2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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Okay, Don't believe GA seeing KC and Caylee the 16th.
Don't believe CA that she tucked the girls in bed the night of the 15th.
I believe KC and Caylee were at LA's house and KC and Caylee went home after CA went to work. I do believe there was a fight about money. GA could be oblivious to any and everything in that house as it seems he is odd man out. There is no discussion on what they did for GA on Fathers Day. On the other hand he may be the only witness to the fight KC and CA had. KC might not have even left the huse the 16th, just asked her Dad not to tell her Mom she was staying home and in order to keep the peace GA did not tell CA that KC stayed at the house with Caylee. GA went to work, KC stayed at the house, whatever happened, and the house became the true crime scene. Just theorizing here. JMO.

I have always thought, and still do think that the house was the true crime scene.

I've almost wavered a few times that it might have been in a parking lot on the night of the 15/16th, but I always come back to the house as the crime scene.
Were the clothes found with Caylee's body the same as what George reported he last saw her in??

no and IMO if KC left the night of Fathers Day CA knows if the clothes that were found with Caylee's remains were the clothes she had on that night.

GA saying that Caylee was wearing x and y on the 16th when she and KC left the house fits perfectly with KC's Defense that she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass. KC said the Nanny had extra clothes for Caylee. So is Defense going to say the Nanny changed her clothes? The clothes GA and KC said she was wearing weren't found with the remains. GA is KC's witness...in a strange backwards way...

But my main point is that CA knows
...For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail."

Before you buy LP's story, you may wanna consider the house of cards it is built on.

OK...everyone that buys what LP says, raise their hand please. :wave: :wave: :wave:

To believe LP's story is to believe Lee's story.
To believe Lee is to believe whose story???? :confused: Not Lee's. Lee stated the last time he saw Caylee was @ Cindy's b-day party 6/5. So, Lee didn't see Casey & Caylee the night of 6/15...if you believe Lee.

OK...hands again, please. :wave: :wave: :waitasec:

So, to believe Lee is to believe whomever told Lee the story.
Who's left to tell Lee the story? Casey, Cindy or George.

So, to believe LP is to believe Lee is to believe Casey?...believe Cindy?...believe George?

...hands up!...:wave: :waitasec: :rolleyes:

And if you believe LP when he is saying that George is lying then you don't believe George. So...you're left to believe...hmmm...lemme see....that'd be...Casey or Cindy.

...show of hands, please... :waitasec: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So...in summary...if you believe LP, then, you believe LP AND Lee AND Cindy or Casey. How many people left with their hand up?

One more time? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Anyone? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone? :Benny_monkeysmilies

That's Bueller...LOL
LP gets free publicity whether he tells the truth or tells mistruths - what would be his motive to lie?

Respectfully, and I don't believe the A's at all...but you really believe everything that LP has said thus far? This is not a compare the truthfulness of the A's who have lied considerably...this is do you honestly believe a guy, LP, who has gone to jail for tax evasion...the entire stuff he says...you are saying you believe? :bang:
George said KC wasn't due home on the 16th (what KC told him-staying overnight at zani's) Why then would KC say she went to sawgrass to pick up Caylee?

The stories don't jive.

:clap: :clap:

Right on Bunny ! ! ! Remember KC said it 1st....

as I was driving back from Universal... just like any other day,

to pick up ( " PICK UP CAYLEE from Nanny/Zanny :rolleyes::Banane23:)

not.... as I was driving back... to SPEND THE NITE AT ZANNY's
LIKE YOU TOLD YOUR DAD ~ GA at 12:50 We will be staying
over at Zanny/Nanny's tonite !

KC you are just * B E Y O N D * all belief ! ! ! !

I don't even have a bananna to fit you KC

:not_ripe: = NOT playing with a full deck KC

just picture KC telling the truth !
Just picture GA telling the truth !
Just picture CA flipping smooth out...as usual :rolleyes::Banane10:

But.... because of the :liar: KC :liar: GA :liar: CA

CAYLEE is Still Dead ! God Rest Her Precious Little Soul ! ! !

Stupid ! STUPID ! ! ! S T U P I D :liar::liar::liar: = Anthony family !


God Bless !

PS : * * * BJB I am not trying to compete with that

BJB = YOU ROCK ! ! ! Thanks
for all you do to seek ~JUSTICE ~ for Little Angel CAYLEE !!!!

& thanks to ALL you WebSleuthers and LE & FBI & LP & MK & TM & E T C !!!!:blowkiss:

Little Angel CAYLEEE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
:clap: :clap:

Right on Bunny ! ! ! Remember KC said it 1st....

as I was driving back from Universal... just like any other day,

to pick up ( " PICK UP CAYLEE from Nanny/Zanny :rolleyes::Banane23:)

not.... as I was driving back... to SPEND THE NITE AT ZANNY's
LIKE YOU TOLD YOUR DAD ~ GA at 12:50 We will be staying
over at Zanny/Nanny's tonite !

KC you are just * B E Y O N D * all belief ! ! ! !

I don't even have a bananna to fit you KC

:not_ripe: = NOT playing with a full deck KC

just picture KC telling the truth !
Just picture GA telling the truth !
Just picture CA flipping smooth out...as usual :rolleyes::Banane10:

But.... because of the :liar: KC :liar: GA :liar: CA

CAYLEE is Still Dead ! God Rest Her Precious Little Soul ! ! !

Stupid ! STUPID ! ! ! S T U P I D :liar::liar::liar: = Anthony family !


God Bless !

PS : * * * BJB I am not trying to compete with that

BJB = YOU ROCK ! ! ! Thanks
for all you do to seek ~JUSTICE ~ for Little Angel CAYLEE !!!!

& thanks to ALL you WebSleuthers and LE & FBI & LP & MK & TM & E T C !!!!:blowkiss:

Little Angel CAYLEEE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Not to spoil anyone's fun, but I thought the way the story went was that Casey thought she MAY have to work late. Did I miss something?
I have always thought, and still do think that the house was the true crime scene.

I've almost wavered a few times that it might have been in a parking lot on the night of the 15/16th, but I always come back to the house as the crime scene.

Me too, PotatoHead ... I always come back to the house. No one to watch. Or hear.
When I read the transcript of CA's deposition, I noticed this. Did she slip up here? I don't remember hearing this in the video and don't think I could stand to revisit it.

Morgan speaking of Zenaida's visit to Sawgrass:

Morgan- Are you aware of the day that she filled out that form at Sawgrass?

CA- June the 17th.

Morgan- Isn't that right after that Casey had a fight with her family?

CA- Yeah, it is

Morgan- and left the home?

CA- She didn't have a fight with me. Go there. Go there, Mr. Morgan. She didn't fight with me, sir.

It appears in the transcript that, for an instant, CA agreed there was a fight.

Sounds like she's challenging him ..
Respectfully, and I don't believe the A's at all...but you really believe everything that LP has said thus far? This is not a compare the truthfulness of the A's who have lied considerably...this is do you honestly believe a guy, LP, who has gone to jail for tax evasion...the entire stuff he says...you are saying you believe? :bang:

my point is: if he gets free publicity anyway, what would be his motive to lie about anything to do with this case. Now his theories are just that...theories, same as we have on WS. But if he said LA told him that there was a fight between KC and CA - Yes, I believe that LA told him that there was a fight. Now, was LA telling the truth?

Sorry, no disrespect to you but I don't see the dots connecting "went to jail for tax evasion" to "I'll lie to LE re: a murder case".
Again, what is his motive?
OHH Whiteangora ur killin' me 2nite. And yes I forgot the supersonic hearing that can hear breathing thru the door.

I don't even leave my home until I have seen and put my hands on my dogs' heads just to say bye. It is beyond ridiculous to believe that Cindy, the primary caretaker would ready herself in the morning and leave without peeking in on Caylee. I know of no toddler that isn't up by eight am, in the first place. Casey emerging from her room at noon I can believe, but a little three year old.....no way. If you recall the way Cindy spoke of hers and Caylee's relationship at the memorial, you will know there is no way, absolutely no way, she left in the morning without dressing, feeding or at the very least looking at the baby! When she tells these silly lies like the wonderful example you gave, we are able to understand why and how Casey could think she could tell such readily disprovable lies to police, years and years of practice and examples. I have said it before, Casey is Cindy Jr. in stripper boots.
I gathered all the info from texts, pings, computer usage, photobucket etc..and made this timline of the 16th up..I couldn't have done it so easily if I didn't have all this great info here to work with(Thanks to those who put it here:) )..It has been driving me crazy to figure out if she was at the house or not..I have changed my mind about a couple of things since seeing all the info put together..Personally, I just don't believe everyones word of what they saw and used the actual evidence at hand..

12:20 am - Cell tower pings near Anthony home

Computer Usage for Desktop
2AM 1AM 49% *****
7AM 8AM 74% *******
8AM 9AM 15% **

8:46 AM- calls AL

9:27AM Icon to Photobucket- IP address is under Hopespring Dr. (This appears that KC was at the home) how do we know for sure that it was KC that uploaded the icon to photobucket? it could have been anyone in the house at the time

Computer Usage for Desktop
10AM 11AM 80% ********

10:37 AM- Message on Myspace from Casey to Lauren

Computer Usage for Desktop
11AM 12PM 49% *****

11:47 AM- AL calls
12:53 PM- calls AL
12:55 PM- AL calls

12:50 pm - KC leaving the house
George's statement

the computer could have been being used by GA-funny how the computer usage was up ...until GA leaves to go to work...then its back down again

Computer Usage for Desktop
1PM 2PM 1%
GA takes this hour to get ready for work

1:00 PM- AL calls
1:26 PM- texts JG
1:37 PM- text from JG
1:44 PM- calls AH

@2:00- GA leaves for work

Computer Usage for Desktop
2PM 3PM 82% ********

**Who was at the home using computer? KC returns home at this time

2:52 PM- call from JG - spoke about CA & GA getting divorce. CA not moving out.
3:04 PM- call from GA
3:35 PM- calls AL

Computer Usage for Desktop
4PM 5PM 1%

4:10 PM- calls GA at work
4:11 PM -calls CA twice
4:13 PM -calls CA twice
4:14 PM- calls GA
4:18 PM- texts AL

4:18 pm - cell tower pings near
Chicksaw Trail

4:19 PM- text from AL
4:19 PM- calls AL
4:21 PM- calls JG twice
4:25 PM- calls CA

4:25 pm - cell tower pings near AL's
apt until after midnight into the next day.

the red in mine.....my ideas :) i also think some of this issue with GA and CA covering for KC....has gotten LA in a bit of trouble...could this be why LE said LA knows what he has done....maybe LA knew KC was at his house and didnt tell LE the truth about what GA and CA were saying about the 16th and all.....
Not to spoil anyone's fun, but I thought the way the story went was that Casey thought she MAY have to work late. Did I miss something?


I'm kinda old...
seems like I read it like KC says...
oh off to work.... probably have to work late.... don't wait up.......
probably just stay at Zanny's.....

I'm not sure how to go back...
and L@@K it up.... I'll try.....

cause it really bugged me that GA is the one who said
KC said it......

buggs me still ! ! !

but then again .... every SINGLE thing about KC and this

sick ~ sad ~ terrible loss of life for Little Angel CAYLEE

just :furious: Bugs me !

Thanks for the input !!!!:blowkiss:

I don't have to be right... I JUST WANT ~JUSTICE ~ 4 CAYLEE!!!

God BLess !
I have always thought, and still do think that the house was the true crime scene.

I've almost wavered a few times that it might have been in a parking lot on the night of the 15/16th, but I always come back to the house as the crime scene.

the crime scene could still be the house....i just think that she left that night of the 15/16 early morning after the fight....but then KC with caylee could have came back after GA left for work....but GA didnt see them that morning and CA didnt hear them breathing thru the door.....:rolleyes:
It definitely means someone was using the computer at a time when no one was supposed to be home. So now, who was it? According to GA, Casey supposedly left just before 1pm. Did she go back home as soon as he went to work? :waitasec:

In my opinion, it looks like KC did leave the house like normal..There was no computer use from 1-2 pm which makes me think that..After GA leaves the computer is in use again..KC had some calls and texts in between the 1-2 pm time frame but where she went and what she did is unknown but the pings are all within the Anthony home area so it couldn't have been far..

It also would make sense that GA did see that outfit but it never really left the home because KC went back to the house with Caylee and changed her so the clothes were left in the home...Hence the comment from her: 'They haven't found her clothes yet'..Why would they think they would be at the home when she left with them on?

When you think about the 82% time usage someone was on the computer in the home for almost the full hour and totally speculating here...but IF it was KC, what was Caylee doing while she was on the computer? This opens it up for all kinds of theories to be played out..She was on route to TL's around 4-4:30pm..Food for thought...
Sounds like she's challenging him ..

He didn't have the question completed and she was bursting at the seams, so why the huge reaction, rather than just a puzzled look with what do you mean. They are such awful liars!
ok, I go to work and come back to a thread about a new LP statement....keep n mind I only read the first page of this thread but LP keeps adding tid bit here and there that some have turned out true but many have turned out false...

I wonder why, oh why, do people take his word has fact? Think back to when you found out that KC was going to be bailed for the first time. My thought was WTF, and who the F is doing this. Then come LP, who I thought nothing but nutcase. Then he started providing "inside information" which 90% turned out to be false....

I like the guy a lot, he's interesting to say the least....but moost of what he says is either a stretch or a flat out lie. I would love to know how people can keep believing his non-sense...

OK mods, I'm guessing I'll get a time-out for saying this but I'm truly tired of checking threads for facts, or interpretation of facts and then finding out that LP said it.
the crime scene could still be the house....i just think that she left that night of the 15/16 early morning after the fight....but then KC with caylee could have came back after GA left for work....but GA didnt see them that morning and CA didnt hear them breathing thru the door.....:rolleyes:

Thanks TN. That is one of my theories.
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