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DNA Solves
  1. A

    A month later... where is Lisa? What is your opinion?

    I strongly believe mom had everything to do with it, whether intentional or not. I have a 10-month-old and a glass of wine sounds great many a night! However, getting blacked-out-drunk while alone with three kids is beyond poor judgement. I think the alcohol is key to the whole story. Also, her...
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    Mystery Man Surveillance

    I'm trying to read through all the posts, as I just got home today. Perhaps the baby is his? Pretty weird and strange for a baby to have such little clothing, but there are odd people out there who are not the most intelligent parents/caretakers.
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    Parents of baby Lisa Press Release 10/21/11

    I fully believe the parents are in on this, and distrust them immensely, but if someone could clear this up for me - did the cadaver dog smell something of Baby Lisa's when it hit on the 'death smell' -- or was it just a generic death smell? I only ask because we used to live in a house in which...
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    LE serves search warrant on family home #2

    To whom? Unless she has gotten better advice and an attitude adjustment, she should probably not. If she is begging, pleading for her child in a believable manner and offering helpful, clear information then maybe it would be helpful. But I for one, don't want to listen to anymore obnoxious...
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    Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 18 October 2011

    Just watched more of Megyn Kelly's interview on Fox around 1:00. My immediate reaction is that the mother acts very arrogant and has a smart-alec attitude. Dad seems zoned out and totally disengaged from anything going on. Both are completely inappropriate behaviors for this type of case, IMO. I...
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    Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 18 October 2011

    I really like Judge Alex. Very no-nonsense, easily understandable and speaks in plain language. No beating around the bush. He seems very sincere. I enjoy hearing his thoughts on cases. What were his thoughts on DB?
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    Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

    Also strikes me as suspicious that her fiancee/Lisa's father is not openly enraged, furious, scared to death, upset, angry, etc., that she was bombed while watching his three children. He is about as nonchalant about it as she is, if not more. WEIRD.
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    Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

    She seriously thinks that being 'drunk' has nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance?! If she is honestly that dimwitted and clueless, then I'd say the other children in the home are in danger as well. Sorry, lady, but your being drunk that night has EVERYTHING to do with your daughter's...
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    Baby Lisa Irwin Family Press Conference at 2:30pm **CST** today, Monday, Oct 17

    I've thought this from the beginning. Their lack of eye contact is weird. They are constantly looking down, to the side, and staring into space. No contact with each other, the camera or interviewer.
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    Baby Lisa Irwin Family Press Conference at 2:30pm **CST** today, Monday, Oct 17

    The Megyn Kelly interview was just painful. The mom has lost all and any credibility with me. I have no idea who is/was coaching her or what she thought she could gain by telling everyone she was drunk. I'm guessing this is an attempt for damage control. Too little, too late IMO.
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    Dan Abrams ABC to Interview Lisa's parents 10/17/2011 & Today Show

    I am not all that surprised at this turn of events. I'm thinking LE is putting the screws to her story and it's just not adding up. Buying boxed wine on a Monday afternoon is a little weird to me. Especially if you're a stay-at-home mom with three kids. Where were the kids, by the way, when she...
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    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    No, I'm saying the exact opposite. I find it odd that I have not heard anyone praise her or comment on GOOD parenting. I don't expect anyone to say anything negative in the media.
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    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    Great points. I just recall that even in the Casey Anthony case, some of her 'friends' (foolishly) stated what a great mother Casey was, how well she cared for Caylee, etc. I am just struck by the general silence regarding the character or personality of either parent. No co-workers, neighbors...
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    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    Based on their body language and odd comments, I think one or both parents knows what happened. It bugs me that neither parent ever makes eye contact with the camera, reporter, etc. Always looking to the side or staring into space. And if you are completely innocent, why would you 'expect' to be...
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    MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #14

    I find the aunt's comments during her interview with ABC to be downright idiotic. Not to mention incredibly insulting and disrespectful to law enforcement that, as far as I can tell, has spent tons of time and resources trying to find this baby. The more rude, disrespectful and unhelpful these...
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    MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #10

    I have no idea what happened to Lisa, though it is seeming more unlikely to me that a random stranger took her. But I have noticed in nearly all interviews with the parents (and especially the one with Judge J last night) that they make very little eye contact with the interviewer. A lot of...
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    MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

    Now THAT is interesting. We recently had a garage sale and I purposely had my in-laws babysit my 9-month-old son away from our home that day. Garage sales are a great way to make money, but also invite total strangers to your property. You have no idea who these folks are - criminal or not. As...
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    MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

    Could LE check local hospitals for women who have recently had a miscarriage, stillbirth or death of a child? Or even local fertility clinics to see if there were any super-aggressive or desperate patients? I don't know what medical laws allow for, but this would be an area I'd check into. Not...
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    2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

    Things such as this will and should haunt Casey for the rest of her days. If she thinks she'll be able to ride off into the sunset and all will be well because the case is 'closed,' she's clueless. What goes around comes around...eventually.
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    2011.07.07 Release Date Announced: Casey Will Be Released Wed. 7/13 or is it 7/17?

    I wonder if she has any idea what her life is really going to be like. How reviled, hated, feared, she is? Without breaking the law, people have the right to make her life uncomfortable and make her unwelcome. I don't think she's going to be finding people offering lots of charity and fun -- I...

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