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  1. southernyankee

    LA - Meing-Chen Hsiao, 34, murdered in her Monroe home, 9 Aug 2015 *arrest*

    Me too! I mean, I had thought that, and I still think as an element, it is common to a good number of such cases...because strong feelings like that could arguably fuel an emotional, violent outburst in reaction to some upsetting situation involving the perceived love interest. But what I took...
  2. southernyankee

    LA - Meing-Chen Hsiao, 34, murdered in her Monroe home, 9 Aug 2015 *arrest*

    I think money could've been a factor in the motive or even the primary motive, but "crime of passion" doesn't necessarily mean a victim + a murderer are/were lovers, romantically involved, etc. The word "passion" in "crime of passion" is more generally referring to "a violent crime, especially...
  3. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    I think you're right. A thousand dollars, though?'s nothing. I mean, it's not *nothing*, and I understand it can go a long way to someone desperate enough, but... for anyone's life? Jesus. And even thinking more callously, here: how the hell would the reward ever be worth the risk in that...
  4. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    Agreed. I know it's possible it's simply a coincidence, but I wonder if the marriage license or any records (or simply a ceremony itself?) corroborate that date, or if the photo/status update was just posted the same day... even as a personal distraction. August 8th, 2015 was a Saturday...
  5. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    The same article goes on to say: “Mandy would ride up and down the street. She invited the children in to get some candy one time, and he ] became acquainted with in that manner,” Detective [Duane] Cookson [of the Monroe Police Department] said. Tellis is a suspect in the murder...
  6. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13, if there's anything that makes me feel like I could relate to how way older generations feel when confronted with the oddities of Internet culture + social's MySpace pages in 2016. Thought process: ... --> ??? --> ... --> LOL --> (pause) wait, what did I just see --> why is...
  7. southernyankee

    LA - Meing-Chen Hsiao, 34, murdered in her Monroe home, 9 Aug 2015 *arrest*

    Ahh, thank you, Bessie!! I didn't think along those terms, admittedly - I mean, I didn't doubt you or anyone particular posting something not in good faith... the whole thing just has me in head-scratching mode, still. And I accept that there's a lot that's just not...known, or public info, etc...
  8. southernyankee

    LA - Meing-Chen Hsiao, 34, murdered in her Monroe home, 9 Aug 2015 *arrest*

    Therese Apel's article (25 Feb 2016, The Clarion-Ledger, is as informative as any I've found thus far linking Meing-Chen Hsiao's case with Jessica Chambers's... (thank you for...
  9. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    First of all - I know this is an incredibly unpopular sort of thing to say, but I can empathize with how people who know perps in other capacities can feel lost/sad/disappointed/confused/disoriented and the like when news of an indictment breaks. Even people who are capable of heinous acts can't...
  10. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    This is a really important point and I don't think we should just glaze over it... there is so much that we (the public) are not privy to yet, and with good reason before any trial or related legal action moves forward. At this point it doesn't look like we have any confirmed answers as to...
  11. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    This post was percolating in my mind for a while this evening + then I was like, JC? There's another JC who had a carpentry gig but also apparently associated with the "dregs of society" about 2000 years ago; the company he kept wasn't necessarily a negative reflection on his character, either...
  12. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    Re: screenshots + whether or not either hand, really, looks burnt or swollen: Based on this photo, I feel like it's inconclusive. For that matter, he could've knocked her out (I think a "blow to her head" was suggested in the past) and, believing her to be unconscious, doused her + the car with...
  13. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #13

    I haven't been properly logged in here to input in ages, but...I was traveling yesterday when caught the news and I'm still processing it, really. But I thought of y'all + hope you're all staying informed and sincerely want the truth to be known. From the bits that have hit the mainstream media...
  14. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    I concur. To paraphrase J.D. Salinger on this (figuratively): sometimes where there's smoke, there is certainly fire...and sometimes where there's smoke, it turns out to be just strawberry Jello. While the linked stories about other cases of firefighter arson do investigate that phenomenon, I...
  15. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    Was it stated on the record anywhere reputable (or in a recorded interview) that Lisa was instructed to be quiet about anything by LE? While I empathize with her for the tragedy + trauma of Jessica's murder, and I believe she has shared some truthful details based on her own observations, I do...
  16. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    Another thing... what with rumor rumblings + the like that ebb+flow with this case, and some of the talk very recently... I am shaking my head in hindsight when recalling her own mother saying on the True Crime Radio interview that she couldn't think of anyone who'd want to hurt her daughter...
  17. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    The recent pair of photos that are allegedly of Jessica - at minimum, I think these should be regarded with skepticism. They both could be "real" pictures of her, but are clearly edited - colored, modified, cropped, etc. The one on the right is particularly odd to me - I would not necessarily...
  18. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    Agreed. As said before: there are plenty of potentially what's-up-with-that situations as reported by various sources in this case, but the instance of these two fires feels like a red herring... and I believe FlatFootJoe nailed the gist of it here: (bracketed text added by me for...
  19. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    ...or is it really the other way round - some sort of pyromania that leads some to become firemen?
  20. southernyankee

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

    I noticed that too, at least in one particular individual's case - it especially stood out to me because I noticed it not long after the updated timeline was released (February 16/17); in comparison to what Google's cached results show, the page was up (or at least searchable given Google's...

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