2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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A lot is to be gained. Besides what other posters have stated, lying would remove the house as the scene of the crime. If she left alive on the 16th then she wasn't killed in the house.

But the if the computer usage indicates that she did come back to the house,
then the murder could have taken place in the home even if George did see them leave in the morning. (although I don't believe he did). There's no way that he was unaware of a fight occurring between CA and KC, so another "normal day" doesn't cut it, even if their "normal" was fighting and screaming.
Never did buy the "off visiting friends and taking a little vacation" story that CA spun, but loved this little Freudian slip...I talked to my daughter all the time and always had a good explanation of where they were at. And it made some sense. I mean there was no reason to believe
It definitely means someone was using the computer at a time when no one was supposed to be home. So now, who was it? According to GA, Casey supposedly left just before 1pm. Did she go back home as soon as he went to work? :waitasec:

I believe it was KC, or a couple of computer savvy doggies:crazy:
I believe it was KC, or a couple of computer savvy doggies:crazy:
Casey is about the only logical answer, but now after seeing this interesting little fact, I wonder if she ever left the house at all? Maybe GA just came up with seeing them leave shortly before 1pm as a way to go along with the "abduction" story Casey was telling rather than saying Casey and Caylee were both at the house when he left? It would also put Caylee's death no earlier than when he left for work that day, and an even closer time frame before Casey met up with TL that evening. :waitasec:
I remember that interview well

IMO George was lying & Cindy wanted to make sure that he was careful what he said.

George kept saying that..."It was just like any other Normal day"
If they both lied that means that they has to spend time going over their story in order to get the facts right.

My question is when did they do this?

Was it befoe or after July 15th...?

Bold is mine. This reminds me of KC's rendition to LE:

"I got off of work, left Universal driving back to pick up Caylee like a normal day."

I know it's a common phrase, but I can just see the A's going over the story and telling each other, "Now remember, the 16th was just like any other normal day.

My mind trips over the A's "normal day". They would have had to practice a script before July 15th. Oh . . . I dunno . . . I'm just a silly Blogger who has tried to make sense out of this crazy stuff for almost a year.
This is like watching the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoon. The Roadrunner orders a rocket from Acme Company; receives the delivery; lights the rocket and sticks it up the Coyote's behind. We watch the Coyote shoot up into the air; over the cliff; and splat at the bottom of the canyon. Then he climbs out of the hole ready to do battle again. Inevitably someone will say: "He'd never live after that." --- Oh really? That's the point where you suspend belief? You were okay with a roadrunner placing a catalog order for a rocket then lighting it and sticking it up the coyote's behind?

My point is... there was no job, no nanny, so any discussion about her picking up Caylee there is moot. The entire story is based on lies.

Lol - I swear the prosecutor should use this in their closing arguement. Sums it up really well I think.
It definitely means someone was using the computer at a time when no one was supposed to be home. So now, who was it? According to GA, Casey supposedly left just before 1pm. Did she go back home as soon as he went to work? :waitasec:

I think that was pretty much her pattern for most of the time.
This is like watching the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoon. The Roadrunner orders a rocket from Acme Company; receives the delivery; lights the rocket and sticks it up the Coyote's behind. We watch the Coyote shoot up into the air; over the cliff; and splat at the bottom of the canyon. Then he climbs out of the hole ready to do battle again. Inevitably someone will say: "He'd never live after that." --- Oh really? That's the point where you suspend belief? You were okay with a roadrunner placing a catalog order for a rocket then lighting it and sticking it up the coyote's behind?

My point is... there was no job, no nanny, so any discussion about her picking up Caylee there is moot. The entire story is based on lies.

Brilliant analogy! Will definitely help me keep things in perspective! :clap:
2PM 3PM 82% ********

so does that mean someone was on the computer 82% of the hour ?trying to understand

I think it means 82% CPU utilization and the ***'s are bar graph, so that means that during that time the computer was very busy -- so was being used by someone.

A low percentage, like 1% or even 10% can be idle time or the computer just chatting to the network with no human user.

So this goes to show that 'someone' was using the computer and KC's MO seems to be she pretends to go to work and then sneaks back home later.
I remember Cindy saying that and thought how would she know what he was watching on 6-16th when she was at work (what a control freak)
Yet, when one of the attorneys in her deposition asked if she knew if George was the one who fed Caylee breakfast, she doesn't know because she was at work.

Q I'm sorry. The morning of June 16, and actually George was the one, I think, fed Caylee breakfast that morning, if you know?

A I don't know. I have no idea who fed Caylee breakfast that morning. I was at work.

There's no way she can convince me that they didn't discuss that morning at length. She knew what he was watching on TV but didn't know who fed Caylee breakfast.
This is like watching the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoon. The Roadrunner orders a rocket from Acme Company; receives the delivery; lights the rocket and sticks it up the Coyote's behind. We watch the Coyote shoot up into the air; over the cliff; and splat at the bottom of the canyon. Then he climbs out of the hole ready to do battle again. Inevitably someone will say: "He'd never live after that." --- Oh really? That's the point where you suspend belief? You were okay with a roadrunner placing a catalog order for a rocket then lighting it and sticking it up the coyote's behind?

My point is... there was no job, no nanny, so any discussion about her picking up Caylee there is moot. The entire story is based on lies.

ITA ... but it is very interesting that the 'stories' didn't even jive and still don't today!!!, there is obviously a lot of fabrication but like KC, none of the A's is good at putting a consistent story that ties together. The lies fall apart, don't stand the slightest scrutiny and, as such make KC look more guilty.

The point I suspended belief was when I heard the 31 days and that KC never reported Caylee missing -- the rest was Looney Tunes, sad but true.

Quit lying A's you are just digging the hole deeper.
Yet, when one of the attorneys in her deposition asked if she knew if George was the one who fed Caylee breakfast, she doesn't know because she was at work.

Q I'm sorry. The morning of June 16, and actually George was the one, I think, fed Caylee breakfast that morning, if you know?

A I don't know. I have no idea who fed Caylee breakfast that morning. I was at work.

There's no way she can convince me that they didn't discuss that morning at length. She knew what he was watching on TV but didn't know who fed Caylee breakfast.

Good point!! That's the problem when you are telling a story and not the truth, they didn't think of all possible questions and so don't have those answers, only those they fabricated and rehearsed. It isn't from experience but from invention.
This is like watching the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoon. The Roadrunner orders a rocket from Acme Company; receives the delivery; lights the rocket and sticks it up the Coyote's behind. We watch the Coyote shoot up into the air; over the cliff; and splat at the bottom of the canyon. Then he climbs out of the hole ready to do battle again. Inevitably someone will say: "He'd never live after that." --- Oh really? That's the point where you suspend belief? You were okay with a roadrunner placing a catalog order for a rocket then lighting it and sticking it up the coyote's behind?

My point is... there was no job, no nanny, so any discussion about her picking up Caylee there is moot. The entire story is based on lies.

Actually it was the Coyote that ordered the weapons through a catalog, but the part that was unbelievable was how fast the item was delivered.
respectfully snipped.
But the if the computer usage indicates that she did come back to the house, then the murder could have taken place in the home even if George did see them leave in the morning. (although I don't believe he did).
But at the time he gave his story he didn't have the computer forensic report to show she came back to the house. With the facts GA had at the time, his story removed the house as the scene of the crime.
I believe it. I have thought for a very long time KC grabbed Caylee & left the house in anger. I think she spent the night at Lee's which would account for her cell phone still pinging at her house. Chances are it would ping off the same tower. I think there is much more from Lee to be seen.

If it's one thing I am certain of it is that Lee's emotional meltdown at Caylee's memorial was no act. If Casey did leave the 15th, she could have ended up at Lee's or spent the night in her car.
...For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail."

Before you buy LP's story, you may wanna consider the house of cards it is built on.

OK...everyone that buys what LP says, raise their hand please. :wave: :wave: :wave:

To believe LP's story is to believe Lee's story.
To believe Lee is to believe whose story???? :confused: Not Lee's. Lee stated the last time he saw Caylee was @ Cindy's b-day party 6/5. So, Lee didn't see Casey & Caylee the night of 6/15...if you believe Lee.

OK...hands again, please. :wave: :wave: :waitasec:

So, to believe Lee is to believe whomever told Lee the story.
Who's left to tell Lee the story? Casey, Cindy or George.

So, to believe LP is to believe Lee is to believe Casey?...believe Cindy?...believe George?

...hands up!...:wave: :waitasec: :rolleyes:

And if you believe LP when he is saying that George is lying then you don't believe George. So...you're left to believe...hmmm...lemme see....that'd be...Casey or Cindy.

...show of hands, please... :waitasec: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So...in summary...if you believe LP, then, you believe LP AND Lee AND Cindy or Casey. How many people left with their hand up?

One more time? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Anyone? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone? :Benny_monkeysmilies
Whether Casey left after the fight or the next day, what difference does it make? How does George or Casey gain if he lies and says Casey left the next day?

It also fits with the babysitter story - she cant easily claim she dropped Caylee off at teh babysitters at 2:00 Am ...
EXACTLY!!! TMI. When CAGA provide too much information that is un-necessary then you can see the desperation that they are trying to mislead and distract, with CA over-emphasizing the point that KC was home in bed with Caylee and GA tag teaming to over-emphasize that KC went to work with Caylee, what they wore, etc, etc.

They are trying too hard to convince everyone all was well ....... why?

Big time cover-up for fight on June 15. CA, me thinks you do protest too much. If it is not an issue, why the effort expended into this? Hmmmmmm?


Besides the fact it appears George and Cindy reached out to provide extra information during the Greta interview, (which is a great point) the day in question, Father's Day, should be examined.
What was the atmosphere in the home that day? Cindy takes Caylee to see her great grandfather in his nursing or care home.(We've all seen the video) If I'm correct, that is also the day Cindy learns from her mother that Casey had her hands in the grandfather's account and removed money. This act alone would anger not just Cindy's mom, but Cindy herself.
So, did Cindy confront Casey with this information when she returned home with Caylee?
Certainly this would have set the stage for an argument between Cindy and Casey. Would Casey taking money from his account have been so embarassing for Cindy and maybe be the last straw she could take from her daughter's behavior of ripping off other family members? She was furious with Casey?
I believe there was confrontation between Cindy and Casey about this matter. So, yes it is very possible the fight became physical.
In fact when telling the authorities about the case of a missing Caylee the originial date given is June 9th a full week before Father's Day. Is there a reason everyone was avoiding the Father's Day Sunday. Was the day that unpleasant. Had it been a day no one wanted to talk about?
I'm not saying this is proof that there was a physical fight between the two, but certain we should take into consideration there was good reason mother and daughter would have had a blow up that day in particular.
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