have dropped out of the news in recent weeks. Greta is reporting on the Natalee Holloway investigation, and there hasn't been much mention of missing Stacy Peterson. Perhaps this will give DP a false sense of security, thinking the ISP won't charge him without a body, and he'll make a mistake.

In the meantime, we've now only got about 3 months for the Will County Grand Jury to finish their investigation into the death of Kathleen Savio and the disappearance of Stacy Peterson.

The Savio family has initiated a civil wrongful death lawsuit against DP, and that lawsuit could take a long time to go to court. By the time that civil case goes to court, the grand jury could have already charged DP with the murder of Kathleen Savio and/or Stacy Peterson. So, DP may find himself having to mount both a criminal and a civil defense in the coming months.
I don't know why, but I'm expecting some type of drama from JAB and DP with Valentine's Day coming up.
Yes, nothing says love like a glock, Taximom! :) With DP being so darned romantic and everything...I am thinking he will come up with something to draw attention to the fact he is now single and looking for a Valentine. :p
I'm tellin' ya, he will be approaching Playgirl soon!
I might be interested in buying a picture of Ole DrewP but only if it's on the front of a dart board :)

I don't know why, but I'm expecting some type of drama from JAB and DP with Valentine's Day coming up.

That's a good possibility. With the case dropping out of the news, I can see DP trying something to get attention.
I think it is time the circus ended and they send the clown where he belongs. The Grand Jury needs to step it up in special sessions and forget about taking four months to hand down this indictment. It is time for Stacy to be found and brought home.

The Grand Jury has to make ABSOLUTELY certain they have enough concrete evidence to successfully convict if the case goes to trial. I can understand why they're moving so slow; they want to make sure that there's enough evidence so that when the case does go to trial, the prosecution can get a CONVICTION!
Yes, nothing says love like a glock, Taximom! :) With DP being so darned romantic and everything...I am thinking he will come up with something to draw attention to the fact he is now single and looking for a Valentine. :p


Ew, gross!


Someone better put out a PSA to all of the girls at Bolingbrook High School that DP's on the prowl... We all know that's his age bracket...
Valentine's Day always marked something in Drew's can only wonder? The glock given to Stacy, he and Kathleen went on a trip to the Bahamas or somewhere right before his second divorce was settled. Seems like if there is a candidate in the wings for the next Mrs DP he will going off this weekend with her. Wonder what his travel agent knows? JMHO
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