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  1. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    I didn't know this! Why do they have closed court?? Also did they bring up the App? In the bail it says GBC texted abc and said the app wasn't showing her location "but it was likely the app was never used" Did they ever go over this in the trial? Very intrigued about what was discussed on...
  2. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    Pls bear with me as I'm reading back from what I missed and not sure if this is already been mentioned. Section BBM. So middle daughter allegedly saw GBC BEFORE the shaving accident. Anyone care to check the statement if this matches?!? Or is Sarah the middle child?
  3. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    Is the defence bluffing here?? Like they did in committal!? No case to answer - just giving it a go? OR are they that confident that they think they've proven their case? I realise the judge has rejected that but it's not up to him is it? Just trying to understand the strategy here? Anyone want...
  4. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    Let me get this straight. They were trying to get this thrown out? Is this normal? I thought it was trying to strike up a plea deal?!? Is that incorrect?? Help!!!
  5. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    So is this change a move to change the charge to lesser charge or is it to have the charge thrown out? Is it the usual progression or is this major?
  6. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    And the whole story around expediting death certificate and fast payment of the insurance $. Where was that? Do the defence now call witnesses?
  7. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

    I feel sick. :( That can't be it! There's so much they haven't gone through? What about the life insurance? Business partners? Omg this is ridiculous!
  8. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 24th June - Trial Day 9, Week 3

    I recall reading here that GBC has not cooperated with police. Has he not provided an official statement? What about the recorded conversations with police that morning? What are they considered then? Why would he not give a statement? What else hasn't he done that would mean they say he hasn't...
  9. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 24th June - Trial Day 9, Week 3

    Ok, makes sense when you put it that way. It just feels like the defence are casting doubt on things we know to be true. Questioning credentials of experts with years of experience? I just worry the jury would take that to mean reasonable doubt iykwim. Still hoping there's a clincher...
  10. C

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 24th June - Trial Day 9, Week 3

    FFS!!!! Really defence team, REALLY!?!?? Again questioning every damn expert's years of knowledge?!? I totally share your frustration here DW. I don't think there has been one expert here that has been 100% positive and adamant in their testimony. It makes everything seem unreliable. And...
  11. C

    GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

    Where are the bedrooms in relation to the carport? Also for those who followed the Lloyd rayney case, how was does it compare to this? I get it was a judge only trial, but do you think the circumstantial evidence was stronger, weaker, on par so far with this case? What about other...
  12. C

    GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

    That's exactly what I was getting at! Very interesting that the biggest pieces of damning evidence in both those cases was only disclosed on the trial! Thank you.
  13. C

    GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

    So can someone advise here or give a comparison of other like cases on how evidence can change or expande from bail through committal to trial evidence? For instance, have we seen everything we going to by reviewing bail and committal docs, witness statements?
  14. C

    GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

    Not sure if it's at all relevant here, but a friend of mine is seeing a psych bulk billed through her GP. Given Allison's prior consults this is a possibility?!? Maybe??
  15. C

    GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

    I was just about to say didn't he have a few phones? I seem to recall reading there were a few phones confiscated. Perhaps he had a second phone to contact her?

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