Casey and TonE Chat Logs

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I believe what weasel said was true, no young man wants to hang out with a girl like Casey. They don't want her involving them in this case.
I do not think any of her pass so called friends have anythingto do with her anymore and who can blame them.
Although I understand what you mean, I disagree that he is "championing" justice or anything else. He didn't seem to interested in Caylee or happy to have her around to begin with. What young guy, going to school in Florida, wants a baby hanging around? I think he was more interested in partying and having fun than anything else. No offense towards him, it's just the way young guys out on their own are. He dropped Casey because she is now under arrest for murder. Simply put. He doesn't want to be mixed up in that. Who can blame him? I honestly don't think he cares much one way or the other, as long as he isn't implicated in anything.

It was so funny when KC called home from jail that first phone call, she says "Tony's not at my place is he?" Hahaha - first of all KC, it's NOT your place, second of all, not everyone was sitting around worried like she thought they would be. They were busy checking their bank accounts and credit cards. It has always made me laugh that she thought all her friends and fusion ppl would be GATHERED AROUND her parents house all rallying behind her. Talk about delusional. I so feel for Tony, he seems like a normal 20 something guy who got caught up in something so terrible - his life will never be the same, and I hope he doesn't have problems later in life because of that evil thing he hooked up with over the internet.
IMO, the whole chat thing where KC says in 3 days he can come over and they can do whatever they want is just more KC BS. She was an habitual liar, living in fantasyland, but when push came to shove, she'd say something came up, the plans all changed...
It's exactly what she did when LE called her bluff about working at Universal. She marched in there and when she was cornered, she caved in. Sorta. ONLY about working there. I doubt if she was planning to murder the entire Hopespring crew though.
This solidifies my belief that through no fault of his own, Tony was the clincher in this case.

She is obviously smitten. He is putting on the pressure.

I cannot wait for the details of the long convo they had on the 15th-16th to be released, as well as the texts throughout the day into night.

Something in those is the key, IMO - something within her broke on the evening of the 15th/early morning of the 16th.

It was cracked for sometime, but whatever compassion she may have had for that little girl (no motherly love, but compassion for an innocent child), was washed away that night.
I so agree that something in those conversations on the 15th/16th is the key !
Even if you remove the fact that she murdered her own child, Casey just straight up grosses me out.
In reading the log between KC and TonE, you can clearly see where she's painted a picture of her glorious carefree make believe life and TonE is calling her bluff and she has to back peddle. An example would be when he says he's gonna come over at 1 am and bring coffee and tea for everyone. I can almost feel her nervousness in her replies. She's trying to keep him from coming over so Cindy doesn't explode yet keep TonE on the hook.
I believe there is more to come from Tony. In his LE interview Tony mentions, that on the 16th, Casey was trying to convince him that she had told him about the dead animal and the bad car smell...I imagine it went something like this...I already told you why the car had that smell, an animal was dead in there, don't you remember me telling you that ? Tony was probably saying, no you didn't tell me that. Anyway, right after he mentions this conversation LE cuts him off and redirects, so I gather all of that is in another interview. Casey was, IMO, trying to use him as a witness to some of her statements and it was in that conversation, I believe, that she learned he was not going to help her lie.
All of these conversations give me the creeping jeepers. Just like the tattoo parlor owner saying the last time he saw KC she said she would be in that SAturday with Caylee. The comments of talking with her imaginary coworkers and boss, and talking like Zanny and Juliette were going to be at the club the next night...the references to CA and GA about to be gone...freaky-deeky!!!

This bugs me tremendously:

Page 7 of the document linked in the Op

casey says: "i'll try and see if i can't just leave cays with my nanny for a little bit"

I can't even come up with how that could be a typo. "Cays" is Casey's nickname...why the heck is she referring to Caylee by her own nickname???

Sometimes I swear I get this little feeling in the back of my neck that this sick cow has DID. She truly seems to be completely detached from reality.

Referring to Caylee as "cays" really bugs me something is terribly disconnected there.
All of these conversations give me the creeping jeepers. Just like the tattoo parlor owner saying the last time he saw KC she said she would be in that SAturday with Caylee. The comments of talking with her imaginary coworkers and boss, and talking like Zanny and Juliette were going to be at the club the next night...the references to CA and GA about to be gone...freaky-deeky!!!

This bugs me tremendously:

Page 7 of the document linked in the Op

casey says: "i'll try and see if i can't just leave cays with my nanny for a little bit"

I can't even come up with how that could be a typo. "Cays" is Casey's nickname...why the heck is she referring to Caylee by her own nickname???

Sometimes I swear I get this little feeling in the back of my neck that this sick cow has DID. She truly seems to be completely detached from reality.

Referring to Caylee as "cays" really bugs me something is terribly disconnected there.

I never picked up on that and you're right, it's really creepy!!! {{shivers}}
In reading the log between KC and TonE, you can clearly see where she's painted a picture of her glorious carefree make believe life and TonE is calling her bluff and she has to back peddle. An example would be when he says he's gonna come over at 1 am and bring coffee and tea for everyone. I can almost feel her nervousness in her replies. She's trying to keep him from coming over so Cindy doesn't explode yet keep TonE on the hook.

She had been juggling her lies for so long, keeping all the balls in the air, the fake job, the fake nanny, "planned" trips, fake heart attacks, etc. that there was NO WAY she was going to allow her worlds to collide. Just imagine the conversation Cindy and Amy had in the car on the way to Tony's. But KC had been able to keep juggling for so long that she had lost the ability to see when the jig was about to be up.

I have a cousin who became pregnant while in high school, she had been living with my grandparents because she'd stolen from her parents and had gotten in with the "wrong" crowd. She was sent to rural Illinois for some Grandpa "rehab". She was very heavy to begin with, and her pregnancy wasn't obvious, it just looked like she'd gained weight. No one knew, until the hospital called with news of the baby's birth. When I asked her later on, "Why didn't you tell anyone, after all, this was something that was going to be found out eventually?", her answer reminded me much of KC's attitude towards life. She said that she had planned on telling my GP's, but every day seemed like the wrong day, that she just put it off until tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow never came. And she pretended to herself every day that she wasn't pregnant. Just put it in the back of her mind, as if that child didn't exist. I think KC did the same thing. Pretended to herself that Caylee wasn't dead, was hanging out with Zanny, and that Jeff and Juliet were going to come over soon for dinner...
I never picked up on that and you're right, it's really creepy!!! {{shivers}}

I can understand how she would use "Cays" as a short form of Caylee. It wouldn't be pronounced like "case" though. It would be "cayz".
Although I understand what you mean, I disagree that he is "championing" justice or anything else. He didn't seem to interested in Caylee or happy to have her around to begin with. What young guy, going to school in Florida, wants a baby hanging around? I think he was more interested in partying and having fun than anything else. No offense towards him, it's just the way young guys out on their own are. He dropped Casey because she is now under arrest for murder. Simply put. He doesn't want to be mixed up in that. Who can blame him? I honestly don't think he cares much one way or the other, as long as he isn't implicated in anything.

Bold mine, I have always thought Tony L thinks he's too cool for the room, also as evidenced by his surveillance of LA, & his comments, at the end, when they are taking the cameras & microphones out of the car. His self-image has me perplexed:waitasec:

My only hope is that he portrays everything, in an honest & factual way, & checks his Ego at the door!
. I hate guys like that. Now I know he is young, but he was dating a single mom and he showed no interest in her REAL life and no concern over her child. LOSER. IMO

Don't forget that she presented herself as pretty promiscuous to him. Yes, he was making a booty call, but she was encouraging/teasing him saying things like I want to f u. You teach people how to treat you, and she taught him this is acceptable to her. She didn't get offended and end the chat. At least he was working and going to school.
I find the Thursday, June 12 logs very interesting. KC is saying she is going to come over around 1:30 pm to see Tony (after her "meeting" for "work"), and will see if she can leave Caylee with the "nanny" (I guess she means leave her with the nanny a little longer since presumably Caylee was already with the "nanny" while KC was at "work."

So...back in Reality Land, KC is, of course, still at the Anthony house or close by while she is sending these messages to Tony. Cindy should be at work--vacation ended June 9--and I think George would have been going in to work at 3:00. No big deal if KC is home while George is there--she may be telling Tony she is at work til 1:30, but she could be telling George she is going in to work at 1:30.

All of this would be fine if KC ended up going to Tony's at 1:30 pm with Caylee in tow, saying, darn it, I couldn't get my nanny to watch her. BUT, IIRC, Tony says the last time he saw Caylee was when they were hanging up promo posters at the mall...which the pings clearly show was Wednesday June 11.

KC's pings show she really did go to Tony's at 1:30 pm, and didn't return to the house until after 6:00 pm. If she showed up at Tony's with no Caylee that day, which seems to have been the case unless Tony has completely misremembered the last time he saw Caylee (no reason for him to lie about June 12 as we know Caylee was in good health as of June 15), where did she leave Caylee? The pings show no apparent stops to drop her off anywhere on the way up to Tony's, and no apparent stops to pick her up on the way back. She couldn't have left Caylee at the house with George there--he would have had to go to work soon. She couldn't have left Caylee at Gentiva with Cindy for the entire afternoon--coworkers only described short end-of-the-day visits from Caylee. She couldn't have left her in the trunk at midday in June, or there's no way Caylee would have been alive for the June 15 visit to the nursing home.

Someone please tell me what I'm missing here....:waitasec:
None of the family has referred to her by name at times. It is strange, but perhaps normal to them. "that little girl" the "granddaughter" the "cma" references instead of "Caylee".

If you listen closely to Cindy's account of the normal days at home, she said things like we would give her a bath, the baby went to her to wake her up first thing in the morning, Caylee and she spent a lot of time in the pool (not KC and Caylee, Grandma and Caylee, ) she and George watched her 99% of the time, on Cindy's drives home from work she would talk to Caylee and hear all about Caylee's day, this is a mother-daughter relationship. Cindy refers to the baby by Caylee Marie or Caylee a lot while KC and George are much more detached. I think that KC hated her folks and had for many years, this come to Jesus, I love and miss you guys stuff didn't last a week when she was bailed out and yelling obscenities at them again, right? I believe she was jealous of all the attention the baby took from her. It reminds me of her saying in her very first phone call home "All they care about is getting Caylee back!" Remember that hateful tone? It sent chills up my spine. I knew at that moment she knew exactly what had happened to the baby. If KC would have given Tony a chance to see the baby more, I think he would have been sweet to her. What is not to love about that adorable little girl? His room mates said to police that they all adored her, she was too funny, she'd bang on their drums and make funny noises to rouse them from their naps and they got a big kick out of her big personality. It was KC who kept the baby away and belittled the relationship she had with her, acting so casual about her supposedly living with another woman (nanny) nine times out of ten when they would all ask about her. Kc doodling her name Casey Lazaro over and over agian tells you she was imagining marrying him, which is funny because he told her repeatedly that he was just here temporarily to go go to school and then he was "out" in his words. The judge said the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers, he can add to that delusion and Ms. Anthony are best friends.
If you listen closely to Cindy's account of the normal days at home, she said things like we would give her a bath, the baby went to her to wake her up first thing in the morning, Caylee and she spent a lot of time in the pool (not KC and Caylee, Grandma and Caylee, ) she and George watched her 99% of the time, on Cindy's drives home from work she would talk to Caylee and hear all about Caylee's day, this is a mother-daughter relationship. Cindy refers to the baby by Caylee Marie or Caylee a lot while KC and George are much more detached. I think that KC hated her folks and had for many years, this come to Jesus, I love and miss you guys stuff didn't last a week when she was bailed out and yelling obscenities at them again, right? I believe she was jealous of all the attention the baby took from her. It reminds me of her saying in her very first phone call home "All they care about is getting Caylee back!" Remember that hateful tone? It sent chills up my spine. I knew at that moment she knew exactly what had happened to the baby. If KC would have given Tony a chance to see the baby more, I think he would have been sweet to her. What is not to love about that adorable little girl? His room mates said to police that they all adored her, she was too funny, she'd bang on their drums and make funny noises to rouse them from their naps and they got a big kick out of her big personality. It was KC who kept the baby away and belittled the relationship she had with her, acting so casual about her supposedly living with another woman (nanny) nine times out of ten when they would all ask about her. Kc doodling her name Casey Lazaro over and over agian tells you she was imagining marrying him, which is funny because he told her repeatedly that he was just here temporarily to go go to school and then he was "out" in his words. The judge said the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers, he can add to that delusion and Ms. Anthony are best friends.
:clap::clap: Bold mine..........
All of these conversations give me the creeping jeepers. Just like the tattoo parlor owner saying the last time he saw KC she said she would be in that SAturday with Caylee. The comments of talking with her imaginary coworkers and boss, and talking like Zanny and Juliette were going to be at the club the next night...the references to CA and GA about to be gone...freaky-deeky!!!

This bugs me tremendously:

Page 7 of the document linked in the Op

casey says: "i'll try and see if i can't just leave cays with my nanny for a little bit"

I can't even come up with how that could be a typo. "Cays" is Casey's nickname...why the heck is she referring to Caylee by her own nickname???

Sometimes I swear I get this little feeling in the back of my neck that this sick cow has DID. She truly seems to be completely detached from reality.

Referring to Caylee as "cays" really bugs me something is terribly disconnected there.

:waitasec: cays
:waitasec: CAYS ?
:waitasec: CMA
:waitasec: CMA ?
:waitasec: C M A ?

or does she know ? the DIFFERENCE between....

mom ?
Me ?
Baby ?


why are they so E-MEssed....(SP?) that they can't be separated ?

Sorry.... it buggs me !

I thought they were 3 different humans ....

I'm all for being close...and for close generations and etc...

but now really !

God Bless!
If you listen closely to Cindy's account of the normal days at home, she said things like we would give her a bath, the baby went to her to wake her up first thing in the morning, Caylee and she spent a lot of time in the pool (not KC and Caylee, Grandma and Caylee, ) she and George watched her 99% of the time, on Cindy's drives home from work she would talk to Caylee and hear all about Caylee's day, this is a mother-daughter relationship. Cindy refers to the baby by Caylee Marie or Caylee a lot while KC and George are much more detached. I think that KC hated her folks and had for many years, this come to Jesus, I love and miss you guys stuff didn't last a week when she was bailed out and yelling obscenities at them again, right? I believe she was jealous of all the attention the baby took from her. It reminds me of her saying in her very first phone call home "All they care about is getting Caylee back!" Remember that hateful tone? It sent chills up my spine. I knew at that moment she knew exactly what had happened to the baby. If KC would have given Tony a chance to see the baby more, I think he would have been sweet to her. What is not to love about that adorable little girl? His room mates said to police that they all adored her, she was too funny, she'd bang on their drums and make funny noises to rouse them from their naps and they got a big kick out of her big personality. It was KC who kept the baby away and belittled the relationship she had with her, acting so casual about her supposedly living with another woman (nanny) nine times out of ten when they would all ask about her. Kc doodling her name Casey Lazaro over and over agian tells you she was imagining marrying him, which is funny because he told her repeatedly that he was just here temporarily to go go to school and then he was "out" in his words. The judge said the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers, he can add to that delusion and Ms. Anthony are best friends.

It's OK to be close... we all agree !
It's Ok for Grandmother's to Love GrandBaby's !!!

But... Generations can live together... have for many many years..
in different countries...
Helped each other....

But " Death" of a loved one is Not OK TO HIDE !!!!!:furious:

Why Not tell the TRUTH ~ = dial 911 ! ?

God Bless !

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