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  1. M

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

    Well 8-4 explains why they came back so fast yesterday. It was deeply divided. I'm pretty shocked, I would have thought there was only 1 or 2
  2. M

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

    8-4 - 8 in favor of death..I am surprised there was 4 opposed to death. I really thought it would be one maybe 2 holdouts max.
  3. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    Sad day indeed. I also strongly believe that someone who indicated they could give the dp was not completely honest. I think that much is pretty obvious. There were no real mitigators IMO let alone any that could have cancelled out the horrible aggravators in this case. The poor Alexanders...
  4. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    Me too. As angry as I am I would not compare this jury to Casey Anthonys. Casey WALKED. Justice was fully DENIED. Jodi was CONVICTED and she will NOT WALK. So anyone saying that this jury is like Florida is totally full of it imo. I feel awful for the Alexanders, they deserved and needed...
  5. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    I hope the "hold outs" feel like crap when they see what a monster they have protected. I am SO ANGRY right now!!!!!
  6. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    A HUNG JURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just beside myself. There are no words. I am ANGRY, SAD and feel horrible for the family. When will this nightmare EVER end?? How the hell are they going to find a jury that is not biased? This is so awful! :(
  7. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    hln now saying extra security so maybe something more?
  8. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    Another question according to Beth on HLN.. This is ridiculous. But I guess the fact it is a question says they are still working hard trying to come to an agreement. I wish they would at least let us know what the questions are! This must be awful for the Alexanders. They have been through...
  9. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    ITA! If Jodi had been acquitted id understand ppl comparing but this jury has convicted her and found extreme cruelty. Comparing the two juries is comparing apples to oranges. I think this jury has/will work very hard to come to a verdict. I still believe there was misunderstanding about the...
  10. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    I think today is the day. I know people are up in arms about the supposed "deadlock" but I tend to think there was misunderstanding about that. To me it does not seem logical that they'd declare themselves "deadlocked" after just a few hrs. I think they might have been clarifying what to do in...
  11. M

    SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

    I think JSS has given way too much leeway to the DT but I think it was to cover herself for appeals, not because she doesn't think Jodi is a remorseless,savage killer. Jmo.
  12. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

    Basilcat my heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine the hell you have gone through. I'm also Canadian and decided when Karla Holmolka walked free that there was something severely wrong with our system. An accomplice to a man who killed schoolgirls, she also played the abuse card and despite...
  13. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

    I feel sick. Please let them come to a unanimous verdict on the DP. Poor Samantha started crying..this is not good :( I can't believe there are holdout(s) on the DP. It's what it was made for are crimes like this IMO. Ugghhh
  14. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

    Jury question.. I hope we can glean some insight as to where the jury is with this. I'm getting sooo nervous!!
  15. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

    Something's going on..the court clerk telling media to go to the court room according to HLN. This is driving me crazy!! I think there must be a verdict based on both families arriving but no official word yet..fx for DP today!
  16. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

    HLN has announced that both Jodi's family and Travis' family have arrived at the courthouse. Could a verdict have been reached and they just haven't told the media yet? I'm on pins and needles here! It makes sense they'd tell the family first then after a short time the media right?
  17. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    I believe the death penalty should be reserved for the worst of the worst. And I believe Jodi fits the bill. There are crazy people who are truly out to lunch-truly not responsible because they are profoundly sick. Jodi is not out to lunch. Her moves are contrived, calculated and yes, I would...
  18. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    I can relate so much. My mom died at the young age of 47 because her liver gave out. I had it pretty bad along with my brothers. Yet I know right from wrong and despite being in a very bad relationship where I felt rage and anger toward my boyfriend, I never hurt him. Jodi was a spoiled, self...
  19. M

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    I was just coming on here to point that out! I'm glad my fellow Sleuthers caught that, figured you would ;) I could see it in Jodi's face right after she said it that she knew she'd stuck her foot in her mouth...
  20. M

    Penalty Phase #13

    Please, someone explain how it is she's able to do these interviews?? Shouldn't she be too busy umm being locked up?? So, what does Sherrif Joe just say ok, everyone else to their cells but Jodi you go and do those 4.5 hrs of interviews. I'm just floored that the jail and specifically the...

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