CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #18

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Were the 2 belts bought by HS at the same time just before the murder, do we know this? Why were these specific 2 belts used to "fasten" the victims to the railing?? Was it a coincidence, that BS was wearing one of the 2 belts and the other belt was just lying around? Probably there were more belts owned by the couple and only these 2 new belts were used - why? Does it say something about the killer? Was he (killer or client of hitman) perhaps present, when they were bought?
Thinking ......

I don’t think LE has ever confirmed the origin of the belts, that source was KD. One reason the killer would look for something from within the house is because it makes it much more difficult to link the killer by supplies he purchased, left at the crime scene. But it would be a sure bet Barry had several belts, any male who wears dress pants is sure to wear a belt. Belts can be found in virtually every closet in every home IMO

Q: You also write that you don’t think the killer or killers were professionals. One reason is the use of belts—one was taken from an upstairs bedroom. Organized criminals don’t look for their murder weapons at the scene.​

A: I’ve not seen crime scene photos. But I was told belts were used. Barry was wearing a belt that morning, one Honey bought him at Canadian Tire. The other belt was from their bedroom, or my supposition is that was where the other belt was. I don’t think a foreign object was brought into the house to do the killing. Why the pool? Because it’s out of the way, because the tile floor can be cleaned up easier.
Were the 2 belts bought by HS at the same time just before the murder, do we know this? Why were these specific 2 belts used to "fasten" the victims to the railing?? Was it a coincidence, that BS was wearing one of the 2 belts and the other belt was just lying around? Probably there were more belts owned by the couple and only these 2 new belts were used - why? Does it say something about the killer? Was he (killer or client of hitman) perhaps present, when they were bought? Was it a second statement from the killer by using these 2 CHEAP belts?
Thinking ......

This is from KD’s book:1653851929514.png

The ‘Gold’ KD is referring to is personal trainer Denise Gold who was interviewed by KD.

After the book was published, KD wrote that the belts used in the crime were those belts. LE has only described them as black belts.

ETA: From KD’s book, he wrote it appears the belts were the ones from Canadian Tire:


Note that after the book was published, KD updated the information above and wrote the Shermans were strangled with a ligature thinner than the belts.
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This is the most I know or recall, hopefully others can answer, too—

-In his book, Kevin Donovan wrote that there had been 160 break-ins in the Shermans’ neighborhood in the year preceding the murders.

-a year prior to the murders, burglars broke through the Shermans’ skylight and left before HS arrived home. We don’t know what was stolen.

-HS had an assistant that worked at the home typically every day, but had Thursday and Friday off on the week of the murders.

-They had a housekeeper and gardener that worked part-time, and from court records it sounds like the housekeeper had a key and likely knew the security code. She was surprised to find that the alarm was not armed when she entered the home on the Friday following the murders.

-they also had personal trainers and massage therapists visit the home. (Primarily for HS.)

-Kevin Donovan (KD) wrote that a thin ligature consistent with a zip tie was used to kill the Shermans, in addition to the belts used in the crime. (In his book he wrote the belts could have been the ligatures used. More recently he wrote that the thinner ‘zip tie’ ligatures were likely used to kill them. The belts may have been used to restrain them and/or stage the bodies.)

-KD wrote that both belts were new and purchased by HS from Canadian Tire. They were identical except for size. BS wore one of the belts for the first time on the day of the murders. The other belt was left on a padded bench in his dressing area on the top floor.

-HS’s schedule was easily accessible as her electronic devices did not have a password, according to KD. But KD wrote that witnesses have provided statements or evidence about the Shermans being surveilled.

-I don’t know why the pool area was chosen, but it was at the very back of the basement. The pool hadn’t been used for years, but had been spruced up as the house was for sale. Some here have suggested it may be linked to their Jewish culture (water), or because it was a pool area the crime scene and the killer could be cleaned up easily.
Thank you for this wealth of information, Lexiintoronto!
After thinking about this for a bit, I find it TOO convenient that HS assistant took two days off. It is almost like it postponed finding the bodies. Same with the crime scene being in the basement where the pool was not used in years.
Interesting fact that their home was up for sale. Why were they selling? Has their realtor revealed that? The 160 break-in's might push them to sell but it could have been financial as well or they wanted a change.
Wow, thieves using the skylight to break in? What was in their home that thieves wanted? Jewelry, cash, bonds, paintings, coins, swords, wine, gold?!
Had their home been shown to the public? Maybe a log in list of visitors to their home? Easy to conceal your name and use an alias. Now we have virtual tours of houses for sale online. The killer could have scouted out their home and known the layout.

You mentioned that the Sherman's were being surveilled how and by whom?

Okay so going back to the break-in's - 160 breaks in a year, home owners to feel secure would put in a security system, probably cameras and some go as far as hiring a security firm for protection. This being said, were all the neighbours with security camera footage on their surrounds streets collected and viewed by police?

A small thin ligature is easy to conceal or are others things under a winter coat. The black (leather) belts were bought two weeks before the murders, correct? Enough time for someone to know about it. But knowing how prominent this couple were, I think those cheaper belts were used as a symbol. The killer could have gone up to their wardrobes and collected maybe more expensive belts, why cheap ones? I think they were used on purpose.

was bleach or chlorine found around the crime scene? Foot prints around the home? and did the Sherman's have animals/pets? Have lie detectors been administered to people close to the Sherman's? As in suspects?
Police should re-interview everyone involved and see if stories changed over the years. We know people lie about alibis and have others cover for them.

Either this was a perfect double murder plan or the answer lies in the robberies. I find it hard to believe that thieves jump for thievery to murder. That is huge leap. Why has the public not been told of what was stolen?

If someone hired a killer, a perfect way to stay covert is to be a Plant or a confederate within the Sherman home. Great way to spy on the Shermans and know small details about their lives.
Thank you for this wealth of information, Lexiintoronto!
After thinking about this for a bit, I find it TOO convenient that HS assistant took two days off. It is almost like it postponed finding the bodies. Same with the crime scene being in the basement where the pool was not used in years.
Interesting fact that their home was up for sale. Why were they selling? Has their realtor revealed that? The 160 break-in's might push them to sell but it could have been financial as well or they wanted a change.
Wow, thieves using the skylight to break in? What was in their home that thieves wanted? Jewelry, cash, bonds, paintings, coins, swords, wine, gold?!
Had their home been shown to the public? Maybe a log in list of visitors to their home? Easy to conceal your name and use an alias. Now we have virtual tours of houses for sale online. The killer could have scouted out their home and known the layout.

You mentioned that the Sherman's were being surveilled how and by whom?

Okay so going back to the break-in's - 160 breaks in a year, home owners to feel secure would put in a security system, probably cameras and some go as far as hiring a security firm for protection. This being said, were all the neighbours with security camera footage on their surrounds streets collected and viewed by police?

A small thin ligature is easy to conceal or are others things under a winter coat. The black (leather) belts were bought two weeks before the murders, correct? Enough time for someone to know about it. But knowing how prominent this couple were, I think those cheaper belts were used as a symbol. The killer could have gone up to their wardrobes and collected maybe more expensive belts, why cheap ones? I think they were used on purpose.

was bleach or chlorine found around the crime scene? Foot prints around the home? and did the Sherman's have animals/pets? Have lie detectors been administered to people close to the Sherman's? As in suspects?
Police should re-interview everyone involved and see if stories changed over the years. We know people lie about alibis and have others cover for them.

Either this was a perfect double murder plan or the answer lies in the robberies. I find it hard to believe that thieves jump for thievery to murder. That is huge leap. Why has the public not been told of what was stolen?

If someone hired a killer, a perfect way to stay covert is to be a Plant or a confederate within the Sherman home. Great way to spy on the Shermans and know small details about their lives.

-they didn’t have any pets

-the furnace repair man that was at the home on Friday noticed shoe prints by the garage. The driveway was heated, so any footprints in the snow would have melted away. A number of people walked through the crime scene in the home, and the housekeeper cleaned prior to the discovery of the bodies. So evidence may have been destroyed.

-I don’t know about any chorine found, but it was speculated that it may have been a factor in the killer choosing the pool area (and also the killer had the ability to control the temperature in the room if he chose to do so.)

-KD wrote the new belts had been on the padded bench ‘for weeks’ before BS wore one that last day. So HS may have told someone about them. She liked talking about the items she purchased if she found a good deal, according to the personal trainer. (We probably all do that at times.)

-HS was planning to build her dream home. She purchased one house in Forest Hill, but the lot was deemed too small for the house plans so another home was purchased. 50 Old Colony, where the murders took place, and that first smaller home were both for sale. Whichever home sold first would decide which home they’d stay in as the dream home was being built.

-I don’t know why we weren’t told what was stolen in the first burglary. And the police won’t say if anything was stolen on the night of the murders.

-they had an open house and a number of prospective buyers that visited the home. A realtor’s lockbox was on the front door.

-we don’t know who the witness is or details of the surveillance, only that they’ve spoken with the police.

-KW, a member here, took a lie detector test for the Fifth Estate but declined to be asked if he murdered them. He stated he arranged a hit on HS years before the murders, but called it off. I don’t know if the police have conducted any lie detector tests.
They would need some new information in order to update us, imo. They have said they received tips about the NW, hopefully at least one was useful.

I think close to the anniversary of the murders they may release more images of the NW, or tell us more about what they saw him do on cctv.

KD won’t be able to access any more court records, so he won’t have any new information to report unless something new develops, imo.

ETA: FWIW, I just checked the TPS website. Both murders are still considered active investigations, they aren’t cold cases.
TPS doesnt have the ca*ones to reclassify this as a cold case.
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TPS doesnt have the ca*ones to reclassify htis as a cold case.

The Shermans’ page on the TPS website may be meaningless, now that you mention it. Remember how they weren’t even listed there in 2017/2018? And the police response time is still incorrect.

KD would repeatedly ask if the case was active or cold and he was told ‘active, with suspects’. I think he’ll let us know if Detective Yim moves onto other things and no one is actively working on the case.
TPS publicly released a snippet video of their "suspect" in December, 2021, four years after the Sherman murders. I assume, and totally understand, how this short surveillance video has not generated any leads. Too little-too late is an understatement.

We won't hear any updates from TPS, which has been the norm for years. Unfortunately, it seems that they have nothing to report.
Even if the TPS has nothing to report, they should announce that fact. It is important, I believe, that Law Enforcement always be open and transparent, so as to maintain the trust of the Public.
I do not expect the TPS to divulge confidential critical information pertaining to the investigation, but at least give a status update.
When no authorized comment are made, rumors and conspiracy theories begin.
Mar 4, 2020 rbbm.
  • ''Toronto police’s cold case unit was formed in 1996.
  • There are four officers assigned to the unit.
  • There are currently between 680 and 700 cold cases in Toronto.
  • The oldest cases date back to the 1920s.
What is a cold case?
A cold case is an unsolved criminal investigation which remains open pending the discovery of new evidence. The cold cases unit within the Toronto Police Service was formed in the late 1990s. Today four officers work in the unit which has between 680 and 700 cold cases. The oldest cold cases date back to the 1920s.

Police say a case usually becomes cold around the four-year mark and it is one of two things that usually cracks a cold case — changes in science or changes in relationships. They believe in all their unsolved cases someone out there knows who committed the crime and it is just a matter of whether or not he or she is willing to come forward.''
If there is a Toronto equivalent to alleged housing market schemes, wondering if the Sherman real estate endeavors got in the way of other real estate moguls ...? speculation, imo.

May 30 2022
''The story of Chen — how he moved from China in 2006 with modest means, then accumulated tens of millions of dollars and luxury homes in Vancouver, and now faces an international warrant for alleged bribery — was detailed in a recent investigation by the Star and OCCRP.

The mysterious source of Chen’s conspicuous wealth and its movement to Vancouver, where he now lives with his family, has been the subject of an investigation by Canada’s financial intelligence unit and a separate probe by a B.C. commission currently studying the impact of money laundering in that province.

In 2012 — the year Chen’s financial transactions were first flagged by UBS — his daughter bought a mansion with a tennis court and swimming pool near the beach in Vancouver’s Point Grey neighbourhood for $14.7 million — without a mortgage and while listing her occupation as “student.” Chen bought a $15.6-million mansion on the same street in 2016.

“He was successful in obtaining and making a lot of money in real estate development in China without being involved in corruption,” said Lorne Waldman, a Toronto immigration lawyer representing Chen. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
The Shermans’ page on the TPS website may be meaningless, now that you mention it. Remember how they weren’t even listed there in 2017/2018? And the police response time is still incorrect.

KD would repeatedly ask if the case was active or cold and he was told ‘active, with suspects’. I think he’ll let us know if Detective Yim moves onto other things and no one is actively working on the case.
As I read your words, I wondered if it would ever be considered a cold case if they have a "living" suspect? Is it only weighed as a cold case when they have no more investigative avenues to pursue? No one else to look at, meaning they are at a dead end.
This is from KD’s book:View attachment 346779

The ‘Gold’ KD is referring to is personal trainer Denise Gold who was interviewed by KD.

After the book was published, KD wrote that the belts used in the crime were those belts. LE has only described them as black belts.

ETA: From KD’s book, he wrote it appears the belts were the ones from Canadian Tire:

View attachment 346780

Note that after the book was published, KD updated the information above and wrote the Shermans were strangled with a ligature thinner than the belts.
Even though it seems like BS and HS are telling their story here about this, it would appear that DG is who told KD about this since BS and HS are dead. Thus, KD's book is based on what others have told him about BS and HS. If anyone of these people is the killer, they would only tell KD what was in their own interest to tell and not to tell. It would be great if the information in KD's book said, this account is from so and so about BS and HS.
As I read your words, I wondered if it would ever be considered a cold case if they have a "living" suspect? Is it only weighed as a cold case when they have no more investigative avenues to pursue? No one else to look at, meaning they are at a dead end.

A year ago, KD asked Detective Yim about the course of the investigation and the detective said they had one main theory of the case that branches out. As they receive information from search warrants, more leads are generated.

“The growing Sherman case file is enormous — 180 gigabytes, not to mention 4 terabytes of video surveillance collected from cameras in the area and on highways and roads. Duties that Yim labels “investigative actions” are multiplying. Six months ago, 746 of these actions had been completed with 115 outstanding. Now, 848 have been completed with 115 still to go and more added each week.

Speaking generally, investigative actions could be anything from reviewing a batch of tips to applying for judicial permission for a search warrant to reviewing the data that comes from a previous court application — cell phone records and banking records are among the information that has been obtained…

He said that in April of 2018, four months after the murders, detectives homed in on what they thought happened. Yim has steadfastly refused to say if they have a suspect or suspects. To reveal the documents would reveal the theory and he said that would hurt the case as it would tip off the person or persons who committed the murders.”

He said he expects if he retires and the case is still open, that another officer will take his place.

We’ve had suspects die previously in cases and the police come out and name them and tell us the evidence they have against them. (Calvin Hoover and the murder of Christine Jessop )
As I read your words, I wondered if it would ever be considered a cold case if they have a "living" suspect? Is it only weighed as a cold case when they have no more investigative avenues to pursue? No one else to look at, meaning they are at a dead end.
In the case of Sharin Morningstar Keenan, they know the suspect to be Dennis Melvin Howe. However, since he hasn't been captured in close to 40 years, the case is currently considered a cold case.
with all the information have TPS asked for resources? RCMP? Maybe even retired FBI agents or retired CIA, someone with experience in possible contract killings.

I do believe that those Cdn Tire belts were the last straw that broke the camel's back. As mentioned by Lexiintoronto, we know that HS spoke of good deals when she came across them. It is plausible that the hatred for the Sherman's boiled over with the purchase of the belts. HS told someone about the belts and that probably lit the fuse that was waiting in the background. I know when my parents or grandparents found a good deal somewhere they would relay this to me.
Have all their children been cleared? I would hate to think that a child would want their parent(s) dead. However, we know anything is possible and maybe the hate was brewing for years over previous events/situation etc.

Perhaps the issue of money is at the core of this case as I previously stated here, follow the money. If a previous contract was placed on them a year before the murders, why was it stopped? And I hope this information is coming from a reliable source because that is BIG. Proves someone had enough hate in them to consider and go ahead with hiring a killer. That is a big move.

Everything we do today leaves digital breadcrumbs. There has to be evidence in cell records, in receipts, in email, in bank transfers, even in travel. Just to find it!

If my parents were killed, I would want answers and years after the murders still no prime suspect? I would be furious that no one was held accountable for double murder. Has the family hired their own detective?
with all the information have TPS asked for resources? RCMP? Maybe even retired FBI agents or retired CIA, someone with experience in possible contract killings.

I do believe that those Cdn Tire belts were the last straw that broke the camel's back. As mentioned by Lexiintoronto, we know that HS spoke of good deals when she came across them. It is plausible that the hatred for the Sherman's boiled over with the purchase of the belts. HS told someone about the belts and that probably lit the fuse that was waiting in the background. I know when my parents or grandparents found a good deal somewhere they would relay this to me.
Have all their children been cleared? I would hate to think that a child would want their parent(s) dead. However, we know anything is possible and maybe the hate was brewing for years over previous events/situation etc.

Perhaps the issue of money is at the core of this case as I previously stated here, follow the money. If a previous contract was placed on them a year before the murders, why was it stopped? And I hope this information is coming from a reliable source because that is BIG. Proves someone had enough hate in them to consider and go ahead with hiring a killer. That is a big move.

Everything we do today leaves digital breadcrumbs. There has to be evidence in cell records, in receipts, in email, in bank transfers, even in travel. Just to find it!

If my parents were killed, I would want answers and years after the murders still no prime suspect? I would be furious that no one was held accountable for double murder. Has the family hired their own detective?
Oh yes, the family hired private detectives and offered a million bucks reward for info leading to an arrest..
"Staged post mortem in a very deliberate manner".


''Sherman Murders: Canadian Billionaire Couple 'May Have Had Multiple Killers' | TIME''​

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Have all their children been cleared? I would hate to think that a child would want their parent(s) dead. However, we know anything is possible and maybe the hate was brewing for years over previous events/situation etc.
Nobody has been cleared AFAIK.

Children murdering their parents for money/power is not that unusual in the annals of criminality.

So far nothing points strongly to an 'outside the family' motive, means or method.

Sadly the family will continue to be under suspicion due to the only apparent 'Cui bono' 'who benefits' is the family.

with all the information have TPS asked for resources? RCMP? Maybe even retired FBI agents or retired CIA, someone with experience in possible contract killings.

I do believe that those Cdn Tire belts were the last straw that broke the camel's back. As mentioned by Lexiintoronto, we know that HS spoke of good deals when she came across them. It is plausible that the hatred for the Sherman's boiled over with the purchase of the belts. HS told someone about the belts and that probably lit the fuse that was waiting in the background. I know when my parents or grandparents found a good deal somewhere they would relay this to me.
Have all their children been cleared? I would hate to think that a child would want their parent(s) dead. However, we know anything is possible and maybe the hate was brewing for years over previous events/situation etc.

Perhaps the issue of money is at the core of this case as I previously stated here, follow the money. If a previous contract was placed on them a year before the murders, why was it stopped? And I hope this information is coming from a reliable source because that is BIG. Proves someone had enough hate in them to consider and go ahead with hiring a killer. That is a big move.

Everything we do today leaves digital breadcrumbs. There has to be evidence in cell records, in receipts, in email, in bank transfers, even in travel. Just to find it!

If my parents were killed, I would want answers and years after the murders still no prime suspect? I would be furious that no one was held accountable for double murder. Has the family hired their own detective?
Who was it who told KD about the two cheap Canadian Tire belts? Was it DG and/or someone else?
Who was it who told KD about the two cheap Canadian Tire belts? Was it DG and/or someone else?
Maybe others overheard the conversation? imo, speculation.
''Painters continue their work. Realtor Elise Stern arrives for a showing in the afternoon. Personal assistant Sheila Stanley is there. A masseuse who always comes on Wednesday does a two-hour session with Honey in the afternoon.

Barry heads to the office mid-morning. He is wearing one of two belts Honey recently purchased at Canadian Tire for $9.99 each, and “proudly” shows off how good it looks to Honey and Denise Gold.

One order of business for Barry is to authorize a new payment son Jonathon has requested for the surrogacy. In an email Jonathon asks his father to wire transfer $17,677 USD that Wednesday morning and Barry replies at 10:51 a.m. with an email to a staffer at Sherfam, the family holding company, instructing her to send the funds. The week before, Barry had (according to documents) sent $311,609 to a U.S. company in West Virginia that was handling the surrogacy. Barry sent the money, though he commented the cost “seems very high.” Barry and Honey used surrogates for three of their four children, but that was years before.

Wednesday afternoon is uneventful at Apotex. Barry is trying to figure out where to come up with the $580 million for the patent case he lost (in his world, as colleagues have told the Star, Barry can lose a case, but then six months later gamble on a new patent case he is fighting and win back twice as much). Jeremy Desai, his CEO, is heading to a small staff Christmas event at 5 p.m. and was going to pop in to Barry’s office, but sees Honey’s Lexus parked out front and decides not to disturb them.''
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