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  1. MLO

    Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

    I love you momrids, you're always so darn sensible :loveyou:
  2. MLO

    Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

    LOL, no. I'm not a big drinker but I did drink once or twice while breastfeeding them. None of them are damaged, in fact all 4 are gifted :loveyou: Alcohol doesn't immediately appear in the breast milk so drinking at the same time as feeding is ok. It is later that you need EBM or formula if...
  3. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Yep, because if they admit to mechanical failure, it makes all their other planes suspect. If it's pilot suicide it is just an unfortunate one off and the air line is the victim too. I assume they still want the tourism and for people to use their airline and people aren't going to do that if...
  4. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Agreed. I'm surprised that accusations like that are allowed to stay up more than a minute. I'm a member of a huge parenting forum, it has something like 100,000 members and a sub-forum for just about anything you can imagine. There has been cases of people googling themselves or family members...
  5. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    I have always been sure that the plane ended up where they said it ended up but I think that image settles it for me. That looks exactly like I would expect a debris field to look.
  6. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Perfectly said. I detest the man. He makes my stomach churn and is a huge embarrassment to our country, but he's doing ok. At this. Probably only this. I will never have an opportunity to say that again. RE: Coverage out in the ocean, now way. I live 20 minutes from a capital city and I have...
  7. MLO

    108 people missing in mudslide

    Oh gosh, the mother who has 3 children and her husband missing. One child rescued. I can't even begin to imagine. That just breaks my heart. I remember seeing it on our news site when it happened but I didn't think it was too bad. Today I saw an article titled "The disaster nobody knows...
  8. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    I agree, after shelling out thousands of dollars, you probably wouldn't have much left to spare. Refugees save, starve, beg, borrow and sell everything to get out. I'd add steal but I don't want to imply they would. I sure as hell would though. BUT, since I'm a nervous Nelly when I'm doing...
  9. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Yes, and even though hypoxia can be reversed there is a point where brain damage is permanent. I know on the Helios plane the flight attendant who was conscious until the end tried to put an oxygen mask one of the pilots to revive him before they ran out of fuel. It was way too late but the...
  10. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    If you're interested in reading a bit about another massive search off the coast of WA. This was further north and in calmer water but still took 66 years to find. HMAS Sydney-...
  11. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    That's one of the episodes I watched last night. They crashed into the ocean. The took the censor cover off to paint it and instead of cleaning the plane with a cloth they hosed it down with fire hoses. Because the cover was off they got water where it wasn't supposed to go and it froze while in...
  12. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    I think it's possible that in the confusion from hypoxia they were randomly swatting at buttons to make the noises stop. I remember on the Helios flight that the pilot got agitated and yelled at the air traffic control guy asking about the location of his something. They thought it was odd...
  13. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    About that signal sent after the last handshake-
  14. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    I don't think they landed there mistakenly. I think there are some countries that would be allowed to land at Pearce and some that would not. Where we are now, we have rotations of Marines come and live on base, use training areas and do joint training exercises. There are some places they are...
  15. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    All the talk of the sensational and repetitive coverage made me think of this quote on Raising Hope I heard a few days ago from Maw Maw "What about a TV channel just for news? Wait. They'll have to fill up too many hours and resort to sensationalizing non-issues and stirring up partisan...
  16. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    It should be pretty easy to figure out who had military flight training though? They've already said the passengers were cleared and I assume we'd know if the pilots had been military pilots. I know Paul Weeks was in the military but that really means nothing unless he were a Air Force Pilot...
  17. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    That was my second thought when I read about the plane. Every morning I'd get up and check for news on Russia. Now I have no idea what is going on because everything is pretty much focused on the plane. I've read a heap of comments on news articles stating the same except they put the US as the...
  18. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    Oooh, thanks for that link. I have an 8 year old boy who is nuts about space, he will love that.
  19. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    One of the shows watched last night had a problem with the black box. It had opened up and the data card was water logged. They had to dry it out but it still didn't work and had to be sent to Boeing (?) to be repaired. They found the plane quickly but it took months to actually get the data.
  20. MLO

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

    After watching heaps of Air Crash Investigation my #1 theory is mechanical. Some stuff you just can't predict and it doesn't have to be one problem. Heaps of small problems add up the big trouble when you are hurtling through the sky in a metal box. #2 is sabotage by someone on the ground...

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