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DNA Solves
  1. Murphismo

    2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

    And when I say the end of the story, not just the CA story - I see a lot of changes coming down the road, been have a general feeling of unease for quite sometime. Sort of like this is just NOT the same world anymore. So much evil, unrest, hatred, starvation - I am a biologist by trade and the...
  2. Murphismo

    2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

    I just think america is fed up, I think we are nearing the end of an era - we are not the same country we were 10 years ago. I really, really think there are going to be some serious reprocussions to this whole thing. It has enraged and affected too many, I think America is just fed up...
  3. Murphismo

    2011.07.07 Release Date Announced: Casey Will Be Released Wed. 7/13 or is it 7/17?

    I agree, I think on some delusional level she expects fame, I don't have the best feeling about that....
  4. Murphismo

    2011.07.07 Release Date Announced: Casey Will Be Released Wed. 7/13 or is it 7/17?

    well, if it is any consolation, she's out on a life sentece in general population in a way..... Just sayin
  5. Murphismo

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Oh, I for one, can think of plenty.......:floorlaugh:
  6. Murphismo

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    I am done, just peeked in to see if she got the four years. At any rate, I am finished. No more TV on HLN for me, I'll catch what I can on the local news and let her fade into oblivion. I need to forget this or it will eat me alive. I never want to see her face, hear her name or any of the...
  7. Murphismo

    Enter new thread ideas here! (All new threads must be approved)

    Would the mods consider removing Ms. Anthonys picture from the front of websleuths with the NOT guilty sign. It makes me physically ill. Please post a picture of Caylee with Justice for her and a link to local lawmakers and caylee's law link. Thank you. Rainie
  8. Murphismo

    Support Thread: Fellow WS'ers

    Would the mods consider removing Ms. Anthonys picture from the front of websleuths with the NOT guilty sign. It makes me physically ill. Please post a picture of Caylee with Justice for her and a link to local lawmakers and caylee's law link. Thank you. Rainie
  9. Murphismo

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    I really wish the mods would remove her picture from the front of websleuths with the NOT guilty sign. It makes me physically ill. Please post a picture of Caylee with Justice fo her and a link to local lawmakers and caylee's law link. Thank you.
  10. Murphismo

    Caylee's Civil Rights

    Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Every right in the bill of rights she will never be afforded...
  11. Murphismo

    JVM 7-6 ZFG files defamation suit against KC

    does anyone know if ICA can be held in contempt of court for all the facial expressions she made and things she mouthed in open court?
  12. Murphismo

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    I see no good coming of her life. I see some initial media blitz, maybe a little money. But let us not forget zenaida fernandez's lawsuit. The public is pizzed, just like OJ won the criminal proceeding but lost the civil suit. I see any and all members that have any stading in this case to...
  13. Murphismo

    New Charges for Casey?

    I understand about double jeapordy... But someone mentioned a judicial review coming down the road? What if there was jury misconduct or some reversable error??? Does anyone know?
  14. Murphismo

    Anthony's in hiding due to death threats per WFTV

    I was the one that posted it. I really think it's going to happen to ICA, terrible that people are taking it out on G and C - the jury dropped the ball, even if you take out their lies. She is probably one of the most hated women in America right now. I'll tell you what else, this jury isn't...
  15. Murphismo

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    I would be banned from websleuths for the rest of my life if I answered that truthfully. I'm sure it would start off with something like......."How stupid are you??" Today is a dark day for me. I have lost faith in humanity, our legal system, I will never serve on a jury - I no longer believe...
  16. Murphismo

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    here's my question for everyone (1 or 2) when the verdict is read: 1. stonefaced 2. meltdown
  17. Murphismo

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

  18. Murphismo

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    is it just me, or did anyone notice the HJBP looked like a "not-so nice judge" today???? He usually exudes kindness and fairness, today he looked like a man who's made up his mind?

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