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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Do you guys see how serious mode on the blue shirt guys face? Man, he is thought on something for sure. Now, I hear that LE is starting to give these images out. If so, they aren't in custody yet. Fox could be speaking wrong though about LE giving them to public eyes.
  2. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Certain features about faces. NOT their skin color. I am not stereotypical in anyway. The eyebrows on blue shirt did it for me. And truth be told, we are ALL of foreign ancestory in the USA.
  3. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Now that we pretty much have these two confirmed, can anyone with more knowledge of wanted lists, previous crimes, etc... take a look a the guy in the blue.. since there is a very clear image of him.. and maybe put him to someone else (a name), or facial recognition software for me? :) These...
  4. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    This is now CONFIRMED:
  5. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Well, Fox just confirmed the image I posted of those two men ARE who they want. Blue track suit and black coat/backpack.
  6. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    They're doing their jobs really well. I'm sure they're happy about now. If they tell major media to put the pictures of the "POI" out there.. then that means they definitely have nobody in custody. Strange they would cancel all the conferences today, especially minutes after announcing 8PM...
  7. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    They could be innocent! I'm just sure they are people of interest to talk to. The picture of them at the blast site was taking around 10-11AM EST. Hours before the blast in that area. They were later seen talking further away with each other. One most likely missing his black backpack. If...
  8. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Would you as the FBI and Boston LE want to look dumb by saying "we have them in custody" while it's possible the real bombers are sitting in front of a television somewhere thinking they got away with it?
  9. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Yeah, it was me who is convinced about those guys being shown on the news slowly now. Especially local channels. You guys have to understand, the police getting these images are being shared with their families around dinner tables etc. The reports of a suspect etc, arrest etc.. stemmed...
  10. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    If I'm incorrect about those being the two the feds want to speak with from my previous imgurl post, then you can make fun all you want. That's how confident I am currently.
  11. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    There are multiple photos of him with "white cap guy". He's even next to him as the bag is missing. Although they may be innocent, I feel the cops are looking for those two to question. There's a difference between being guilty and a person of interest. If I were the cops, I'd want to...
  12. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Also, about my last imgurl post with the "ground zero". The images of them standing there were taken hours before the blasts. In theory, this could mean they are innocent. But, the images the cops are handing out to locals in Boston sound to be those two.
  13. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    It's becoming more obvious that they used RC car type remotes to detonate them. They weren't by the bags.
  14. F

    Explosion Boston Marathon #2

    Here, these are for sure the suspects. Scroll down to the third image, and boom. There you go:
  15. F

    Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

    I may not be adding much to the conversation other than an opinion here, although it needs to be said. Regardless of what disease or illness they make up for the loser that shot the school up, nothing on Earth can make someone do this without some sort of evil/logical thoughts. Every time...

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