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  1. hornswoggled

    AP: Casey Anthony Speaks in 1st Interview Since Daughter's Murder Case - 7 March 2017

    She's still boring. And transparent. And guilty. I would be willing to bet that this evening every single picture of Caylee has been removed from her walls.
  2. hornswoggled

    Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

    Well, I read the depositions and dismissed everything the Drs said Casey told them. That is irrelevant to me. She lies. Always has. Always will. What I did find highly entertaining was the interaction between the lawyers. Burdick nailed Mason's ears back a few times (he seemed oblivious...
  3. hornswoggled

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    Sooooo is Casey the dumpee or the dumper? Either one suites me just fine. :seeya:
  4. hornswoggled

    Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

    I think Casey wanted her video posted online. The reason I say that is because Caylee was at the center of attention again - Dr G's special - and Casey simply cannot have that! That has been Casey's problem since the day Caylee was born. It was the reason she broke off her engagement with...
  5. hornswoggled

    Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

    True. And IF someone makes a video of themselves intended to be private, then why the need to edit out names? Consider the source. We have been fed a steady diet of lies since 2008. Why would that change now? The whole thing is lame.
  6. hornswoggled

    Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

    Ok, so I went outside to work in the garden today because I CAN. I'm not shut inside afraid of who might see me. It is a beautiful day out there, and I'm free to get in the car and go wherever I want to (sans disguises). I have an appreciation of the freedom of having a clear conscience and...
  7. hornswoggled

    Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

    I found this in the Record Herald Newspaper in Washington C.H., Ohio City of Washington C.H., 117 N. Main St. vs. Holly Briley, 301 Van Deman St., claims amount $1,275.23. City of Washington C.H., 117 N. Main St. vs. Jon Briley, 301 Van Deman St., claims amount $739.01.
  8. hornswoggled

    Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

    My very first impression was that it was not her because the voice sounded unlike her. I found the comment about the dog and ............... than any of ......" families I've ever had if not more so. Don't know if she is speaking of the dog or the family she is with. She sounds like a foster...
  9. hornswoggled

    Dr G. to do special about Caylee

    I was very happy to hear Dr G talk about her findings without the interruption of clowns. She is definitely a pro and I enjoy her unbiased approach to every autopsy she does. If medical examiners were not allowed to use common sense and logic in coming to their conclusions, we would never have...
  10. hornswoggled

    Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #6

    When the Sandusky issue comes to trial, I daresay the jurors will think long and hard before acquitting him. I do believe after the fiasco in Orlando that future jurors, no matter where they are hearing a case, will weigh the evidence more carefully and examine everything available to them. That...
  11. hornswoggled

    Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #6

    BBM From watching him blathering on and having that stupid grin on his face, I agree that he is closer mentally/emotionally to a 16 year old - or perhaps a 14 year old. If that is true, how is it that no one at Penn State could see that? It is beyond reasoning that he could have been in his...
  12. hornswoggled

    Sidebar Discussion #3

    I wish Casey Anthony would have loads of money come her way.....only to have every cent confiscated by the State of Florida to pay for all the costs and expenses she racked up for the lies she spewed and the time she stole away from true victims of crimes. My, my. What very expensive lies they...
  13. hornswoggled

    Sidebar Discussion #3

    Yet another child murdered and thrown away in a dumpster. This time in Canton, Georgia. The "Casey Anthony Effect" lives on. Of course, if you are an Anthony, there's always money to be made off of this kind of horror. What a legacy Casey has left in her wake. She is "free" - but she is...
  14. hornswoggled

    Sidebar Discussion #3

    A very blessed Thanksgiving to all fellow Websleuthers. May you be surrounded by family, friends and enough love to last a lifetime.
  15. hornswoggled

    Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

    BBM They get it now. They had become so complacent and relaxed with the idea that Jerry had this little "preference", and everyone looked the other way. If you acknowledge there is a problem, you are then obligated to do something about it. So it became easier to look away. No harm, no foul...
  16. hornswoggled

    Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

    I would love to know what the "leaders" of Penn State would advise the students to do when a crime is being committed in front of their face against another person - of any age. If some thugs were beating up an old man (say Joe P) in plain view, would he expect the students to merely make a...
  17. hornswoggled

    Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

    There comes the day when it's time to pay the piper. I do have to wonder how many sleepless nights Joe spent worrying about the children who were victims. He knew about them. He said he wishes he had "done more". I do not believe him. As for Sandusky, he is what he is. The same as a rabid...
  18. hornswoggled

    Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

    This man is old enough and close enough to meeting his Maker, that the time has come to stand on his own two feet, consequences be damned, and do the right thing. He missed the mark the first time around. Now he has a second chance to try and right this wrong and make a difference in the lives...
  19. hornswoggled

    Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

    JP said in an interview last night that he has 17 grandchildren and he prays for them every night. In quite the magnanimous gesture, he announced that he will now pray for the "poor victims" in this "scandal". Now, just how many years did it take for him to realize that a child being brutalized...
  20. hornswoggled

    Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

    I am finding myself burning with anger. So, some grown men saw a 10 year old being raped in a locker room shower. Which one of them ran to the rescue of this child? Apparently no one. They don't even know the little boy's name! Then the locker room keys were merely taken away from the...

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