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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. noopy

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    If CA was really not guilty, why would she cover up an innocent accident and make it look like murder? How about calling 911 to start? Taking the child to a hospital to try and save her? Nothing. Instead just lies after lies to obstruct justice and delay LE to find Caylee's body. There is...
  2. noopy

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    so if she was not guilty, they why was she afraid to testify in court and speak the truth? i am very angry at the verdict, AND angry why casey anthony is now all of a sudden murderer turned celebrity?@#$ GOD help me understand. why was she driven off in an suv and then flown off in a PRIVATE...
  3. noopy

    9 Dec 2010 - Reports: Elizabeth confessed a second time to killing Gabriel

    they can charge her with murder or anything they want, but even if they did, there's no body, no one saw her commit the act of killing, and that means 'reasonable doubt' based on our justice system, no? so the jury will find she is not guilty. i felt casey anthony's case had more compelling...
  4. noopy

    Tammi Smith -The Charges

    it doesn't even matter what the truth is anymore because there won't be any justice for gabriel... if in the case of casey anthony, she was free to walk, i feel the state has even less evidence against elizabeth (after all they can't even prove gabriel is dead), and much less against tammi...
  5. noopy

    9 Dec 2010 - Reports: Elizabeth confessed a second time to killing Gabriel

    will there ever be justice for gabriel? i think not... after casey anthony was found not guilty, i doubt any moms who kill their children will be found guilty as long as they don't to it admit. in gabriel's case, there's not even a body, how can she ever be found guilty of murder? i have no...
  6. noopy

    Legal and Law Questions - * No Discussion *

    Would the next scheduled hearing on 10/25 still happen? Given now they are looking to dismiss the case against EJ all together?
  7. noopy

    Facebook & MySpace Discussions

    Could her account have been hacked? Doesn't make sense she'd make her blog public... Nothing in there that reveals anything new we didn't already know though, she's an unusual person and she admits it, i think we wouldn't be here with gabriel missing if she wasn't a bit of an unusual person...
  8. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    Yes, I agree the detective did something very wrong too, so sue him too or demote him or fire him from the sapd. But why does that mean the criminal walks? They can just throw out whatever evidence he obtained, no? Change the lawyer if EJ doesn't trust Alcock... Alcock's been doing a superb...
  9. noopy

    Confused? Get Help Here. Q&A Thread

    Yes it has been odd, but I can't put my finger on it either... The case has been so quiet/ cold for so long... and all of a sudden, she will walk free! She seemed to know this all along too. Was Salame really EJ's true friend who can help her? Maybe that's exactly what he meant when he...
  10. noopy

    Confused? Get Help Here. Q&A Thread

    So can we assume EJ's grandmother is more wealthy than Tammi? Why didn't she just help out with raising Gabriel, or EJ for that matter?
  11. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    I see it differently... The detective did something very wrong that got us here, however, his intention was to get a confession from her and to find Gabriel... (I think... or was his intention to spoil the case and free EJ? i dunno). But Alcock is filing to dismiss the case against EJ, dismiss...
  12. noopy

    Prayers and Well Wishes for Gabriel and his family

    I pray for Gabriel and his real family, that they will have the justice they deserve. Elizabeth should NOT walk free under any circumstances, and I pray that she will face the consequences for what she has done.
  13. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    i still don't understand the logic why 2 wrongs make a right... how is she ever able to walk free when gabriel is missing or dead? whatever the detective did doesn't change the fact that we don't know where gabriel is and she is the only suspect. i don't follow many cases, but i guess...
  14. noopy

    Legal and Law Questions - * No Discussion *

    Hi AZ- If there was a procedural error from the detective's part, why wouldn't the courts just decide to: 1) throw out the evidence from that interview with the detective (hasn't surfaced anyway) 2) replace her attorney (since the detective only said not to trust her attorney not all...
  15. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    even if he did get a confession on that day, i'm sure EJ would reneg it (she did confess on the very first day to logan in a text!)... or her attorneys would whine about it to no end until either the evidence was thrown out or the whole case dropped.
  16. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    I am so digusted with this if she really gets away with possib murder after something so trivial. What kind of message is this sending to our society, no wonder so many babies go missing or get killed every year, cuz apparently, it's A-OKAY. She reminds me of Joran Van Der Sloot, my opinion is...
  17. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    hmmmm.... so EJ's hands and knees got touched by someone, and this is proven by witnesses! POOR POOR GIRL FOR ALL HER SUFFERINGS, we should immediately set her free cuz that is MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN her having kidnapped and possibly killed a baby.
  18. noopy

    8 Oct 2010 - Elizabeth's attorneys move for dismissal

    I dunno, w/o a body, and murder evidence, can they just charge her with murder? My thought was this, was this detective in love with her and wanted to help her go free by intentionally violating these rules? I can't imagine WHY else on earth he'd do this, given he's in LE. Did he really mean...
  19. noopy

    Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

    Yeah, for someone trying to be let off as "incompetent", she sure sounds way too competent when it comes to firing lawyers. Didn't she fire her old Vanessa Smith on similar grounds? Agree danisisa... I never believed she was incompetent, just glad she has to go to trial. BTW, what is...
  20. noopy

    Confused? Get Help Here. Q&A Thread

    I am confused about something... In most recent Oct news articles, Tammi can no longer afford her lawyers and will be appointed a PD. How is it possible that Elizabeth is still retaining her private attorney, Nicholas Alcock? Who is paying? And again she tried to fire him and go back to the...

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