CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #18

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sorry hit reply to the conversation and Bingo did not make sense to my reply so adding in:
deugirtni said:
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense, unless you can find a way to become the cash cow yourself!

First off, I agree with your statement 100% deugirtni.

On the flip side of the coin, if it was as simple as one of the 4 children is involved then I would think LE would have made an arrest or shared more info publically to stress the culprit out by now. Not release a NW video.

I still have thoughts that someone with knowledge of the inheritance plan, close enough to an heir, who can manipulate or control and thus benefit from the heir having an abundance of money with really no experience or knowledge on how to live with access to that amount of money, an easy mark maybe for an insider to the family?
BBM above,

LE has to have sufficient evidence to convict before laying charges. We heard way back in 2019 that LE had already had consultations with the Crown. In court KD has often mentioned that LE does not want to hand over info because they don't want the perp to know they're onto him, etc. Showing the NW, who knows, maybe that IS a publicly shared way of stressing the perp - imagine if you'd hired a hitman, and then actually see him on video, and know police are looking for him and have now put his walking video out to the world, and are calling him a 'suspect' as opposed to a POI or a person that may have seen something? I'd sure be feeling pressure, if I'd hired him! I think when LE did release that video, if one reads between the lines, it seems to me that LE may believe there is someone else pulling the nightwalker's strings, imo. This case may be much more intricate than we can imagine, imo.:

Price said he could not exclude anybody with 100 per cent certainty, because even if a person was ruled out as the person in the video, that person could have been involved in some way.
The inside story of how Toronto police zeroed in the Sherman murder ‘suspect’ with the odd gait

Note that this article below was written around the time when the family dismissed their private investigation team and became united with TPS, the tip line was shut down, all tips were asked to be REsent to TPS, etc. I'm not sure at which point the daughter, AS became convinced her brother had something to do with the murders? Possibly around the same time? JS reported that to KD approx one year later when he gave his first interview, but who knows how long it had been going on?:

Asked by the Star if a crown attorney had been consulted — which sometimes occurs if police are considering charges or have a particularly difficult search warrant request to formulate — Yim replied that one had been consulted by homicide detectives on the case. Yim would not say why.
sorry hit reply to the conversation and Bingo did not make sense to my reply so adding in:
deugirtni said:
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense, unless you can find a way to become the cash cow yourself!

First off, I agree with your statement 100% deugirtni.

On the flip side of the coin, if it was as simple as one of the 4 children is involved then I would think LE would have made an arrest or shared more info publically to stress the culprit out by now. Not release a NW video.

I still have thoughts that someone with knowledge of the inheritance plan, close enough to an heir, who can manipulate or control and thus benefit from the heir having an abundance of money with really no experience or knowledge on how to live with access to that amount of money, an easy mark maybe for an insider to the family?
BK may have influence over AK(AS) as a husband and AP may have influence over JS as a business associate.
And the money suggested to look at those telling police to follow the money, j/k. But the family's lawyer did say something to that effect, and I interpreted it as at least one member of the family was pointing a finger at FDA and JK.
ETA: adding that .... FDA and JK don't seem to benefit, and didn't seem to benefit from the murders.
Some have been betrayed by their friends like Caesar by Brutus, Jesus by Judas, etc.
Some have been betrayed by their friends like Caesar by Brutus, Jesus by Judas, etc.
Came across a complicated double murder case as detailed in this book, somewhat reminded of the Shermans , imo, speculation, fwiw.

''His estate was worth over $600 million. Squires had stopped supporting one of the woman with whom he had a weekend fling 20 years prior to his death. in Miami, while at a conference. That affair produced an illegitimate daughter, Alexia Weston, who at the age of 19 came to Fort Myers to confront her father about him stopping her mother’s monthly support. While in Fort Myers, Alexia Weston was raped and murdered by a man whose DNA was a familial match to a member of the Squires family. She was murdered 4 days before Duncan Squires died, for reasons unknown to the Squires’ family and the police authorities due to the fact that the Squires’ family was unaware of Alexia’s existence. The investigation into Alexia Weston’s murder, discovered that Duncan Squires was also murdered causing a Judge to approve an Order for the exhumation of Squires’ body.

This book takes the reader into Duncan Squires’ rise to his position of CEO and Chairman of his company, the narrative of his wives, children and affairs and the accumulation of his wealth. It sets forth the mystery, of not only who committed the two murders, but also the betrayals among family members, legitimate and illegitimate, as to whom was entitled to the CEO’s large estate. It combines the significance of the interaction between all three wives, their children, grandchildren and their attorneys as to why a large portion of Squires’ estate was allocated to his illegitimate children and grandchildren. The betrayals as between the Squires’ family members intensifies the mystery as to whom may have committed the murders.''
Came across a complicated double murder case as detailed in this book, somewhat reminded of the Shermans , imo, speculation, fwiw.

''His estate was worth over $600 million. Squires had stopped supporting one of the woman with whom he had a weekend fling 20 years prior to his death. in Miami, while at a conference. That affair produced an illegitimate daughter, Alexia Weston, who at the age of 19 came to Fort Myers to confront her father about him stopping her mother’s monthly support. While in Fort Myers, Alexia Weston was raped and murdered by a man whose DNA was a familial match to a member of the Squires family. She was murdered 4 days before Duncan Squires died, for reasons unknown to the Squires’ family and the police authorities due to the fact that the Squires’ family was unaware of Alexia’s existence. The investigation into Alexia Weston’s murder, discovered that Duncan Squires was also murdered causing a Judge to approve an Order for the exhumation of Squires’ body.

This book takes the reader into Duncan Squires’ rise to his position of CEO and Chairman of his company, the narrative of his wives, children and affairs and the accumulation of his wealth. It sets forth the mystery, of not only who committed the two murders, but also the betrayals among family members, legitimate and illegitimate, as to whom was entitled to the CEO’s large estate. It combines the significance of the interaction between all three wives, their children, grandchildren and their attorneys as to why a large portion of Squires’ estate was allocated to his illegitimate children and grandchildren. The betrayals as between the Squires’ family members intensifies the mystery as to whom may have committed the murders.''
Makes my head spin. :eek:
Interesting... is JS a successful businessman? What were figures like for his company before the murders compared to years after the murders?
If you are running a successful profitable business why are you having your father pay for your surrogacy? Was this a legit? Did BS want to do it out of the goodness of his heart because he too went through the process himself? Or something else? Leverage of some sort...

I know in Ontario you get one free IVF cycle once in your lifetime or under age 43. Surrogacy in Canada does not cost that much. I mean a round of IVF cost 11,000K plus the 5-8,000$ in medications plus yearly storage fees for embryos and specialized tests etc. one round of that is not even close to 300,000K plus. WTH I could be incorrect but I think the price is way too high.
300,000K plus the 17,000$ amount BS sent the day he died. Crazy thought - what if BS had enough of forking the bill and gave his last payment the day he died? What if this was a scam just to get money out of BS? I mean 300,000K plus extra monies for one surrogacy or many? Where is the paper trail? Audit of the surrogacy company and BS payments?
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense unless you requested those funds under false pretenses and your scam was figured out. (My brain talking out loud).

Here's an odd ball question - did the Sherman's donate to foreign institutions, charities, government run programs, specific grants, non-profit or religious groups?

As a potential recipient of a massive estate, I would not want all of my potential money going out the door unless to a worthy cause and these days there is one around every corner. So maybe someone got tired of their potential inheritance being mismanaged (in their eyes).

BTW I cannot access every link so I get information for you guys and gals. Cheers
Interesting... is JS a successful businessman? What were figures like for his company before the murders compared to years after the murders?
If you are running a successful profitable business why are you having your father pay for your surrogacy? Was this a legit? Did BS want to do it out of the goodness of his heart because he too went through the process himself? Or something else? Leverage of some sort...

I know in Ontario you get one free IVF cycle once in your lifetime or under age 43. Surrogacy in Canada does not cost that much. I mean a round of IVF cost 11,000K plus the 5-8,000$ in medications plus yearly storage fees for embryos and specialized tests etc. one round of that is not even close to 300,000K plus. WTH I could be incorrect but I think the price is way too high.
300,000K plus the 17,000$ amount BS sent the day he died. Crazy thought - what if BS had enough of forking the bill and gave his last payment the day he died? What if this was a scam just to get money out of BS? I mean 300,000K plus extra monies for one surrogacy or many? Where is the paper trail? Audit of the surrogacy company and BS payments?
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense unless you requested those funds under false pretenses and your scam was figured out. (My brain talking out loud).

Here's an odd ball question - did the Sherman's donate to foreign institutions, charities, government run programs, specific grants, non-profit or religious groups?

As a potential recipient of a massive estate, I would not want all of my potential money going out the door unless to a worthy cause and these days there is one around every corner. So maybe someone got tired of their potential inheritance being mismanaged (in their eyes).

BTW I cannot access every link so I get information for you guys and gals. Cheers
You ask worthwhile questions, but many of your questions have already been answered and verified in past posts going back as far as a few years ago. May be a good time for us all to go back to refresh.
BBM above,

LE has to have sufficient evidence to convict before laying charges. We heard way back in 2019 that LE had already had consultations with the Crown. In court KD has often mentioned that LE does not want to hand over info because they don't want the perp to know they're onto him, etc. Showing the NW, who knows, maybe that IS a publicly shared way of stressing the perp - imagine if you'd hired a hitman, and then actually see him on video, and know police are looking for him and have now put his walking video out to the world, and are calling him a 'suspect' as opposed to a POI or a person that may have seen something? I'd sure be feeling pressure, if I'd hired him! I think when LE did release that video, if one reads between the lines, it seems to me that LE may believe there is someone else pulling the nightwalker's strings, imo. This case may be much more intricate than we can imagine, imo.:

Price said he could not exclude anybody with 100 per cent certainty, because even if a person was ruled out as the person in the video, that person could have been involved in some way.
The inside story of how Toronto police zeroed in the Sherman murder ‘suspect’ with the odd gait

Note that this article below was written around the time when the family dismissed their private investigation team and became united with TPS, the tip line was shut down, all tips were asked to be REsent to TPS, etc. I'm not sure at which point the daughter, AS became convinced her brother had something to do with the murders? Possibly around the same time? JS reported that to KD approx one year later when he gave his first interview, but who knows how long it had been going on?:

Asked by the Star if a crown attorney had been consulted — which sometimes occurs if police are considering charges or have a particularly difficult search warrant request to formulate — Yim replied that one had been consulted by homicide detectives on the case. Yim would not say why.

I think AK found something out in 2019, imo, that made her suspicious or confirmed her suspicions.

-2019 JS hired his own investigator. AK and sisters wanted to disband the Greenspan team and give their information to the Toronto police. JS opposed disbanding the team and AK had to hire her own lawyer to do so.
-December, 2019, the Greenspan team was disbanded.
-2020, JS was not involved with the family business meetings despite being part of the succession team and a global pandemic was raging. (JS said he was not invited, Sherfam executive AG said that he was.)
-November 25, 2020, police announced they have a POI.
-November 27, 2020, police clarified they have several POIs.
-December, 2020, JS gave his first interview to KD, a person JS previously described as his ‘MO’ (‘main opponent’). He told KD that AK suspects him, and tries to explain why he didn’t repay his father back the 50-60 million.

Interesting... is JS a successful businessman? What were figures like for his company before the murders compared to years after the murders?
If you are running a successful profitable business why are you having your father pay for your surrogacy? Was this a legit? Did BS want to do it out of the goodness of his heart because he too went through the process himself? Or something else? Leverage of some sort...

I know in Ontario you get one free IVF cycle once in your lifetime or under age 43. Surrogacy in Canada does not cost that much. I mean a round of IVF cost 11,000K plus the 5-8,000$ in medications plus yearly storage fees for embryos and specialized tests etc. one round of that is not even close to 300,000K plus. WTH I could be incorrect but I think the price is way too high.
300,000K plus the 17,000$ amount BS sent the day he died. Crazy thought - what if BS had enough of forking the bill and gave his last payment the day he died? What if this was a scam just to get money out of BS? I mean 300,000K plus extra monies for one surrogacy or many? Where is the paper trail? Audit of the surrogacy company and BS payments?
Killing your cash cow does not make logical sense unless you requested those funds under false pretenses and your scam was figured out. (My brain talking out loud).

Here's an odd ball question - did the Sherman's donate to foreign institutions, charities, government run programs, specific grants, non-profit or religious groups?

As a potential recipient of a massive estate, I would not want all of my potential money going out the door unless to a worthy cause and these days there is one around every corner. So maybe someone got tired of their potential inheritance being mismanaged (in their eyes).

BTW I cannot access every link so I get information for you guys and gals. Cheers
-JS was entirely funded by his father. We don’t know how successful he was prior to the murders, but if you look at just the last days prior to the murders, JS asked BS for $300k+, 17k+, 6.2 million, and another undisclosed amount. All that after BS gave him hundreds of millions. That may be an indication of his success.

-JS was 34 at the time of the murders. The children were set to inherit amounts at certain ages. His first instalment was set to be when he turned 35.

-JS was one of the first Canadian ‘test tube babies’ and the surrogate was American, but she gave birth here. That may have had something to do with his decision. He had twins.

-BS was excited to have more grandchildren, but didn’t understand the delays or why it was so expensive. No idea why BS paid.

-If BS had lived, he would soon find out AP and JS did nothing to secure mortgages to repay BS. BS needed the funds in January. My opinion is that BS would have called his loans to JS and AP, the way he did when JS was failing with the Steelback brewery BS gave him. I think BS would have been really discouraged and disappointed about them not repaying him as they promised.

-the Shermans donated to many different charities, including Jewish causes.

- In 2015 JS told BS that he was incompetent and mishandling money. He told his sisters they should intervene as they were all ‘shareholders’. The sisters declined.
I know from a close and very reliable friend who knows them all that BK and JS are extremely close.

I read that somewhere as well, it had to have been from KD.

BK and AK separated at some point and KD said JS and BK remained friends.

I wondered how that affects trustee meetings. We now have AG (who sides with the sisters), JS (who wants to fire AG) and AK.

I don’t know much about BK, but he’s one of the few people who knew about the Hanukkah dinner plans that kept changing that week. AK, BK, BS and HS knew. BK also had lunch with BS the day prior to the murders.
Re-fresher.. rbbm.
June 14, 2021 Chris Fox
''In the primary will, Barry directs his trustees to evenly distribute his entire fortune among his four children in the event of Honey Sherman’s death.''


''Interestingly, Sherman does not direct that any portion of his estate be donated to charity and instead states that his four children - Lauren, Jonathon, Alexandra and Kaelen - would split it evenly upon Honey’s death.''

“I direct my trustees to divide such residues as it then exists into as many equal shares as may be required to carry out the following and to set aside one of such equal shares for each child of mine who survives the division date…” the will states.''

''Barry’s primary will is dated May 13, 2005 but it was amended in March, 2017, just prior to his death, to change the trustees listed.

He previously named eight trustees including all four of his children but in 2017 changed it so that only his son Jonathon Sherman, his son-in law Bradley Krawczyk, his business partner Jack Kay and family holding company executive Alex Glasenberg were listed as trustees.''

And yet..
''Two days before the anniversary of Barry Sherman’s murder, Jonathon Sherman told his father’s longtime partner and friend Jack Kay to leave Apotex, the generic drug company the two men built over 35 years.

Kay, the chief executive officer of Apotex, was sitting in his office last Tuesday when Jonathon Sherman walked in and said his services were no longer required, according to a source with knowledge of what happened.''
Came across a complicated double murder case as detailed in this book, somewhat reminded of the Shermans , imo, speculation, fwiw.

''His estate was worth over $600 million. Squires had stopped supporting one of the woman with whom he had a weekend fling 20 years prior to his death. in Miami, while at a conference. That affair produced an illegitimate daughter, Alexia Weston, who at the age of 19 came to Fort Myers to confront her father about him stopping her mother’s monthly support. While in Fort Myers, Alexia Weston was raped and murdered by a man whose DNA was a familial match to a member of the Squires family. She was murdered 4 days before Duncan Squires died, for reasons unknown to the Squires’ family and the police authorities due to the fact that the Squires’ family was unaware of Alexia’s existence. The investigation into Alexia Weston’s murder, discovered that Duncan Squires was also murdered causing a Judge to approve an Order for the exhumation of Squires’ body.

This book takes the reader into Duncan Squires’ rise to his position of CEO and Chairman of his company, the narrative of his wives, children and affairs and the accumulation of his wealth. It sets forth the mystery, of not only who committed the two murders, but also the betrayals among family members, legitimate and illegitimate, as to whom was entitled to the CEO’s large estate. It combines the significance of the interaction between all three wives, their children, grandchildren and their attorneys as to why a large portion of Squires’ estate was allocated to his illegitimate children and grandchildren. The betrayals as between the Squires’ family members intensifies the mystery as to whom may have committed the murders.''
This book is a work of fiction.
IMO. Someone they knew must have resented the money and power that they had over them for some time.
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I think AK found something out in 2019, imo, that made her suspicious or confirmed her suspicions.

-2019 JS hired his own investigator. AK and sisters wanted to disband the Greenspan team and give their information to the Toronto police. JS opposed disbanding the team and AK had to hire her own lawyer to do so.
-December, 2019, the Greenspan team was disbanded.
-2020, JS was not involved with the family business meetings despite being part of the succession team and a global pandemic was raging. (JS said he was not invited, Sherfam executive AG said that he was.)
-November 25, 2020, police announced they have a POI.
-November 27, 2020, police clarified they have several POIs.
-December, 2020, JS gave his first interview to KD, a person JS previously described as his ‘MO’ (‘main opponent’). He told KD that AK suspects him, and tries to explain why he didn’t repay his father back the 50-60 million.
I believe you are correct that AK discovered something during 2019 to cause her to have those feelings about suspecting her bro's involvement. JS 'fired' JK in December 2018. At some point after that, but had to have been well before December 2019 (because AS had been working away in the background via her own separately hired lawyers to get the Greenspan private investigation team disbanded, and December 2019 is when it finally happened), so many things seem to have changed in different ways.

I was surprised when I read the part in the post above about JS not being involved in, nor invited to attend family business meetings in 2020, because I hadn't remembered that. I found this article in regard to that, but it seems to suggest there were no physical meetings being held in 2020 due to Covid19 (and up to time of article publication in Feb 2021), but that JS had been included in any online meetings, and seems he did in fact participate in those... so what is JS going on about? I found it interesting that AG replied to The Star's request for comment via his lawyer, rather than just responding himself. Everyone seems to be treading very carefully, imho.

published Feb 20, 2021:

In an interview, Jonathon told the Star he had not seen Glasenberg since March of 2020 and that Glasenberg was “refusing to hold meetings because I ask difficult questions.”

Glasenberg’s lawyer, Chris Paliare, told the Star in a letter Friday [Feb.19/2021] that Glasenberg has not met with any “directors, trustees or colleagues” physically since March [2020], due to the pandemic. He said Glasenberg and Jonathon have attended “several” telephone or videoconference meetings during that time. Further, Paliare said that in Glasenberg’s view, Jonathon Sherman “does not ask difficult questions” and at no time did Glasenberg refuse to hold meetings.

Brother vs. sister: Two of Barry and Honey Sherman’s children in a battle for control of the family empire

Also interesting to me is the timing of JS's interview with KD - December 2020. It seems (to me) like he was using The Star as a go-between to communicate his accusations, questions, concerns and demands, and to receive responses. imo.
I read that somewhere as well, it had to have been from KD.

BK and AK separated at some point and KD said JS and BK remained friends.

I wondered how that affects trustee meetings. We now have AG (who sides with the sisters), JS (who wants to fire AG) and AK.

I don’t know much about BK, but he’s one of the few people who knew about the Hanukkah dinner plans that kept changing that week. AK, BK, BS and HS knew. BK also had lunch with BS the day prior to the murders.
It's difficult to imagine that BS changed/reduced his trustees down to a total of four, considering they'd need a fifth person to be a tie breaker. All these inter-relationships amongst the trustees must be so uncomfortable!

-BK may presumably need to make his votes in alignment with his separated wife's way of thinking, if he had hopes of getting back together with his wife
-BK may presumably need to watch how he votes, since his 'boss', AG, is also one of now only three trustees, and may have the power to make his work-life miserable, or perhaps even have him fired
-meanwhile, BK is besties with JS, also a trustee, and maybe in opposition to most of the goals AG is/was working towards, and with JS also being a person whom his separated wife believes to have been involved in the murders; does BK's bestie have any personal dirt on BK that JS could potentially use against him to get him to vote in certain ways on certain subjects, thereby making BK a bit beholden to JS?
-and then there is AG, a 31+ year employee of Barry's, perhaps currently the only one of the trustees with no personal benefit from the estate monies, who estate trustee and heir, JS, apparently wants to have fired, but who apparently has the unwavering support of B's other three offspring
-imho, too bad JK gave up and walked away from his trustee position, since he may have made the family dynamics of the trustee meetings become a bit more even between 'those who benefit directly', and 'those who don't'; I know it must've seemed an impossible situation and uncomfortable and his feelings must have been terribly hurt.. but for his lifelong friend, too bad he didn't push back to remain included as trustee, even though no longer an 'employee', imho... although once again, that puts the trustees with an even number, not good for if there is a tie.
-JS was one of the first Canadian ‘test tube babies’ and the surrogate was American, but she gave birth here. That may have had something to do with his decision. He had twins.
When I read 'he had twins', it kinda shocked me, because I don't think I've ever heard or thought that before, although it would make sense, considering the methods. I know I have read that he now has two male children, but I had never given thought to them both coming from the same pregnancy from the same female surrogate. If it's true the original surrogate carried and gave birth to twins, then wouldn't that substantially increase the amount to be paid to her? More risk, more wear-and-tear on the body, more after-effects to deal with, potentially more medical bills, etc? Could that be why the amounts being paid out for the surrogacy seemed so high?
It's difficult to imagine that BS changed/reduced his trustees down to a total of four, considering they'd need a fifth person to be a tie breaker. All these inter-relationships amongst the trustees must be so uncomfortable!

-BK may presumably need to make his votes in alignment with his separated wife's way of thinking, if he had hopes of getting back together with his wife
-BK may presumably need to watch how he votes, since his 'boss', AG, is also one of now only three trustees, and may have the power to make his work-life miserable, or perhaps even have him fired
-meanwhile, BK is besties with JS, also a trustee, and maybe in opposition to most of the goals AG is/was working towards, and with JS also being a person whom his separated wife believes to have been involved in the murders; does BK's bestie have any personal dirt on BK that JS could potentially use against him to get him to vote in certain ways on certain subjects, thereby making BK a bit beholden to JS?
-and then there is AG, a 31+ year employee of Barry's, perhaps currently the only one of the trustees with no personal benefit from the estate monies, who estate trustee and heir, JS, apparently wants to have fired, but who apparently has the unwavering support of B's other three offspring
-imho, too bad JK gave up and walked away from his trustee position, since he may have made the family dynamics of the trustee meetings become a bit more even between 'those who benefit directly', and 'those who don't'; I know it must've seemed an impossible situation and uncomfortable and his feelings must have been terribly hurt.. but for his lifelong friend, too bad he didn't push back to remain included as trustee, even though no longer an 'employee', imho... although once again, that puts the trustees with an even number, not good for if there is a tie.
Re- reading this article trying to absorb the multitude of complicated relationships, work and otherwise..
''Feb 20, 2021 — Legally, Kay was still one of the four trustees of the Sherman estate, along with Jonathon, family holding company boss Alex Glasenberg, ...''

2021 rbbm.
“Currently several persons have been implicated, through witness statements, as responsible for the murders of Bernard Sherman and Honey Sherman,” a homicide detective wrote in an application for a production order in June 2018. But the detective noted that “to date, there is no evidence to elevate any of the forementioned parties to the status of a suspect.”

The detective had a long list of cellular phone numbers and they wanted access to the call log and geolocation data that would tell them who was and was not around the Sherman residence at 50 Old Colony Rd. the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017.''

More specific allegations were made to police by the four Sherman children — Jonathon, Lauren, Alexandra and Kaelen — and a handful of Sherman friends interviewed by police.

There are extensive redactions in this part of the police documents — the names of at least three men who separately knew their father and the children’s theories as to why they were involved.

Jonathon gave two sworn statements. In one he said “there are people out there who would have a grudge against them and would have a reason to hurt them.” Jonathon’s husband of three years, Fred Mercure, also suggested a name of someone to investigate.

Lauren, the eldest Sherman child, who lives in Whistler, B.C., also pointed police in a direction.''
Daughters Alexandra and Kaelen, and their respective partners Brad Krawczyk and Jared Render, also provided their suspicions,
the documents reveal.

The Star knows, through interviews with family members including Jonathon and Alexandra, the identities of at least two of the individuals — both men — put forward by the children as potential suspects. We are not identifying them at this time. Both men were interviewed by the police and the Star, both provided alibis to police and the Star for their whereabouts, and said they had nothing to do with the murders.''
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When I read 'he had twins', it kinda shocked me, because I don't think I've ever heard or thought that before, although it would make sense, considering the methods. I know I have read that he now has two male children, but I had never given thought to them both coming from the same pregnancy from the same female surrogate. If it's true the original surrogate carried and gave birth to twins, then wouldn't that substantially increase the amount to be paid to her? More risk, more wear-and-tear on the body, more after-effects to deal with, potentially more medical bills, etc? Could that be why the amounts being paid out for the surrogacy seemed so high?
Wondering if it would be more expensive to hire a woman with a shared cultural/religious background to the buyer?

''Jewish Gestational Surrogate Needed for Jewish Intended Parents​

Want to explore the possibilities of becoming a surrogate for married or single Jewish intended parents?

At this time, we are seeking a Jewish woman from the US to become a gestational surrogate for married and single intended parents who are Jewish. Because of religious law, the child-to-be must be carried by a single or married woman who is also Jewish for some intended parents.
At ARTparenting, we match gestational surrogates and intended parents from every faith and culture — we are known for the care and focus we place on the matching process.''

''LBGT parents​

At New Life , we believe every person and every family is unique and special, so we are proud to embody our core values: we do not discriminate against anyone no matter their status or preferences. We are privileged and excited, to offer our services to LGBT parents-to-be who seek to build their families with us. Being part of a global network of clinics enables us to be flexible and select LGBT-friendly destinations for their surrogacy and donation programs.''


''If your surrogate mother agrees to have more than one embryo transferred and is impregnated with twins, she will receive $5,000 in addition to her base compensation. A successful first-time surrogate can expect to receive a base compensation ranging between $35,000 and $40,000.

Surrogate Mother Cost for Twins

The IVF protocol recommended by your fertility team will determine the cost of a surrogate mother for twins. Our cost overview ranges between $90,000 and $175,000. We are a leading gestational surrogacy agency having unparalleled success in matching Intended Parents with a perfect Surrogate at an affordable cost.''
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