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  1. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

    Take the GUILTY Murder 1 verdict and RUN! LWOP works for me just fine. Nothing would displease JA more than to not be allowed another flirtation with the camera and her version of "fame". I don't think I can stomach another trial phase with her parading around her "victim" status in front of the...
  2. tennisgirlsc


    Once again Jodi underestimates....she underestimated the prosecution and the jury's ability to see through her lies. Now Jodi seems to believe that the jury will somehow hear of her death wish interview and thus will give her life instead. This jury was smart enough to see through her lies the...
  3. tennisgirlsc

    verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

    Gonna start my "Attitude Adjustment" hour early today.....bring on a glass of wine....or maybe VODKA!!!!!!!!!
  4. tennisgirlsc

    verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

    PRAYING that this day ends happier than the last time I sat in front of a manipulative killer and watched her smile away to an innocent verdict!!!!!!! I gained 10 lbs after the CA verdict....lived on junk food to comfort myself for months! haha PLEASE let Travis and his family have justice!!!!
  5. tennisgirlsc

    verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

    Moving over....... This is what our favorite little "Basement Dweller" will be having for breakfast
  6. tennisgirlsc

    verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

    This is what our favorite little "Basement Dweller" will be having for breakfast!
  7. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

    Bringing lunch break...good sign....close to verdict!!!!
  8. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    I think it is a very positive sign that the jury isn't breaking for lunch....hopefully means we are CLOSE to a verdict!!!
  9. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    The jury would have to have 99.999% of their brains missing to acquit Jodi.
  10. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    It makes me sick but it seems that her confidence is growing with every minute the jury is out. Her tweets just reek of arrogance to me....same old Jodi..... I'm praying the jury comes in dressed in their Sunday finest this morning!!!! PLEASE let today be the day!!!!
  11. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

    I can't even imagine a case with THIS MUCH EVIDENCE taking more than 4 hours to decide. All I can take from this is that the jury is actually believing the lies of the liar. After Casey, I said NO MORE and yet I find myself here. I won't be able to take another ridiculous display of the justice...
  12. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    It's just so OBVIOUS to me that this was a premeditated first degree murder that I can't even imagine the deliberations going on for more than an hour or so. If we don't get a verdict today, I will be convinced that we aren't going to get murder 1. It's just SO obvious to me. Seriously, what...
  13. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Praying for the family of Travis today.....can't wait to see their faces when they see that justice has prevailed for their brother. Hope it comes today!!!
  14. tennisgirlsc

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Klaus is on verdict watch.....
  15. tennisgirlsc

    trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #161

    I think I'm suffering from PTSD....I've had avoidance behavior - haven't posted since the CA verdict. Now I'm having flashbacks of her smiling face (CA) as the verdict was read....I'm creeping out of lurkville and hoping we have a different ending for this one.
  16. tennisgirlsc

    Death Takes an Agent - Profiting from the Death of Caylee **NO DISCUSSION PLEASE**

    Casey lawyer eyes book deal InkWell Management 521 Fifth Avenue, 26th Floor New York, NY 10175 Telephone - 212.922.3500 Facsimile - 212.922.0535 Agent - Richard Pine Email -
  17. tennisgirlsc

    Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

    Can you imagine....hahahahahahaha like she will ever be able to drive around in freedom, run over squirrels as she once enjoyed in her pre-felon days! :woohoo:
  18. tennisgirlsc

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    Grandparent's rights???? How about Grandparent's Responsibilities!!!! The A's KNEW all along that Casey was NOT working, WAS STEALING, was NOT taking care of Caylee properly but was leaving her with them while she supposedly was at work. They knew Casey was an unfit mother - Casey herself...
  19. tennisgirlsc

    Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

    Well, we know the drill....e-mail and call all 3 networks NON-STOP to voice your sentiments.

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