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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. crystalgenie

    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #16

    I am almost afraid to post on this thread because it has been so hostile. However, I will give it a shot. va I find the news that CPS has had previously involvement very disturbing. There has been something going on in the house for quite some time. That means it was either a mandatory...
  2. crystalgenie

    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #15

    Thanks wasn't enough. It is sad that so many people have no idea how many missing there are in the border states. I am suprised a lot of people do not remember all the stories out of El Paso, TX and Phoenix. The abductions by the cartels on US soil was all over the news last year.
  3. crystalgenie

    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #15

    I have been quiet on this thread but I finally just have to say somethings. 1. I believe this is drug related and quite possibly cartel related. 2. If SC is or was involved in snitching it would not be a stretch for a cartel to snatch his child. 3. He may be or might have been an...
  4. crystalgenie

    Can You Call a 9-yo a Psychopath?

    Just because Mary Bell hasn't acted upon her psychopathy doesn't mean the diagnosis was wrong. We do not know if she still gets joy from watching violent movies or reading about serial killers... we just know she hasn't been caught doing anything. There is always the discussion of nature vs...
  5. crystalgenie

    Can You Call a 9-yo a Psychopath?

    I was watching the show 'Killer Kids', it is on Bio. Mary Bell was 10 or 11 when she made her first kill. She even knocked on the grieving family's door and asked to see the litttle boy in his coffin. She took great glee in murder and watching the victim's family suffer. She was diagnosed...
  6. crystalgenie

    GUILTY AL - Katelynn Arnold, 9, found hanged in tree, Ragland, 11 May 2012

    St. Clair County is considered part of North Alabama. North Alabama has an enormous methamphetamine problem. I don't know if any of you have seen the the documentary called "Meth Mountain" but it is a mountain in north Alabama actually called Sand Mountain. This might explain the lack of...
  7. crystalgenie

    Facebook Co-Founder Saverin Gives Up U.S. Citizenship Before IPO

    He is not the first to evade paying taxes and won't be the last. It won't make a difference but it makes me think about closing my Facebook account. I have been talking to financial advisors as well as watching what they have been saying about Facebook and from what I am hearing it isn't a...
  8. crystalgenie

    Scared Sick: mystery illness strikes 30+ students at Tulsa jail "career day" visit

    If I see someone throw up I will most assuredly will. I can see it in the movies and on TV and it not bother me, but let my dd throw up in front of me (from a stomach virus) and I'm done! When I was little we were taken to the local jail and shown how they fingerprint people, and what jail...
  9. crystalgenie

    John Travolta sued for sexual battery

    I wouldn't call it sexual battery unless these are legitmate masseuses at hotels and not male prostitutes. I think this is more of an attempt to out him.
  10. crystalgenie

    Dannielyn Birkhead at 5!

    She looks like mama and daddy. She looks like mama before all the drugs... I hope she learns the good things about her mom as oppose to just the trash that all of us heard.
  11. crystalgenie

    S Korea finds smuggled caps containing human flesh

    I have no words... This "one child" policy in China is feeding into this sort of ... I have no words... sorry.
  12. crystalgenie

    Found Deceased CA - Katie Wilkins, 25, dies of heroin OD, Los Angeles County, 28 April 2012

    If she did OD, and assuming the comments are true, the individual named in the comments could have been her dealer/friend... Her car probably ended up in a chop shop and they will be lucky to find any remains of it. If Dominick Dunne wasn't dead this would most probably end up on the show he...
  13. crystalgenie

    GUILTY WA - Daman Lehman for beating man into a coma, Puyallup, 2012

    After living north of Seattle for almost 10 years, I have noticed several things about Seattle... 1. The Seattle Police Department never addressed the gang issue and now it is out of control and they are playing catch-up. 2. It is one of the worst laid out city I have ever seen. 3...
  14. crystalgenie

    Speaking to the Dead: grieving engineer claims devices allow post-loss communication

    Our babies aren't supposed to die before us. We aren't supposed to bury them. Their grief and pain is immense. I personally would be locked away in a mental institution if it was me.
  15. crystalgenie

    GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #8

    Thank you. I know a predator is a predator. I was just going on my own experience with my best-friend. Her father was a pedo (he is dead now thank God) he preferred under-developed females when they got their periods he was done with them. His path of destruction included my best-friend...
  16. crystalgenie

    GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #8

    It doesn't look good for NH but... I wonder what the stats are on predators going from molesting a 5 year old to raping and murdering a grown woman? I have read that pedos usually don't change their stripes from not developed to a fully developed female/male. I haven't read every site however...
  17. crystalgenie

    Found Deceased CA - Katie Wilkins, 25, dies of heroin OD, Los Angeles County, 28 April 2012

    She could have had her dealer with her. She ODs and he/she freaks out because their only way out of Malibu is her car. I have had friends be clean for over a year, they have run marathons and won weight-lifting contests... I don't understand but when they relapsed it killed them. Maybe one...
  18. crystalgenie

    Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

    I have not been able to keep up with the thread for a few days but another poster pointed out the same thing I have been thinking. The friends either knew she was not going to be at school or just didn't think anything about it. Have any of her friends, at this new school, been asked about...
  19. crystalgenie

    GUILTY Afghanistan - US Soldier guns down 16 civilians, 2012 Kandahar massacre

    I believe I read or heard on the news that when he returned to base he laid his weapon down and put his hands in the air. That to me means he knew exactly what he had done. That is not a psychotic break. I feel sorry for the families of every mass murderer however just because he is...
  20. crystalgenie

    FL - Tasered by cop while handcuffed, woman strikes head on pavement; now brain dead

    Well said!!! What happened to personal responsibility and accountability??? I feel sorry for the girls parents, if they tried to teach her personal responsibility and accountability. She is a grown woman and had, had enough run-ins with the police to know exactly what she was doing and...

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