Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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I think the family knows kc is "zanny". When Ca asked kc, "What do you want to say to Zanny?", kc says, "We forgive her". Well, if that wasn't a red flag!. Now, Lee says he believes "everything" his sister says..hmmmm. Looks to me like the family thinks kc is the nanny and did kill her. Now, they are convinced she has a dual personality or alternate ego, whatever, it makes it easier for them to accept the, otherwise, unacceptable.

Bolded by me

You may be on to something here. Lee does not consider the Zanny portion of Casey's personality to be his sister. It would be so much easier for them to accept Caylee's murder if Casey was truely, horribly mentally ill. That belief would allow them the hope that Casey could be made whole again.

If I understand the posters here who are seem knowledgeable about mental illness, personality disorders, etc, the A's belief is wrong and their hope is misplaced. But maybe that is the surprise JB is going to bring forth either at or right before trial.
The question is, how did she know it was vacant?

She used to spend a lot of time over at Dante's apt which I believe was within spitting distance of #210. Although supposedly Casey had not been there in some time, maybe she somehow either knew teh Joe or Stacy that had lived there and knew they no longer did.

I do think it's strange that the girl who used to live there was named Stacy.
Rhymes with Casey. People that go by aliases usually stay close to their real names. Maybe Casey was Stacy? Who knows. The girl did get around.

Per the leasing agent, the apartment was vacant because it "was under construction". Apparently, it was being remodeled and there would've been a lot of workmen going in and out - with door left open.

I agree with an earlier poster that KC took the police there to bolster her story. She imagined walking in with them to the torn up apartment and crying "OMG, she's moved out !". What she didn't count on was the police interviewing the complex's management. I think that is because whenever her parents caught her lying, stealing, etc, GA & CA ALWAYS kept things between themselves and NEVER went to a third party for verification or resolution.
One of the neighbors that has lived on Hopespring for many years and knew Casey as a child said that the A's as well as Casey knew the people that lived in those 2 houses. Casey would not have had to make up any names.

As far as Sawgrass, I think that Casey knew that #210 was vacant and figured that cops would check it out, see that the unit was empty and figure "Oh, this nanny was here and now has taken off with the child." Casey didn't stop to think that the police would actually "investigate" things thoroughly as she is a "live in the moment kinda girl".

i don't think she did make up names, at least not in the sense that she came up with those names all on her own. that was my point, kind of. just discussing the fact there are 'fernandez' and 'gonzales' connections with regard to the location of the body, and that it is unlikely she just happened to run into someone with those same names to blame and knew some of her information. there's just too much going on there.

i wish i knew. i know we all wish we knew. this is all just so bizarre.
Possible, but now thinking about it - for some reason I don't think the Florida court system allows one to pay by cc via the courts website if you are charged with a misdemeanor. I think you have go IN and pay it. Not sure...I'll have to double check that one.

Orange County does have to go to the courthouse itself and pay a criminal fine. I have a younger relative that has learned about all of this the hard way. Trust me, I know way more about the OC court system and OC jail than I ever wanted to know.

I find the whole Casey is ZFG very interesting. Yes, it would be another nail, but I don't think LE needs it. I believe they have enough.

But, think of it like this: If LE in fact has all the missing pieces to this puzzle that we don't have here, this could be the major nail that lead them to declare that KC killing Caylee was premeditated (before Caylee's remains were even discovered, nonetheless!). If this in fact is all true, which I wholeheartedly believe it to be, then this is a major thing! I believe that LE has this thing all figured out "behind the scenes" and could be a major reason why this trial is taking so long. There's a ton of information here. And, we haven't seen any "evidence" that LE is investigating this because it's still considered "ongoing", and not applicable to the Sunshine Information Laws.
Wow, I'm just blown away by all this. The "Nanny" thing was the one thing I wanted answered...well, that and the chloroform.
Secret, that is a delicious theory and would seem to make sense if it weren't for the unavoidable coincidence that the real Zenaida FG visited Sawgrass Apartments on June 17th, right when KC knew she needed to start building an excuse. And correct me if I'm wrong, but ZFG looked at the exact same apartment that KC said she brought Caylee for babysitting.

KC knew what ZFG did that day. She either watched her or got her name from the visitor's card.

I surmise that KC was obsessed with being a nanny, and yes KC is Zani the nanny. But she had been following/tracking this particular ZFG for some time, for some reason. When the time came for KC to do her dirty deed, she used ZFG as her scapegoat.

Her description of the real ZFG is someone that KC aspires to... she's a nanny with a lot of money, not tied down, Hispanic.

I hope and pray that LE has already figured out how KC got ZFG's name from Sawgrass.

Somewhere I believe it was mentioned that apt #210 was the apartment that was used to show people that were interested in renting at Sawgrass.
If Casey had spent a great deal of time over at Sawgrass visiting Dante and Annie, maybe Casey was familiar with the office staff and hung out there as well.
The day that ZFG went to look at the apt, maybe Casey slipped into the office, saw the guest card on the desk, took note of the name and the name of her supposed daughters listed on the card and then waited a few minutes for her friend (the office buddy) to come back.
Casey gets bored or changes her mind and leaves the office undetected. She knows that the office staff showed ZFG the apt #210, noted the car that ZFG was driving and figured-hey! I have a scapegoat now.
Casey had been looking for excuses, names, an alibi, and scapegoats for at least a couple days at that point. For all we know, Caylee was in the trunk at the very minute that Casey first spotted ZFG's car pulling into Sawgrass that day.
This makes so much sense! For the FIRST TIME in this case, something makes sense and seems plausible! Great thread here!!
This makes so much sense! For the FIRST TIME in this case, something makes sense and seems plausible! Great thread here!!

Seriously, it finally seems to make some sort of sense. Finally! :p
Just thinking out loud.. why did she use that particular name? It is very distinctive, but beyond that, it is rather hard to remember, and not that easy to spell.. yet that name rolled off her lips like 'Mary Smith' would roll off mine. And she could spell it without hesitation. It was obviously a name she was quite familiar with.

It means nothing in itself, but does seem to lend credence to it being a name she had used herself at some time in the past. Perhaps she also had some sort of 'magical belief' that it was a lucky name or such like. Perhaps it wss no coincidence that she left the baby's body near the homes of the Fernadez and Gonzales families. She may have had some superstition about those names protecting her in some way.
It would make sense if KC is Zanny, that she would say to her family that they are in danger . With all of the internet searches, the plan may have involved more family members being killed.
So, maybe she was saying the truth when Cindy asked if they were in danger, physically!!!
Can anyone in the area go to the courts and get the description of the car ZG22 was driving?
It would make sense if KC is Zanny, that she would say to her family that they are in danger . With all of the internet searches, the plan may have involved more family members being killed.
So, maybe she was saying the truth when Cindy asked if they were in danger, physically!!!
Can anyone in the area go to the courts and get the description of the car ZG22 was driving?

Or a copy of this dl with her picture on it??????
She must have applied for the license.. they don't come in cracker jack boxes. I'm sure that LE might have looked into this, it seems so obvious a choice given her crazy story.
Objection!! I object to the form of the question, in that it assumes facts not in evidence; that is, that there is any "real" Zanny the Nanny who took care of and/or kidnapped Caylee. Please just rephrase it to say "Is Zanny just a complete and total figment of the defendant's imagination that she pulled out of her ... thin air, made up, perhaps created a fake identity for or occasionally pretended to be?" :dance: Sorry, just practicing for the next round.
It has been said that Cindy disliked ethnicities. Adding the Fernandez to the Gonzales moniker would be a double jab at Cindy.

Casey lives for that.
Somewhere I believe it was mentioned that apt #210 was the apartment that was used to show people that were interested in renting at Sawgrass.
If Casey had spent a great deal of time over at Sawgrass visiting Dante and Annie, maybe Casey was familiar with the office staff and hung out there as well.
The day that ZFG went to look at the apt, maybe Casey slipped into the office, saw the guest card on the desk, took note of the name and the name of her supposed daughters listed on the card and then waited a few minutes for her friend (the office buddy) to come back.
Casey gets bored or changes her mind and leaves the office undetected. She knows that the office staff showed ZFG the apt #210, noted the car that ZFG was driving and figured-hey! I have a scapegoat now.
Casey had been looking for excuses, names, an alibi, and scapegoats for at least a couple days at that point. For all we know, Caylee was in the trunk at the very minute that Casey first spotted ZFG's car pulling into Sawgrass that day.

No one that worked at Sawgrass recognizes KC. The manager and one or two other people were interviewed. They said she never came into their office that day, and they had never seen or heard of her before.

Ugh, the thought of poor Caylee in the trunk at that time... :no:
Somewhere I believe it was mentioned that apt #210 was the apartment that was used to show people that were interested in renting at Sawgrass.
If Casey had spent a great deal of time over at Sawgrass visiting Dante and Annie, maybe Casey was familiar with the office staff and hung out there as well.
The day that ZFG went to look at the apt, maybe Casey slipped into the office, saw the guest card on the desk, took note of the name and the name of her supposed daughters listed on the card and then waited a few minutes for her friend (the office buddy) to come back.
Casey gets bored or changes her mind and leaves the office undetected. She knows that the office staff showed ZFG the apt #210, noted the car that ZFG was driving and figured-hey! I have a scapegoat now.
Casey had been looking for excuses, names, an alibi, and scapegoats for at least a couple days at that point. For all we know, Caylee was in the trunk at the very minute that Casey first spotted ZFG's car pulling into Sawgrass that day.

ZG did not see apartment 210. She saw the model apartment which is #1??. Casey did not know the name of ZG's daughters, she claimed ZG had no kids. Casey did not describe ZG's car. ZFG did not use the F on the guest card. Casey got that from someplace else.
I have something running thru my head. I have been thinkin about the jogger and KC. The sketch of the guy who might have killed this girl looks so much like KC. I have the pic but don't know how to put it here.

I am so mad that I can't do what I want to do. I would like to start a thread that says:
"IS THIS KC?"-- I don't know---something like that.
Maybe KC has a split personality say like the girl in the book and movie Sybil? I thought about that possibility...especially when she goes into so much detail about made up people like Sybil did. Did they ever release the results of her psychological test - I can't remember offhand?
Way back during one of the first interviews, in a conversation among detectives, I heard the words "stolen identity or identity theft" I don't remember which interview but it was at the very beginning and I think the detectives were alone. I wish I could find it and if I do I will come back with a link. I don't think it was a video, just one of the audio interviews.
ZG did not see apartment 210. She saw the model apartment which is #1??. Casey did not know the name of ZG's daughters, she claimed ZG had no kids. Casey did not describe ZG's car. ZFG did not use the F on the guest card. Casey got that from someplace else.

At one point she claimed ZFG had no children and at another she knew the names of the 2 children listed on the card.
I believe that #110 was the apt that was reserved for showings, I shouldn't have said 210.
I believe Casey stated to LE that ZFG drove a silver Ford Focus.
Maybe KC has a split personality say like the girl in the book and movie Sybil? I thought about that possibility...especially when she goes into so much detail about made up people like Sybil did. Did they ever release the results of her psychological test - I can't remember offhand?

I don't think she has multiple personalities, but it would explain a lot.
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