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  1. C

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    Can the prosecution appeal the verdict ? The defense could have.... Why to does the posecution not go after the Anthony's and charge them with perjury and obstruction? They helped set murderer free.... Charleyann I also think it was wrong not to put on Tim Miller and the X on the map...
  2. C

    OMG, she will get the Opportunity....

    OMG, I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Casey, can have another child and nobody can stop her.........................:sick: Charleyann:banghead:
  3. C

    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    We can't forget Cindy's evil ,cocky smirk to DDB during that prejury! Cindy has always shown arrograncy and thought she was a bove the law. She obstructed or tried to several times during the investigation. IT wasn't a one time mistake. Would all been good if Casey got off with it because of...
  4. C

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    Yes....and let him talk. He'll open that door and the mac truck will come straight for the entire defense team.... Let Baez talk !!!! Charleyann
  5. C

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    OMG...Casey looked so mad at the end of JA closing statement ! I hope the jury was watching her. No tears , just anger .... RIP Caylee Charleyann
  6. C

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Morning Session)

    My tears flow with JoJo, my heart aches for him and his beloved Caylee. OMG Casey, how could you ?:banghead: Charleyann
  7. C

    Prosecution Strategy

    OMG, yes it gave me the chills too ! As the Judge said " This is not a game" and they have all made it a game to protect Casey and in the process are forgetting sweet little Caylee .....IT is so sad. Makes my heart hurt that her family doesn't care...... Charleyann
  8. C

    Prosecution Strategy

    What got me good and mad was Cindy grinning that sarcastic grin and then smacking her lips together to try and hide it ! Like in saying " Ha , Ha got ya !" Same sarcastic grin as in her depo with Morgan. OMG.....I would like to smack the grins off three people in this sorry mess : Cndy, Casey...
  9. C

    2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

    I believe it would have been in the States best interest if they had charged the Anthony's with perjury in the beginning and given them a taste of jail. Each time they prejured themself, they would have gotten more time? By trial time, prejury would be numerous enough to warrant prison...
  10. C

    2011.06.20 TRIAL Day Twenty-three (Morning Session)

    He let Baez off . ....why not follow his word !!!!:banghead: Then Baez does something and judge takes it out on state too :banghead: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Charleyann
  11. C

    2011.06.11 TRIAL Day Sixteen (Morning Session Only)

    Not to be gross either, but fluids would leak out of all , eyes, ears, bottom and her other antomy parts... If Casey was smart enough to know fluids leak, she was dumb enough to forget the rest ! Charleyann
  12. C

    Baez, is it legal?

    I could see why they would change.....overdose would still classified aggravated child abuse which constitutes the needle too !!! Charleyann
  13. C

    Baez, is it legal?

    I absolutely do ! Had Casey said from the moment her daughter accidently died (Supposedly), called 911 , we would have been looking at different scenario. These things , these innocent people, would all be living life differently. Casey would have been free and there would have been no...
  14. C

    Baez, is it legal?

    Yes ! Even George and Cindy were still looking for the Nanny up until 6 weeks ago.... Why wait three years to let folks know this was an accident and reap the benefits along the way? Why knowingly take false money for a lie ? Charleyann
  15. C

    Baez, is it legal?

    So the the defense is claiming that poor Caylee died in the swimmng pool on June 16/2008..... So why did the defense ask for and receive money to investigate innocent people? Look at the turmoil and more investigative money that went into equasearch. The money all these people had to pay to...
  16. C

    2011.06.06 TRIAL Day Eleven (Afternoon Session)

    His is voice is hostile....(Baez) His voice grates on my nerves. He acts like he lives in Casey's world. The way she talked to her parents in that jail house visit that she was the victim. It was everyones fault but her own... She is rubbing on on him !!!! I feel sorry for the prosecution...
  17. C

    2011.06.06 TRIAL Day Eleven (Morning Session)

    I don't understand why the defense is fighting this testimony of the experts regarding the trunk if the baby's death was an accident? Why did the defense just go with with , Casey just didn't have the heart to put the baby in the ground, that she wanted to KEEP HER CLOSE? So she left her in the...
  18. C

    Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

    I think the dirt deed starting in Casey's room. I believe that is where she was intially chlorformed so Casey could get ready to go out with Tony. Her parents wouldn't babysit for her and she was desperate for some fun time with Tony. I think Casey may have reapplied another dose of...
  19. C

    Mallory Parker's Testimony

    And Baez is always asking was Caylee feed . OMG.....The grandparents provided the food , the roof over Caylee's head , her clothes, diapers and toys. Casey didn't have a job. She stole from Grandma for cake for Caylee !!! OMG...stop it already....Casey provided little for her daughter:banghead...

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