The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #19 *ADULT CONTENT*

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I dont know how those were allowed... You can't prove who's anatomy it is and I didnt see a picture of anyone's body to go along with it like the pictures that TA and JA took together. Anyone can save a pic to their computer. There's no PROOF that it's TA's. He had numerous room mates lots of friends AND a psycho woman in his house. There are too many unknown variables to introduce just a penis picture....for me anyway but then again, I'm not a collector of those types of pictures. JMO

:floorlaugh:I didn't get to see it but I'm laughing now thinking about Defense calling on Jodi to identify the penis in question.:great:
What has always amazed me is that Travis' friends could not maintain paying for a web site to be hosted, would have cost sixty bucks a year to keep his site going...that's kibbles and bits...chump change

The reason why it appears to be a search site is the domain name was paid for by Travis and then expired. Chris Hughes could have done a domain name transfer easily.

The domain was important to Travis and was acquired 2 years before his death

Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2006-01-04
Registration Date.... 2006-01-04
Expiry Date.......... 2013-01-04
Organisation Name.... Travis Alexander
Organisation Address. 11428 E Queensborough ave
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Mesa
Organisation Address. 85212
Organisation Address. AZ
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

Admin Name........... Travis Alexander
Admin Address........ 11428 E Queensborough ave
Admin Address........
Admin Address........
Admin Address. Mesa
Admin Address........ 85212
Admin Address........ AZ
Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
Admin Email..........

People have to move on in life. They can't hold on to ALL of his possessions forever and ever. I'm sure that they are holding on to so many things that meant something to TA. I doubt that a website domain really ranked high on that list.
Are you colour blind. Looked like a fat matchstick to me with a red end.. Can I say that? :p

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hahaha, well, it could have been red, it caught me off guard, but we'll know for sure on the youtube replay.
Is it a fact that the peen is TA's? I only saw his ***** in the flacid state.

Honestly it did look like his penis to me. He was rather large in the other photos of him where he isnt erect.

Did they say these were photos or stills from a video?

How can they get these before the jury without any indentifying marks to prove the penis was Travis'?

I think it was totally inadvertent. He just picked them up to hand them to the defense attorney. We saw them because there are cameras at various angles in the courtroom. If the jury saw them, the judge can give them an instruction to disregard it and not consider it in their deliberations. No harm, no foul.

I think if they were going to be admitted, Judge wouldn't have adjourned at that time while an objection was still pending.
Okay. I didn't see them - I tend to listen only while reading here - but was under the presumption the jury had. With it obviously not being the first time this expert has testified I was livid at his carelessness with evidence not yet admitted.

This defense is making me tetchy. :biggrin:
YOU'RE A MAN?! I ALWAYS read your posts (in my head) with a Nancy Grace voice, because of your avatar. This has confused things a bit for me.:waitasec:

haha, yup, go by "Bob" just put the NG avatar there a few years back for fun! :floorlaugh:
Was it time stamped? Not the penis, the photo?

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I think the forensics guy stated these were recovered from October 2006? 2007? Not sure if I heard the set-up correctly regarding this 'evidence'.
yeah so it's 2 pictures of a semi chubby penis ...woopty doo!!!

How is bringing penis pictures in a reason to plead not guilty (self defense??) really???


Maybe JA thought that was his weapon and she was in fear of her life. It's the only one he had on him at the time. We've seen enough body parts to last us a lifetime. jmo
The only thing that has surprised me in this trial about sex is that the cutie ex-girlfriend Lisa (at 19 years old) was upset because she thought Travis got his erection on purpose when they were making out.:giggle:

OMG that made me laugh out loud. Poor guy.
The only thing that has surprised me in this trial about sex is that the cutie ex-girlfriend Lisa (at 19 years old) was upset because she thought Travis got his erection on purpose when they were making out.:giggle:

Yess! That did make me giggle a bit. You can tell how innocent she was in all things human sexuality. :innocent:
Especially males. IMO there isn't a man under 30 out there with a cell phone with a camera that hasn't taken a pic of themselves!

It's my opinion, men love their penis, think their penis is magnificent, and believe women enjoy looking at penis pictures!

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truer words were never said.

are they going to say it's deviant that he's looking at penis pictures??? men like sex pics----and i think they check out penises to compare their own to them.

i bet that 80 year old man on the jury is thinking WTH??!!
Hmmmm... you do make a good argument for the gunshot first scenario.. imo its just a couple issues that for me seem to solidify the use of the knife came first.. the top one being the defensive wounds.. I just cannot get past that issue as imo the main indicator that the knife came before the gun.. I, personally have a small .25 caliber handgun that hubby bought me after I received my CWP(tho, I do not carry it with me ever) .. but IMO you're correct about gunshot to the head not being a guaranteed immediate death due to the small caliber, the angle of travel, and the point of entry...but IMO tho not guaranteed to be immediate death, however IMO it would have definitely rendered him incapable of in any way attempting to defend himself from the point in time when shot..jmo.

BINGO! For those who think that this would not rattle the hell out of your head into such confusion that you could function only for a few seconds, then I have some great property in downtown Nashville for ya.

So, with that being my opinion I just cannot believe that the gunshot came before the stabbing.. IMO the stab to the area of the heart was the first manner and point of the attack to which he was still able to make attempts of defending the continued attack with the knife..of course this is jmo based on what little I know and the info we've been given throughout the trial..

Agreed! Heart wound was first and because it only nicked the vital area, he had maybe a minute to get the defensive wounds.

But TBH I will just never understand why, why, why she did not use the gun first..because I absolutely agree with you that the gun was the intended weapon to kill Travis.. so, what in the world led to her instead using a much more difficult, much less accurate, much less effective WRT immediate incapacity and/or death..???

Also agree. In fact, at first I thought the gunshot had to come first. This was before I saw the blood and other markers. Also, before I heard the ME.

Truly in my mind the only thing that I can think of is that she wanted to make this a more personal murder..she wanted to be up close and personal, with a much more hands on approach of murdering Travis.. and this for me IMO shows just what type person and mindset we are dealing with..someone that IMO truly has psychopathic traits, especially where this victim and his murder are concerned..

Otherwise for me there just is zero cause or reason for Jodi choosing to not go with the gun which would've been the easier, more effective manner in which she could have killed him.. IMO the simple reason is that she wanted and preferred to murder him in an extremely personal and vicious way..

I agree with the personal part. As well, we have no way of knowing that she did try the gun first and it jammed. Therefore, she used the knive. In the end, he made a noise and she decided to try the gun again since she'd already stabbed him a couple of dozen times and slit his throat. If she thought he STILL wasn't dead, she'd have motivation to try to fix the jammed gun.
That one picture it looks like it is laying on the carpet or something lol
The other one is taken by the owner of said object b/c you can see his legs.
all jmo and I don't believe it is TA nor from a sex sight. who knows...poor pictures.
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