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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. K

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    ITA with the consensus that the critical motive element was missing. IMO,it all came down to Cindy. The closing, in fact the entire motive theory of the prosecution was only one little part of the story.Casey didn't kill Caylee because she just wanted to "party". She killed Caylee because of...
  2. K

    Casey Not Guilty?

    That is what I have always thought would be the defense, that Caylee died due to an accident and KC panicked and tried to cover it up. However, I'm thinking the opportunity to use that has expired long long ago.
  3. K

    2010.02.16 Document Release

    At first it looked like a mouse to me! But yes, it does look like fibers to me too.
  4. K

    2010.02.16 Document Release: Stain on Trunk Liner

    I agree that the stain probably originated from the trunk and not the spare tire well, because the fluids would have dripped down. The stain on the carpet would have had to have been the result of the fluids seeping up all the way through the pressed board cover in order to get the carpet...
  5. K

    2008.07.22 Joyce and Bailey Dickens Interview

    Very interesting interview, with 20/20 hindsight it's tragic that LE didn't hightail it over and scour the area by the school and find Caylee before time and nature destroyed so many of the answers to her death. It occurred to me that there were so many videos of Caylee taken, that if KC wanted...
  6. K

    2009.06.19 FBI Decomposition Report

    But, once again, Casey would have to admit that there had been a horrible accident and subsequent flip-out. Ironically, since the COD can't be determined, this would be the most effective defense. Obviously the nanny story won't fly, hasn't flown since day 1. But if, (and I say if only because...
  7. K

    2009.06.19 FBI Decomposition Report

    I understand the impulse to put ourselves into the defense team's mindset and try to figure out how they plan to explain away all the inconsistencies in this case, but the biggest roadblock to that is this-Casey never ever said that this was an accident and that she had a panicked reaction to...
  8. K

    2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

    But the if the computer usage indicates that she did come back to the house, then the murder could have taken place in the home even if George did see them leave in the morning. (although I don't believe he did). There's no way that he was unaware of a fight occurring between CA and KC, so...
  9. K

    Casey and TonE Chat Logs

    She had been juggling her lies for so long, keeping all the balls in the air, the fake job, the fake nanny, "planned" trips, fake heart attacks, etc. that there was NO WAY she was going to allow her worlds to collide. Just imagine the conversation Cindy and Amy had in the car on the way to...
  10. K

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    I got chills reading these last few pages of posts. I live right outside of Wichita, Kansas, and was closely following the BTK arrest. He was "tripped up" by a floppy disc, of all things. Even though they eventually had enough physical evidence to tie him (no pun intended!) to the crimes...
  11. K

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    Sounds like an excellent synopsis. However, it opens a new area of speculation about the reason behind the fight. If Cindy were angry about something Caylee had said to her, I can't imagine that she would have had the patience or impulse control to hold off on arguing until Caylee went to...
  12. K

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

    (bolded by me) I feel the same way. I have this fantasy (hope? ) that whatever KC did to Caylee occurred while she was asleep, that there was no fear and no cognitive awareness of what was happening. I fear, however, that the evidence that prompted them to put the DP out there will dash those hopes.
  13. K

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

    I agree that they are thinking along those lines, but it does change the playing field monumentally. KC will be sitting in that courtroom knowing that the state wants to kill her. That they believe she doesn't deserve to live. I've always had the feeling that she has been playing the...
  14. K

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

    I think what would impact KC even more than the fear of impending execution is the dehumanization of death row inmates. Death Row is a completely different type of prison experience. You can get a little idea of what the daily life of a death row inmate is like at this link...
  15. K

    2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

    You know, I would have! But.. maybe they wanted to get KC's side of the story first. Maybe they wanted to get Caylee safe at home before they did anything. I got the feeling that the entire month that KC was gone was extremely stressful and anxiety ridden for the whole family (Remember Lee...
  16. K

    2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

    I agree with the vast majority of your analysis, except...I don't think CA thought it was Caylee's body that had been in the trunk. She knew KC had gotten mixed up in something, something bad, but never had an inkling that it could be that Caylee was dead. She probably thought that KC ditched...
  17. K

    2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

    It was on CA's own Myspace page, but I don't know when she created it.
  18. K

    POLL: What Do You Think Casey's Sentence Will Be???

    Oh no, it's not a cell~ remember, it's her "room"! She has a single, probably doesn't want a roommate, the guards are her hired help, the warden is her landlord, and if she asks really nicely, they may replace the cole slaw with potato salad in the dining hall! And I voted for Life...
  19. K

    2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

    ITA. If CA had thought Caylee was in danger, she wouldn't have been talking to Tony about how KC would take every dime of his, she would have been grilling him about Caylee. She was totally PO'd at KC's irresponsible behavior, her stealing, her disrespect, and that she was "keeping" Caylee from...
  20. K

    2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

    Please explain what leads you to think it might not be her..I'm genuinely interested in hearing your ideas.

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