ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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I am curious WHY OCA's lawyer,Greene?, is asking for cities in North Florida such as Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Pensacola?
Why no cities in South Florida...
There is a reason I am sure....Do demographics need to play a role?

The best reason I can think of for Tallahassee is that it is a college town. He may hope for a jury comprised of young college students. Of course the other side of that is that he could end up with college professors as will as spouses of state legislators. They could also get friends of the grief lady.
The best reason I can think of for Tallahassee is that it is a college town. He may hope for a jury comprised of young college students. Of course the other side of that is that he could end up with college professors as will as spouses of state legislators. They could also get friends of the grief lady.

Aaand, the folks in Gainesville are too smart to fall for FCA's sorry load of BS! Go Gators! :lol:
Ahhhhh, be nice. Remember that us senator from uf. She didnt seth too bright.

Go Noles!!!!!!!!

Aufghhhhh! Okay.

But I still gotta love that they considered Tallahassee as a venue! :D ((hugs))

My sincere hope is that that awful person (FCA) will eventually have to pay for Caylee's beautiful interrupted life by placing her own selfish petty life into state custody FOREVER. She is a nasty virus. :(.

I just read the motion and couldn't agree more. He has no evidence to support his claim. Awareness does not equal bias, unless he is admitting that people that know even a little of this case knows that she got away with murdur.
So did everybody else catch his own factual error in his letter? I would hope he is more careful in the future with checking his facts before making accusations.

Thr hearing could not have been held on the fictitious date he wrote.

Alright, I give up - what factual error? I was so distracted from the big signature b in the circle that all I could think about was him competing with Laverne's L from Laverne and Shirley.
Alright, I give up - what factual error? I was so distracted from the big signature b in the circle that all I could think about was him competing with Laverne's L from Laverne and Shirley.

I think I confused myself. I was thinking of the change of venue hearing which was Tuesday the 30th. I forgot that there was a separate hearing for the gag order.
Ok, LG! But lately when I pet a dog, it turns into 3!!


I swear I think some of these people who continually leak articles for Casey must have some stashed away and then release them when stuff is going on the news that takes attention away from Casey. Her need to be in the spotlight above other tragedies is beyond ridiculous!

I can't wait for the hearing, though. Do we know what time it is? Here's hoping the judge is drunk on Casey Koolaid tomorrow, though![/QUOTE]

:what::what::what: IS NOT???????

Just a typo - right?? I know you Aedrys - you didn't mean to say this.:seeya:

Well I tried my best to come to WS for the hearing....could NOT.GET.ON. I thought it might be due to the news that the body thought to be Hailey Dunn turned out to be a dude. Kind of like when we crashed it during Jury Selection when HHJP announced they were done for the day (JB had the runs) and we all posted WTF at the same time.

Lewis Carroll would have had an appreciation for the circular logic. This whole thing has reminded me of the Emperor's New Clothes, with CA leading the charge and all kinds of people falling into step over the last several years (and describing ever more elaborate imaginary costumes). Most of us here are like the little boy in the story that blurt out "She's flipping NAKED!". I guess we have to be grateful for that. I simply cannot imagine buying into that kind of giant Ponzi scheme level of faux that got this haux so much daux.

You are right, Seagull....many unanswered questions.

The biggest one for me, and what should be the biggest one for FCA supporters/believers is....

Why is she not pressing charges or calling for an investigation into the drowning death of her daughter at the hands of a child molestor?

Pretty telling, IMO.

RespectfullyQuoted TotallyObsessed :tyou:

Hey everybody. Thank you for this post-Obsessed -for some reason this realization made me want to dance around the room. Pretty much I feel numb about this case-must be the stage I at/in(?)

I have enjoyed this thread, thank you to everyone.

Rabbit hole, chimera, phantasm, a fantastical tale of worry and woe...none of it was real, except for the love people felt/feel for Caylee. I love, love and it has been almost impossible for me to understand/learn that some people take love and try to destroy it, even though I have people like that in my family. My understanding is they do this because of their own lack of love/need for love. They are damaged and weak.

Those that make it though and come out good folk could be said to be damaged and strong. That is my opinion at this time, the best I can come up with for why there are bad things that happen in this world. I had wanted to read the book: People of the Lie, all during the trial but was too busy with the trial. Finally read it, guy gives great idea about who "evil" people are-describes that evil is keeping up lies that hurt others-not just doing the evil but wanting others to think you are the opposite: perfect/holy.

Find out that the author(who is passed)was having affairs on his wife for years! The guy that wrote the book on evil-by his own definition is evil.

Watching marathons of Snapped since the case/trial "ended", I am left with the feeling that it is almost impossible that Casey got away with what she has-her case is not the only one-they should call that show "sociopathic narcissist-who pretends to be what she seems but is the total opposite and does nothing but lie." It's not just the bad thing done, its the lying-the manipulation and as some said during this thread that so many-including maybe the justice system itself-are willing to jump on the band wagon and/or defend her in some way, that for me makes it so insidious/truly evil. That is the Emperor's New Clothes part I totally agree with-has there been a study done on this? A need to worship, but why someone who is false?

I have seen very few cases where there was any more physical evidence than in this case-

( and oh boy did the defendant lie like Casey did-abuse, the police are bad, only looked at her, etc. I learned what Jose did is par for the course.)

and the jury saw right though it, "she" gets convicted .99% of the time on that show and they always start it out with "she was a beauty, and a mother what jury without any physical evidence would convict her? plus she is claiming rape/sexual abuse/abuse." Except for it not being the women's children(although the ways they will use their own children for the crime/obviously do not care what the impact of their crime will have on their kids is sometimes the same)-that it is usually a spouse-I hate to say it but I have found some of them more evil/disgusting than Casey...

but not Cindy. The people who stir up trouble and sit back to enjoy it and want to seem totally innocent-well that's a whole thing and it is one of those things that my mind works on or whatever. I have seen my mother do these things-"normal" people doing this. Passive aggressive/aggressive because my mother would/will lash out a la Cindy/green sweater/protesters/etc when confronted with her own inconsistencies/Lies. I think it is a disease. Truly a disease of humanity.

Glad you folks are here. :tyou:
I am curious WHY OCA's lawyer,Greene?, is asking for cities in North Florida such as Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Pensacola?
Why no cities in South Florida...
There is a reason I am sure....Do demographics need to play a role?
That's exactly it...demographics. They know there's a large Hispanic population in Southern Florida.
That's exactly it...demographics. They know there's a large Hispanic population in Southern Florida.

+ Who may identify with ZG, or are family oriented and would "disapprove "of her, how she lives her life and what "she has done". And find her guilty just because...
+ Who may identify with ZG, or are family oriented and would "disapprove "of her, how she lives her life and what "she has done". And find her guilty just because...
I think there would be more "for" than "against".
Regardless, I don't think anyone likes the idea of being targeted as the perpetrator of a crime against a child. I always wondered why Casey didn't have a "white" nanny. JMO
I think there would be more "for" than "against".
Regardless, I don't think anyone likes the idea of being targeted as the perpetrator of a crime against a child. I always wondered why Casey didn't have a "white" nanny. JMO

Oh please - that's not trending right now...:great:
I think there would be more "for" than "against".
Regardless, I don't think anyone likes the idea of being targeted as the perpetrator of a crime against a child. I always wondered why Casey didn't have a "white" nanny. JMO

If I had to guess I'd say it was to irritate Cindy. Remember that KioMarie Torres said she was never allowed in the house since Cindy hated hispanic people - and Casey would date hispanic boys just to upset her. The constant push/pull of this toxic pair.
If I had to guess I'd say it was to irritate Cindy. Remember that KioMarie Torres said she was never allowed in the house since Cindy hated hispanic people - and Casey would date hispanic boys just to upset her. The constant push/pull of this toxic pair.

I've often wondered how much of that was real - was that what FCA told Kiomarie to explain why she didn't want her with her trendier friends or was it real? :waitasec:

She told so many different stories to so many people about her parents - how are we to know what was a whopper and what wasn't??
I've often wondered how much of that was real - was that what FCA told Kiomarie to explain why she didn't want her with her trendier friends or was it real? :waitasec:

She told so many different stories to so many people about her parents - how are we to know what was a whopper and what wasn't??

I think it was real- remember, KioMarie said if George came home while she was at their house, she could stay, but if Cindy showed up , she had to leave. From what I have seen of her she does not seem the type to exaggerate..
I think it was real- remember, KioMarie said if George came home while she was at their house, she could stay, but if Cindy showed up , she had to leave. From what I have seen of her she does not seem the type to exaggerate..

Oh no I think you are misunderstanding me - I absolutely believe Kiomarie when she says that - but it came from FCA - the ultimate gameplayer. So when CA came home - who told her she had to leave? CA or FCA saying - oh oh my mom's home and she doesn't like ...so quick get out of here?

Why do I think it's the second one?
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