Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #14

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Haven't we wondered why Megan Waterman changed hotels? Now from his planning docu, I suspect it was because the first one was unacceptable as a pick-up location because of cameras. My guess is that RH directed her to another hotel with fewer/no security cams. As for hitting harder, perhaps he did go to a secluded location, then knock the SWs out. That would be necessary to bind them and put them either in the back of the pickup or in the floorboard on the passenger side. He could keep an eye on them here. But with the locked bed on the Avalanche, even if a victim came to during the drive, she could not get out, nor would she have been seen when he pulled into his driveway and into the garage. In my opinion, getting the women into the house was not a problem as they were out-of-sight in the vehicle and he drove into the garage, put the door down and unloaded them. Perhaps they were bagged or wrapped in plastic for transport through the house so they would not leave DNA.

Just trying to imagine scenarios here. Complete speculation, of course.

I really don't think he would've been able to fit a vehicle into that garage. In the following link, there's a picture of the garage seemingly after LE had returned the hoard they had removed for inspection and it's packed full.

Ya know... I'm surprised they didn't in either search! Or if they did, I missed it. Surely they had enough evidence prior to obtaining the 2nd search warrant.


according to this link, they did in 2023 - but I watched the video and didn't see any

Well, whenever LE informed family of evidence against RH, former Suffolk Police Commissioner Rodney Harrison states, RH's wife said, "Okay, it is what it is." So there's some info that's public.

MOO The news is interested in shocking, catchy headlines, the better for clicks. likes and upvotes. Why did they choose that headline instead of the other part of the quote from that article? Where they implying something or were they just showing the wife's resignation and reluctant acceptance of the situation?

What was made public was an expression she is reported as saying on the day RH was arrested and her home was searched, To be clear, the wife is being quoted by Harrison and Harrison is being quoted by the news. The wife is not being directly quoted by the news. Harrison said:

"When we told the wife, she was shocked, she was embarrassed. But there was a point where we showed her certain pictures and she said, ‘OK, it is what it is.'"

It did not say it was whenever the family was shown evidence against RH (for the murders). We don't know for a fact what pictures were shown to her. I don't think at that point they would be showing her the actual physical evidence, but did it prove to her that he was involved with SW's.

Haven't we wondered why Megan Waterman changed hotels? Now from his planning docu, I suspect it was because the first one was unacceptable as a pick-up location because of cameras. My guess is that RH directed her to another hotel with fewer/no security cams. As for hitting harder, perhaps he did go to a secluded location, then knock the SWs out. That would be necessary to bind them and put them either in the back of the pickup or in the floorboard on the passenger side. He could keep an eye on them here. But with the locked bed on the Avalanche, even if a victim came to during the drive, she could not get out, nor would she have been seen when he pulled into his driveway and into the garage. In my opinion, getting the women into the house was not a problem as they were out-of-sight in the vehicle and he drove into the garage, put the door down and unloaded them. Perhaps they were bagged or wrapped in plastic for transport through the house so they would not leave DNA.

Just trying to imagine scenarios here. Complete speculation, of course.
Maybe he carried a large suitcase , toolbox or trunk
A Palm Pilot was mentioned as one of the devices RH used. It was hand held organiser. Could write on screen & if diverted to text. I attach a link to his users were supposed to write using the little stylus. Left handed user might be worse accuracy.
Note strokes for letters and numbers and punctuation. And all uppercase. Looks easy to make mistakes, if notes are for own use as reminders prob not a big deal.

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In 2018, RH gave testimony in a vehicular related lawsuit where he was the plaintiff. He discussed his "handedness" (left v right) at that time. I've had this testimony in mind whenever someone raises this issue. I'm going to try to paste it right in here with the link.

On p79, the questioner asks RH if he is right-handed or left-handed.
A. Left.
Q. So do you write with your left hand?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you play any sports?
A. Really only thing I competed in was competition rifle.
Q. If you were to throw a baseball, what hand would you use?
A. Actually, my right. It's the only thing I do right-handed.
Q. Did you ever bowl in your life?
A. At some point, I remember being on a bowling alley--I have not been on a bowling alley in, probably, twenty/20 something years.
Q. If you were to bowl, throw a bowling ball, which arm would you use?
A. Anything that I throw, I do right-handed.
Q. If you were to swing a bat or a golf club, would you do that right-handed or left-handed?
A. Last time I swung a golf club or a bat, again, would be twenty-something years ago; would be right-handed.
Q. I assume when you say you write with your left hand, are you claiming to be left-handed or right-handed?
A. I am left-handed.
Q. What else would you do left-handed?
A. Pretty much almost anything else. Swing a hammer is left-handed. The use of any carpentry tools is left-handed. If I was to throw a baseball or a dart, that would be right-handed.
Q. When you eat--
A. Left.
Q. ~--do you cut your meat with your right hand and hold the fork in the left hand and then feed yourself with your left hand --
A. I use --
Q. ~--or do you switch?
A. I have been known to switch. The majority of the time my fork is in the left hand.
Q. Okay, but when you're cutting meat, right-handed people cut their meat, they put their knife down. They put their fork in their right hand and they eat. That's what righties do. Lefties -- which I am --cut their meat and feed themselves with their left hand. Do you know what you do?
A. I feed myself with my left hand.

Evidently, this is a really complicated issue for RH.

Good information....
We hear court cases where they try to rule something out or in, because of a perps left or right handedness.
In THIS case, I feel they may have experts who will be able to discuss mixed type.

As I am the same as RH, and have talked to other left handers like this over the years, some of us are just as RH described here... we are really RIGHT dominant for STRENGTH.
LEFT dominant for PRECISION.

I know I hammer both.... again, based on precision or strenght...
I bet he does too.
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I’ve been wondering the same Forest_Wood. If individuals were taken into the house……. and out….. how? With minimal chance to be observed.

IIRC someone way upthread mentioned that the circa 2012 Chevrolet Avalanche passenger compartment might have a rear pass-through to the covered rear compartment? Some call it a mid-gate. (As contrasted to a tail gate.) It allows access to the rear bed through the front compartment. The rear seats are first folded down and access is then gained.

Pretty sure access to YT videos is disallowed. If you Google ‘chevrolet avalanche rear seat fold down‘ or the like - there is a video from Ramey Chevrolet entitled “Chevy Avalanche Mid-gate demonstration” that demonstrates this in less than 2 minutes. (Note also in that video the removed rear glass is not properly secured as it should be before attempting this maneuver.)

RH driveway IIRC is about double vehicle wide, single narrow garage door…. If the victim was in the cab, then placed in the rear seat area and then rear covered tailgate compartment (via the above pass through fold down) - then backing the truck into driveway and could have had access to the garage via the opened tailgate. (From some other video of the quarters, I would be amazed if that small garage was empty….. or empty enough to contain that full-sized vehicle.)

And as I complete this, perhaps this is another reason RH wanted that vehicle IMO? MOO

Yes, posters have described that covered rear compartment with the pass through on the Avalanche.

I am only confirming again, because I really do think this was quite strategic vehicle selection vehicle to do his "work".
In the article linked above, it was noted by @Izzylizzy that Heuermann's wife's attorney stated that at 45 days after Rex's arrest, AE, VH and CS had not yet been interviewed by LE.
Does anyone know how soon after the arrest Macedonia was hired or brought on? I just feel like many folks have known about RH for a very long time and it’s as if they have all been waiting for that day when as it were, “the other shoe would drop.” Did RH have incriminating evidence on any big wigs? It’s just seems a bit too convenient that Macedonia, with his links to Spota, to alleged bribery, drug possession, etc (mid-late 2000s,) would be on this case, possibly shutting down the cooperation of three key witnesses, almost from the time of RH’s arrest. Who contacted whom, first? Did AE call Macedonia or visa versa? Did RH suggest Macedonia or could his lawyer Michael Brown have suggested Macedonia? The answer to the questions could revel so much.
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Is it known if he parked in the garage? It seems so small and with them being hoarders, I suspect it's packed full of stuff. His truck and jeep are not small either. There are photos of his vehicles parked on the street and driveway, and neighbors have reported the same. I do wonder how he got women into his home, unseen and unheard by the neighbors.

I have same questions?
Do we have some stated facts about activity in or about garage"?
Hoarder types rarely have a functional garage.
In the article linked above, it was noted by @Izzylizzy that Heuermann's wife's attorney stated that at 45 days after Rex's arrest, AE, VH and CS had not yet been interviewed by LE.
Exactly. But we know there was some conversation (it is what it is) and Asa voluntarily gave DNA. She had the right to insist on a court order.

It appears that the truth is Macedonia advised Asa to stop speaking voluntarily.

Then as part of his strategy to discredit LE, announced that LE hadn't spoken to Asa. He also used that twisted fact to imply Asa knows nothing.

Does anyone know how soon after the arrest Macedonia was hired or brought on? I just feel like many folks have known about RH for a very long time and it’s as if they have all been waiting for that day when as it were, “the other shoe would drop.” Did RH have incriminating evidence on any big wigs? It’s just seems a bit too convenient that Macedonia, with his links to Spota, to alleged bribery, drug possession, etc (mid-late 2000s,) would be on this case, possibly shutting down the cooperation of three key witness, almost from the time of RH’s arrest. Who contacted whom, first? Did AE call Macedonia or visa versa? Did RH suggest Macedonia or could his lawyer Michael Brown have suggested Macedonia? The answer to the questions could revel so much.
Macedonia said in an interview that he was retained the weekend after Rex was arrested. He was arrested Thursday evening (just leaving work at 8:30ish) and arraigned Friday. Over the weekend, according to Macedonia, he was retained.

It could be that the same people who interfered with solving LISK had unrelated interests in keeping out the Fed, etc., in addition to a "cultural" disinterest in stopping the crimes. They may have been neutral on Rex, if they knew who he was.

But there may be a more sinister connection. I can't help but ask myself if the fact that Rex had "film" on his blueprint list, and that several witnesses quoted Burke as asking for snuff films in a surprisingly conversational tone, plus Loeb's claims could be related.

If- and this is pure speculation- Burke was in the habit of requesting and getting snuff films from Rex- Burke is a murderer, too. (If Rex is guilty as alleged.)

Yes, posters have described that covered rear compartment with the pass through on the Avalanche.

I am only confirming again, because I really do think this was quite strategic vehicle selection vehicle to do his "work".
Agree. For what did RH need an Avalanche, when he mostly took a train, sitting relaxed there with a beer, making notices on his Palm Pilot (?), and his wife picked him up at the train station on LI? The Avalanche certainly was one of his "work tools". MOO
Maybe photos are a problem because he would want access to them but they are such damning evidence that they have to be hidden where it is impossible for them to be accidently found or found by an actual search. If he just had them on a cellphone or digital camera/device, I would think they would be "pics" but they would still need to be hidden. Maybe his copier at the office could print "photos" for him. Maybe he wanted them printed to spread them out or make an album. I don't think they've found this cache, unless it's a secret until they are ready to charge him with more murders.
Rodney Alcala rented a storage locker under his own name, RH would know better. Others have hidden photos in vents (behind heating registers, etc.),in drop ceilings, and buried in a box. It's not my hard opinion that this is what RH's question mark/problem meant, I really don't know.
Can you imagine if he has any btk type photos...of himself!! Just the thought alone
there's a picture at this link of the garage supposedly after they put the belongings back in ... no room for vehicles

I think he took the victims in through the back basement entrance that goes directly down into his 'dungeon' - picture at the link below (assuming it was possible to enter the backyard from either side of the house)

Thanks, I was just getting ready to point this out. I'm not sure the outside "cellar door" entrance was the only one, but he likely used it some for convenience.

I still believe that, in at least some cases, he was able to lure the women into the house with the promise of a drink or drugs, etc. Recall Shannan went into the house at Oak Beach before becoming so frightened that she called 911.
In the article linked above, it was noted by @Izzylizzy that Heuermann's wife's attorney stated that at 45 days after Rex's arrest, AE, VH and CS had not yet been interviewed by LE.
My apologies—I should have been more clear. I was referring to the assumption that they are “WAY behind on getting information.”
In the article linked above, it was noted by @Izzylizzy that Heuermann's wife's attorney stated that at 45 days after Rex's arrest, AE, VH and CS had not yet been interviewed by LE.
The latest bail application makes plain that VH was interviewed -- at least about the trip with her childhood friend when the family vacationed in Vermont. And IIRC, that family was also interviewed.
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