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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. shadowdancer

    Identified! AL - Opelika, 'Juvenile Jane Doe', BlkFem, UP9834, 4-7, in woods, abused, Jan'12 *reward* - Amore Joveah Wiggins

    What a beautiful, sweet little girl. It makes my blood boil to think of anyone hurting her. I hope they can find out who she was very soon, and I believe that this will lead investigators directly to the person(s) responsible for her abuse and death. Let justice be done.
  2. shadowdancer

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    I think she may have been planning to go on somewhere after work, possibly a meal or night out and she wanted to be able to style her hair in the loos after her shift ended. This would make sense given that her hair may get frizzed up by the steam in the kitchens.
  3. shadowdancer

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    I think if you have a woman disappear within a few streets of the address of Christopher Halliwells father, then CH needs to be considered a suspect until he can be definitively ruled out
  4. shadowdancer

    Brangelina Divorce

    Yeah, those magazines that have told us that Jennifer is definitely pregnant about 100000000000 times, and yet she still hasn't actually turned out to be pregnant even once. Not a reliable news source at all.
  5. shadowdancer

    Greece Greece - Ben Needham, 21 mos, Isle of Kos, 24 July 1991

    The Daily Mail are claiming that lots of bone fragments have been found yesterday (Monday). They might not be related to Ben, as the land has long been used for grazing animals. Still an ominous find though - is this Ben? :(...
  6. shadowdancer

    Greece Greece - Ben Needham, 21 mos, Isle of Kos, 24 July 1991

    This Huffington post article has a really good video, showing the original 1991 breaking news reports about Ben's disappearance and an interview from that time with Ben's father.
  7. shadowdancer

    GUILTY IN - Aleah Beckerle, 19, Disabled, Evansville, 16 July 2016 #2 **arrest**

    This is not the way I hoped this would lead. I was hoping that it was a 'Shannon Matthews' situation and Aleah was hidden away in an associate's house whilst the family tried to financially milk the 'disappearance' for all it was worth. At least that way, it would mean that Aleah was still alive.
  8. shadowdancer

    GUILTY IN - Aleah Beckerle, 19, Disabled, Evansville, 16 July 2016 #2 **arrest**

    They are probably just saying they want to hire a PI to try and get those donations rolling in.
  9. shadowdancer

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    Halliwell seemed to kill women that he had become fixated on. Claudia liked to go out socialising a lot. She could have easily crossed paths with Halliwell if he was in the area, possibly at the local pub.
  10. shadowdancer

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    Perhaps he might have thought catching the bus preferable to being seen in a car that could be traced back to him via the numberplate.
  11. shadowdancer

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    I think its totally possible for the hair to have thinned that much in three years. I have seen plenty of men lose more hair in less time, and sometimes at a younger age than Halliwell.
  12. shadowdancer

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    I think Halliwell looks an excellent match for the man on the bus. Same build, same colouring, same hairline, same sticking-out ears. Does Halliwell definitely smoke with his left hand?
  13. shadowdancer

    Lori Ruff Identified as Kimberly McLean of PA

    I feel exactly the same way! I'm so shocked that people wouldn't have recognized her! Maybe its like those optical illusions - We just all 'see' things differently.
  14. shadowdancer

    Brangelina Divorce

    I wouldn't personally throw around accusations that these people are running a scam. Angelina can employ whomever she likes, she doesn't have to explain that to anyone and as I remember it being reported on British TV - It was Angelina who made the approach to these people. Not the other way...
  15. shadowdancer

    Lori Ruff Identified as Kimberly McLean of PA

    The takeaway from this (and Grateful Doe, Cali and Sharon Marshall), is that the most mundane explanation is almost always the right one. I know everyone is probably bored of me saying this, but its true.
  16. shadowdancer

    Brangelina Divorce

    I think with celebrities, the public never hears about the truth of their lives, they just hear the glossy PR narrative that their agents pass onto the press. Its only when they get divorced or something that you suddenly get this avalanche of information, which shows that all sorts of other...

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