CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #18

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Maybe others overheard the conversation? imo, speculation.
''Painters continue their work. Realtor Elise Stern arrives for a showing in the afternoon. Personal assistant Sheila Stanley is there. A masseuse who always comes on Wednesday does a two-hour session with Honey in the afternoon.

Barry heads to the office mid-morning. He is wearing one of two belts Honey recently purchased at Canadian Tire for $9.99 each, and “proudly” shows off how good it looks to Honey and Denise Gold.

One order of business for Barry is to authorize a new payment son Jonathon has requested for the surrogacy. In an email Jonathon asks his father to wire transfer $17,677 USD that Wednesday morning and Barry replies at 10:51 a.m. with an email to a staffer at Sherfam, the family holding company, instructing her to send the funds. The week before, Barry had (according to documents) sent $311,609 to a U.S. company in West Virginia that was handling the surrogacy. Barry sent the money, though he commented the cost “seems very high.” Barry and Honey used surrogates for three of their four children, but that was years before.

Wednesday afternoon is uneventful at Apotex. Barry is trying to figure out where to come up with the $580 million for the patent case he lost (in his world, as colleagues have told the Star, Barry can lose a case, but then six months later gamble on a new patent case he is fighting and win back twice as much). Jeremy Desai, his CEO, is heading to a small staff Christmas event at 5 p.m. and was going to pop in to Barry’s office, but sees Honey’s Lexus parked out front and decides not to disturb them.''

What strikes me odd, is JS has appeared to present himself as his 'own man'. He has his own businesses, his own sources of income, his own independent life, even his own family. Why in the world is JS relying on his father to fund a surrogacy? Based on the numbers quoted, a very expensive surrogacy at that.

Either JS felt he could not afford the surrogacy, or felt his dad was a soft touch and would pay for it, or JS already felt he was entitled to the Sherfam money.
What strikes me odd, is JS has appeared to present himself as his 'own man'. He has his own businesses, his own sources of income, his own independent life, even his own family. Why in the world is JS relying on his father to fund a surrogacy? Based on the numbers quoted, a very expensive surrogacy at that.

Either JS felt he could not afford the surrogacy, or felt his dad was a soft touch and would pay for it, or JS already felt he was entitled to the Sherfam money.
I see it as an audacity to demand (much!) money for his private interests. Regarding Barry's own experiences (JS a surrogate child and not on good terms with bio father's partner= HS), I can't understand, why BS supported this idea even with his money. Were the perfect genes of himself and maybe of JS so very valuable? As it looks, BS would have had a different use for his money.
BTW: Do we know, if Barry ever demanded his money back from FDA, when BS was in trouble with his money? I believe, he did not. Must have been an eyesore for JS. But senseless to murder FDA - BS would have found another one to support generously. IMO
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Doesn't "follow the money" mostly hint at the children?
Possibly. Probably. But perhaps there may have been others who thought they would or could possibly benefit financially from the deaths of the Shermans. Especially if the details of any Wills were unknown, or if the person assumed existing loans or advances from the Sherman’s would be forgiven or terminated in the event of the death of the Sherman’s. Moo
If for a moment, hypothetically, you eliminate the children as suspects, who else benefitted in any way from the Sherman deaths?

Nobody else obviously, financially benefited.
Apotex is still in business, so their competitors did not benefit.
If is was a revenge or hate killing, the perpetrator had to have substantial resources to undertake such a complex murder.

Early on in the case. I was focusing on an Iranian businessman who had been indirectly connected with Barry in a condo project. However I believe if the Iranian had any animosity, it would have been toward the lead developer, Sam Mizrahi, not Barry.

What strikes me odd, is JS has appeared to present himself as his 'own man'. He has his own businesses, his own sources of income, his own independent life, even his own family. Why in the world is JS relying on his father to fund a surrogacy? Based on the numbers quoted, a very expensive surrogacy at that.

Either JS felt he could not afford the surrogacy, or felt his dad was a soft touch and would pay for it, or JS already felt he was entitled to the Sherfam money.
Interesting... is JS a successful businessman? What were figures like for his company before the murders compared to years after the murders?
If you are running a successful profitable business why are you having your father pay for your surrogacy? Was this a legit? Did BS want to do it out of the goodness of his heart because he too went through the process himself? Or something else? Leverage of some sort...

I know in Ontario you get one free IVF cycle once in your lifetime or under age 43. Surrogacy in Canada does not cost that much. I mean a round of IVF cost 11,000K plus the 5-8,000$ in medications plus yearly storage fees for embryos and specialized tests etc. one round of that is not even close to 300,000K plus. WTH I could be incorrect but I think the price is way too high.
300,000K plus the 17,000$ amount BS sent the day he died. Crazy thought - what if BS had enough of forking the bill and gave his last payment the day he died? What if this was a scam just to get money out of BS? I mean 300,000K plus extra monies for one surrogacy or many? Where is the paper trail? Audit of the surrogacy company and BS payments?
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense unless you requested those funds under false pretenses and your scam was figured out. (My brain talking out loud).

Here's an odd ball question - did the Sherman's donate to foreign institutions, charities, government run programs, specific grants, non-profit or religious groups?

As a potential recipient of a massive estate, I would not want all of my potential money going out the door unless to a worthy cause and these days there is one around every corner. So maybe someone got tired of their potential inheritance being mismanaged (in their eyes).

BTW I cannot access every link so I get information for you guys and gals. Cheers
If for a moment, hypothetically, you eliminate the children as suspects, who else benefitted in any way from the Sherman deaths?

Nobody else obviously, financially benefited.
Apotex is still in business, so their competitors did not benefit.
If is was a revenge or hate killing, the perpetrator had to have substantial resources to undertake such a complex murder.

Early on in the case. I was focusing on an Iranian businessman who had been indirectly connected with Barry in a condo project. However I believe if the Iranian had any animosity, it would have been toward the lead developer, Sam Mizrahi, not Barry.

It is generally assumed that because BS was a billionaire that the most likely motive was financial. However, one never really knows what things are until they are further uncovered.
Interesting... is JS a successful businessman? What were figures like for his company before the murders compared to years after the murders?
If you are running a successful profitable business why are you having your father pay for your surrogacy? Was this a legit? Did BS want to do it out of the goodness of his heart because he too went through the process himself? Or something else? Leverage of some sort...

I know in Ontario you get one free IVF cycle once in your lifetime or under age 43. Surrogacy in Canada does not cost that much. I mean a round of IVF cost 11,000K plus the 5-8,000$ in medications plus yearly storage fees for embryos and specialized tests etc. one round of that is not even close to 300,000K plus. WTH I could be incorrect but I think the price is way too high.
300,000K plus the 17,000$ amount BS sent the day he died. Crazy thought - what if BS had enough of forking the bill and gave his last payment the day he died? What if this was a scam just to get money out of BS? I mean 300,000K plus extra monies for one surrogacy or many? Where is the paper trail? Audit of the surrogacy company and BS payments?
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense unless you requested those funds under false pretenses and your scam was figured out. (My brain talking out loud).

Here's an odd ball question - did the Sherman's donate to foreign institutions, charities, government run programs, specific grants, non-profit or religious groups?

As a potential recipient of a massive estate, I would not want all of my potential money going out the door unless to a worthy cause and these days there is one around every corner. So maybe someone got tired of their potential inheritance being mismanaged (in their eyes).

BTW I cannot access every link so I get information for you guys and gals. Cheers
Have any billionaires who have pledged to give most of their money to charity instead of to their children been killed by their children in order to prevent this from happening? BTW some charities are very well-off financially.
Regarding the surrogacy costs quoted, I wonder if Barry himself was having inquires made into where the money was going. Barry tended to avoid waste and extravagance in his personal life.

What if Barry discovered somebody was scamming him, think of Barry's wrath.
I know in Ontario you get one free IVF cycle once in your lifetime or under age 43. Surrogacy in Canada does not cost that much. I mean a round of IVF cost 11,000K plus the 5-8,000$ in medications plus yearly storage fees for embryos and specialized tests etc. one round of that is not even close to 300,000K plus. WTH I could be incorrect but I think the price is way too high.
From what I know, the surrogacy money was going to a US company. Why the US? I don't know. I'm guessing when you have money it's faster to go that route than wait around for the Canadian system.

"With two children by surrogacy (Barry funded the process in late 2017, paying $329,286 to a U.S. company on Jonathon and Mercure’s behalf) the couple needed more room and have moved to a larger house nearby"

Regarding the surrogacy costs quoted, I wonder if Barry himself was having inquires made into where the money was going. Barry tended to avoid waste and extravagance in his personal life.

What if Barry discovered somebody was scamming him, think of Barry's wrath.
Maybe someone was baking pies for free? complete speculation, imo.
sorry hit reply to the conversation and Bingo did not make sense to my reply so adding in:
deugirtni said:
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense, unless you can find a way to become the cash cow yourself!

First off, I agree with your statement 100% deugirtni.

On the flip side of the coin, if it was as simple as one of the 4 children is involved then I would think LE would have made an arrest or shared more info publically to stress the culprit out by now. Not release a NW video.

I still have thoughts that someone with knowledge of the inheritance plan, close enough to an heir, who can manipulate or control and thus benefit from the heir having an abundance of money with really no experience or knowledge on how to live with access to that amount of money, an easy mark maybe for an insider to the family?
I believe the TPS has classified the Night Walker as the #1 Suspect.
As to other potential suspects, Barry's long time friend, Jack Kay suggested "Follow the Money"
And the money suggested to look at those telling police to follow the money, j/k. But the family's lawyer did say something to that effect, and I interpreted it as at least one member of the family was pointing a finger at FDA and JK.
ETA: adding that .... FDA and JK don't seem to benefit, and didn't seem to benefit from the murders.
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