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DNA Solves
  1. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    Yes, same here although I'm able to get to pic 16--that's it though.
  2. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    Okay, the quotes are doing funny things again . . .
  3. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    I just watched the raw footage of this--that's EXACTLY what it looks like! Wow . . . very telling.
  4. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    Excellent! I definitely sensed a more "sure thing" feeling from teh SA this time rather than last time. Last time left me kinda feeling iffy.
  5. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    Cindy seemed way too smiley at the end. George's reaction, very subdued and serious, seemed quite appropriate, I thought. KC did glance at them on her way out, right? I couldn't see very well.
  6. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    crap--did they agree to the 20 days? My vid quit working.
  7. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    KC probably thinks she looks fat in these particular pics and doesn't want them out in public because of that. Okay, that's my catty comment--done now ;)
  8. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    Wish they would zoom in on judges face while he's looking at the sample pics lol! Eyebrow raise maybe???
  9. Eponine

    2009.03.02 - Motion Hearing (Casey Tries to Halt Release of Evidence)

    PRIVATE Photobucket account?? I thought they were PUBLIC.
  10. Eponine

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    This makes so much sense! For the FIRST TIME in this case, something makes sense and seems plausible! Great thread here!!
  11. Eponine

    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    Heck no I don't feel sorry for her!
  12. Eponine

    2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

    Valhall, I think your post deserves its own thread. You've connected the dots for me!
  13. Eponine

    2009.02.18 Defense Statement

    Funny thing is, I didn't even need all this "junk" science to show me that Casey's guilty. Her very own words and actions (or lack thereof) showed her guilt a looong time before these forensic test results came out!
  14. Eponine

    Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

    From what we've been presented with so far: I think Casey killed Caylee and holds no remorse over that fact. I think GA, CA, and LA are possibly covering up that Casey killed Caylee.. I think it's killing GA on the inside, but CA and LA are still "dealing" with it. I'm very ready for the trial...
  15. Eponine

    Caylee Memorial

    This seems really surreal to me.
  16. Eponine

    Caylee Memorial

    Oh man, I'm gonna be bawling. Her sweet little picture up there with pretty music :(
  17. Eponine

    **all things zfg lawsuit merged **

    Okay Blink got this info?? I'm definitely interested. Why haven't we heard of this before? Or maybe I've just missed it? Thanks Jak and Ego!
  18. Eponine

    Does Anyone here think Casey Anthony is innocent?

    From everything I've read and seen and heard thus far, she's definitely guilty. I am soooooo flippin' curious, though, to see what the defense will pull out of their hat because I seriously cannot imagine what they could have to defend her with at this point.

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