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  1. S

    Most Intriguing Classic Unsolved Single Murder Poll

    My cousin, Billy Baumgartner, 17, was murdered in 1979 in San Mateo, Ca. at the end of his work shift with 2 other male employees, at a Payless Drug Store. The gunman took drugs, money and fled. Gov. Schwarzenegger reopened the case a few years ago. It is the only triple unsolved murder in Ca.
  2. S

    Cindy mouths, "I love you" to Casey

    I saw Casey raise her eyes and shrug!:sick: I'd love to be a mouse in the corner when the Jury starts deliberating, and the conversation comes up about Cindy mouthing the words, "I love You". The sociopath can't get along with Biaz, her family, & her friends have deserted her, and...
  3. S

    Who are we still waiting to see on the witness stand?

    The Tatoo artist is expected to testify tomorrow according to HLN. I hope Cindy's Mother, Shirley, regarding the check and money Casey stole from her and Casey's grandfather.:loser:
  4. S

    What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

    Watching her take copius notes in her notebook leads me to think she is going to write a book when this is over. JMO.
  5. S

    Caylee Anthony Drowned In Family Pool Theory

    What blows my mind, is how did Kronk get Caylee's body? Did he drive around in Casey's car until he dumped her body in the wooded area? Oh, please Biaz!
  6. S

    2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

    I felt sorry for both of them up until they started giving their outrageous interviews. How can they keep their lies straight? I.E.: There wasn't any fight on June 15th! I had the phone numbers for Zani! The cops wouldn't let Casey talk! I loved it when George told her to "Shut up"! I...
  7. S

    Was it Appropriate to mention Casey?

    I don't feel one way or another about Casey being mentioned. I do feel Cindy saying she had THREE children was inappropriate.:rolleyes:
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    Will anyone write to KC?

    NO! The only person in the A. family I would write to is Geo., telling him to get out of that nut house.
  9. S

    Defending a pathological/habitual liar

    ...Mark G. said Cindy also said that her daughter might have told half-truths, but that does not make her a murderer. They both need to re-think their statements imo.:behindbar
  10. S

    Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

    I believe she died in the car sometime after midnight which would make it the 16th, as one of the talking heads said Casey left with Caylee after the fight on Father's Day (15th). She reportedly left around midnight. I believe Casey waited until G. and C were at work, sometime in the...
  11. S

    Dr. Michael Baden: Misinformed or deliberate misinformation?

    Greta's blog might be interested in the statements regarding what Dr. Baden stated on her show on Monday. I, too, was shocked by his comments.
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    P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

    Guess we'll have to wait and see. Padilla said it was taped over also. LOL!
  13. S

    P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

    The tape was taped over, so no way will it be of any use to the Defense per Headline News today.
  14. S

    Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

    I agree that this has been the most horrendous of circumstances that could happen to anyone. However, to continue blatantly lie as have Cindy, and Geo., has done nothing to help their daughter. When Cindy said on national television that they had a nice evening on June 15th, and Geo. shook...
  15. S

    Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

    Not giving Caylee's hair brush to LE, and then bragging about it is OJ imo. She was also commenting about Caylee's toothbrush. No one will ever convince me that she didn't know what she was doing when she washed Casey's clothes. She is an RN. She knows what decomposition smells like, as...
  16. S

    Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

    If the A's don't have anything to hide, then they shouldn't need immunity. Cindy doesn't have anything to say to the media now that Caylee has been found. Lee has lawyered up, so he may be in deep doo doo.
  17. S

    Poll- Was the bag the Meter Reader saw in August the same bag he found in December?

    Kronk said it was a white bag on his first call. The bag that was found with Caylee's remains is black. L Padilla said he was not in the right location in August.
  18. S

    Issues with Jane Valez Mitchell, Wednesday, 12/17/08

    Jane just said there were clothes in the bag with Caylee.
  19. S

    Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

    Regarding Atty. Jane Weintraub. I am not sure where this comment should go, but some on the forum are thinking that Jane is John Wayne's daughter. To clear up any more speculation on who Jayne Weintraub is: She is not any kin to John Wayne. She has been married for 16 years to fellow...

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