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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    Yep - my point is that even though the body may have been removed from the trunk at some point, the smell WOULD continue to become stronger if there are liquids left behind - not dissipate as some have suggested. So, for GA and TL to NOT smell the decomp, then the tow yard to NOT smell the...
  2. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    Stating for the record I think everyone here is extremely intelligent and inquisitive and searching for the truth - please do not take anyone's comments personally because I want those that believe an SO did it to convince me as you would if you were trying to convince a juror of KC's innocence...
  3. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    Yep yep. Now, I might add this - Princess, take a chicken leg - place it in the trunk of a car, or even a sealed box. After two days, lift the lid and remove the chicken, but leave the juices in the box and reseal. Check the box or trunk after another 3 days - check it again after 5 days -...
  4. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    I was very curious about this, because of the pizza theories out there - I did try with several pizza pieces from different pizza shops - one was plain cheese, one had green peppers and pepperoni and one was a deluxe. ALL THREE had the SAME EFFECT. The green peppers wilted, eventually...
  5. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    Absofriggin'-lutely. The fact is that CA and GA and even KC, who is now rotting in jail, WOULD NOT LET KC REMAIN IN JAIL if there was an inkling of proof or even speculation that an SO did this to this child. Not only that, but they would be SCREAMING about the on the loose SO, to ensure...
  6. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    Just curious - did he also follow KC and Caylee to ZFG and when KC dropped her daughter off with the nanny, did he wait until the nanny emptied out the vacant apartment, left Caylee alone and tended to Zachary to make his move?
  7. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    LOL - it amazes me, and my hubby thought I was crazy, but did the experiment myself, and Gaia was correct - no "decomposing" odor whatsoever - just a withering piece of dried-out pizza - no maggots - and mine was not in a bag but just placed in an old car we had sitting outside.
  8. Seebra

    The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

    Here is why a Sex Offender does not fly with me in this case, either through KC handing her baby over, or one getting the little girl without KC"s knowledge. Please feel free to challenge these points, as I am quite interested why this would ever be a viable defense: 1. KC's fear of sitting...
  9. Seebra

    Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

    That would make for some trainwreck reality TV.
  10. Seebra

    It's All About Caylee

    Hello, little darling angel. How are you doing today? Are you reading your favorite stories with all of the other little angels? Are you playing hide-n-seek? Are you sliding down rainbows and laughing every moment? I know you are, sweetie. You are having such fun, aren't you? Here's a...
  11. Seebra

    Casey's life a year ago

    Let's not also forget that a year ago, to some extent, KC's plan was already forming. The searches for chloroform, neck-breaking and Zenaida were already made, the One Tree Hill was already googled, and IMO KC was going overboard with how much she loved her baby girl (check Cupid Profile, My...
  12. Seebra

    Casey's life a year ago

    A year ago... KC was a mother to a beautiful baby girl who was barely 3 years old. She had a family who supported her, a new BF, and a complete facade that she was actually working, had money and a great life that included getting her parents' house, etc. The facade was slowly...
  13. Seebra

    2009.05.05~ Casey Anthony Defense Team Deposition Of Tammy Uncer

    IMO, and only MO, there is SOMETING BIG on that tape - perhaps a confession, or body language suggestive of one, perhaps some inappropriate behavior between Jose and KC, something that Jose is AFRAID of being made public, which is why this is a big deal. Other than whatever is frightening...
  14. Seebra

    2009.05.05~ Casey Anthony Defense Team Deposition Of Tammy Uncer

    Wasting time and money is so true. They should be working on defense for their client, not wasting time filing motions that mean nothing and have no substance behind them, so that they get new hearings and more new hearings to discuss and finalize other hearings. "This is a waste. A HUGE...
  15. Seebra

    2009.05.05~ Casey Anthony Defense Team Deposition Of Tammy Uncer

    First thing I noticed as far as something strange. Very strange.
  16. Seebra

    It's All About Caylee

    Good morning, beautiful baby angel. How are you today, love? We miss you, Caylee. Love and kisses from all of us today. Play sweetly, have so much fun today.
  17. Seebra

    Was Defendant Deprived of Her Right to Counsel?

    Here's what will happen next: JB will file another 17 motions that have the legal and intellectual content of an 11 year old. Hearing dates will be set to schedule additional hearings on the delay of a hearing that will conclude the hearing that will actually result in JB filing another 17...
  18. Seebra

    Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

    I agree and always refer back to that interview as well - but something changed - Is it just, as a parent, one cannot fathom that their child could do something like this? Or is it something more... I cannot imagine being in George or Cindy's place, but honest to God, I cannot also imagine...
  19. Seebra

    Was Defendant Deprived of Her Right to Counsel?

    Does ANYONE else here feel that there is a slim chance LE did the taping with the HOPE that KC would break down and confess when presented with her child's lifeless body - I'm not talking trick confession here, I'm talking wearing down the defendant's lies and breaking her because humans DO FEEL...

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