2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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In some jurisdictions--don't know about Florida--the results of lie detector tests are not admissible as evidence. Doesn't mean they're not administered, but the results may not be admissible as evidence. ::runs off to check Florida's rules of evidence:: Here's some quick-and-dirty research. They usually don't come in, it appears. http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2009/jan/23/lie-detector-test-ruled-admissible-rarety-collier-/

This has probably already been discussed but lie detectors are not admissable in court. They are, easilyy (at least in terms of a good criminal mind) manipulated. Plus, if you have anxiety disorders such as I have (panic attacks) then you could give a false reading. I would NEVER regardless of the situation agree to a lie detector. They are NOT scientific evidence by any stretch of the imagination.
The Greta Interview....GA is discussing what show he was watching and he starts to say news and CA squeezees his leg or hand and guides him to "before work" and then it becomes a cooking show. So, with that interview, and CA interuption and guidance on what to say...I have never believed GA.:confused:


Has anyone noticed in that video when they are looking at the bedrooms, the great big CMA in wood on Caylee's wall? Cindy was REALLY obsessed with that CMA thing wasn't she? It was almost a power trip I think-all the girls in her life named after her that way...perhaps that explains why Lee used that CODE when he made his eulogy speech...???

As for Leonard Padilla's statement about the story changing and being something other than what was stated from George? How many of us here did not know that already? How many of us have had a gut feeling or an instinct that something was amiss with the story that George told? Where were the details of the morning/afternoon George, IF in fact your story was true? Recalling the exact time, and yet, your daughter recalled nothing of the sort-as a matter of fact, she had to narrow it down to a FOUR HOUR window when she MAY have dropped Caylee off...hmmmmm....I think there is something stinky in the story and I believe LP over George 365 days a year!
ok, I go to work and come back to a thread about a new LP statement....keep n mind I only read the first page of this thread but LP keeps adding tid bit here and there that some have turned out true but many have turned out false...

I wonder why, oh why, do people take his word has fact? Think back to when you found out that KC was going to be bailed for the first time. My thought was WTF, and who the F is doing this. Then come LP, who I thought nothing but nutcase. Then he started providing "inside information" which 90% turned out to be false....

I like the guy a lot, he's interesting to say the least....but moost of what he says is either a stretch or a flat out lie. I would love to know how people can keep believing his non-sense...

OK mods, I'm guessing I'll get a time-out for saying this but I'm truly tired of checking threads for facts, or interpretation of facts and then finding out that LP said it.

I would love to know where you come up with the 90% innacurrate percentage? He has been right more than he has been wrong, and I think there is actually a thread devoted to just that somewhere in this forum. I have not heard him tell one "flat out lie" and if you have then perhaps you could share it with us where he told these "flat out lies"??? I have seen him insinuate, and imply things, but "flat out lie"? I haven't seen that and I have watched fairly closely. :waitasec:

And just for the record, if you go to a thread titled Padilla says, well, what were you expecting to find there? Obviously the thread is about what he says and if you are tired of checking for facts and find Padilla said it, then shy away from a thread that is titled Padilla Says...:rolleyes:
my point is: if he gets free publicity anyway, what would be his motive to lie about anything to do with this case. Now his theories are just that...theories, same as we have on WS. But if he said LA told him that there was a fight between KC and CA - Yes, I believe that LA told him that there was a fight. Now, was LA telling the truth?

Sorry, no disrespect to you but I don't see the dots connecting "went to jail for tax evasion" to "I'll lie to LE re: a murder case".
Again, what is his motive?

ITA with you on some of your points. But if LP has been in jail before for basically the equivalent of lying...I guess to me he can't be trusted anymore than any of the A's...jmo. He is also a proven liar. I don't think he is involved in this case just because he cares about the death of little Caylee...but that is just my opinion.

Also, he is getting a lot of free press for this sure. But to say that he has no other motive other than he was concerned about Caylee...I am too much of a skeptic and not that naive to believe that he has absolutely no ulterior motive beyond caring about a child that doesn't belong to him.
We know by the pings what time KC returned home on the 15th. She came home late. She spent zero time with her father on Father's Day.
If June 16 was the day George worked from 9AM - 6PM, KC was home alone with Caylee all day. So if George got ready and left for work by, oh, 8:30AM, he wasn't watching Caylee that morning and he was probably not in a good mood following his $hitty father's day.
You know how you feel when your mom points out your child's flaws? How would you feel if your family spent no time with you on Father's Day. I think CA and GA left the house the 16th early and couldn't wait to leave. They certainly didn't return KC's repeated phone calls that afternoon. They were pi$$3d at their daughter.
So we would then have KC at home busy with her texts, phone calls and computer - no time for baby and she knows no one is going to babysit that night for her. She's burned her bridges. She is flat out up against the wall.
Need to know what those text messages of the 15-16th were all about.
ITA with you on some of your points. But if LP has been in jail before for basically the equivalent of lying...I guess to me he can't be trusted anymore than any of the A's...jmo. He is also a proven liar. I don't think he is involved in this case just because he cares about the death of little Caylee...but that is just my opinion.

Also, he is getting a lot of free press for this sure. But to say that he has no other motive other than he was concerned about Caylee...I am too much of a skeptic and not that naive to believe that he has absolutely no ulterior motive beyond caring about a child that doesn't belong to him.

I was unaware that LP had served time for tax evasion>? Do you have a link to that little tidbit because I surely would love to read that one...:waitasec:

As for his motive-of course he has ulterior motives-doesn't everyone? What are all of OUR motives here for being so involved in this case? We all have our reasons, as I am sure Lenny has his-be it fame or glory, but regardless, he is a part of the story, and he has been from almost the beginning. :)
this is a bit, ok a lot OT, but does anyone else remember something about someone saying they were watching a cookery programme about meringe making during the scott peterson case and it being proven that this was a lie?
am i remembering this correctly?
am i loosing it?:waitasec:

Yes,Scott said he was watching a food channel with Laci at a time when his pings show him out of the house.

His lawyer showed a video of the show, that had meringue mentioned. The Petersons high fived each other in glee The judge reprimanded them.

There was another day when there was mention of meringue that the defense showed. I can't remember all the details
In my opinion, it looks like KC did leave the house like normal..There was no computer use from 1-2 pm which makes me think that..After GA leaves the computer is in use again..KC had some calls and texts in between the 1-2 pm time frame but where she went and what she did is unknown but the pings are all within the Anthony home area so it couldn't have been far..

It also would make sense that GA did see that outfit but it never really left the home because KC went back to the house with Caylee and changed her so the clothes were left in the home...Hence the comment from her: 'They haven't found her clothes yet'..Why would they think they would be at the home when she left with them on?

When you think about the 82% time usage someone was on the computer in the home for almost the full hour and totally speculating here...but IF it was KC, what was Caylee doing while she was on the computer? This opens it up for all kinds of theories to be played out..She was on route to TL's around 4-4:30pm..Food for thought...

Mom4life...based on your approach I think there are some things you may wanna consider [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3723917&postcount=340"] posted here [/ame]. It goes into many of the details you're hitting on. Including, but, not limited to...
  • George gave an account of 6/9, not 6/16 (thread devoted to this in the Case Analysis Forum BTW link [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3635200#post3635200"]here[/ame]).
  • Casey was @ G&C's when George left and based on George's actions he knew it
  • Casey was on the computer much of the time 3-4PM after George left, and how the nursing home pic & Fb msg to Amy prove it.

IMHO, the "6/9 vs. 6/16..." thread should be required reading for anyone interested in this "Padilla's...untrue" thread. It is 6 short pages and has already covered most of the ground being covered on this thread...except LP's take on it of course.

Also, FWIW, as it relates to this thread, the "Details Emerge about the fight..." also in the Case Analysis Forum has pinned down the dates & times of likely fights...including the "choking" incident too, FWIW. Summary provided in the [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3730197&postcount=680"]link here[/ame]. But much, much more detail provided by WS's in that thread that would likely be of interest to anyone interested in the subject of this thread.

Hope that helps.
I'm not trying to argue that GA may be lying. Gawd knows there's ample evidence to point to all of them being dishonest, but this seems like a mountain out of a mole hill to me.

I'm assuming noon TV programs are about the same all over the nation. If that's so, then at noon there was 30 minutes of news followed by possibly some goofy local show (in which they very well could be cooking), or something he switched to after watching the news every day. I just don't see the importance of it, but that doesn't mean my opinion is right.

I'm just sayin'.

Well one thing about this GA statement is that he ALSO said he did breakfast with Caylee as KC slept in late from working.
What 2 year old sleeps til one oclock without getting up for a drink or something to eat as she got to bed that night according to Cindy?
I am not buying it. at all.
If for instance Casey wasn't home, and George made up the story then it doesn't necessarily follow that George left at 1PM, only that he said that's when he left. So it could have been George on the computer. What I think though is Casey left and came back as soon as George left.

Ummm, Maybe George was not there as we all heard at the beginning of all this that George was not even living at the house when this came down?
Ummm, Maybe George was not there as we all heard at the beginning of all this that George was not even living at the house when this came down?

I think the one we heard that from was Casey, and we all know that nothing she says is ever true-except one thing-
"That is the story I am sticking to"...that has been born out to be true-regretfully.:bang:
I would love to know where you come up with the 90% innacurrate percentage? He has been right more than he has been wrong, and I think there is actually a thread devoted to just that somewhere in this forum. I have not heard him tell one "flat out lie" and if you have then perhaps you could share it with us where he told these "flat out lies"??? I have seen him insinuate, and imply things, but "flat out lie"? I haven't seen that and I have watched fairly closely. :waitasec:

And just for the record, if you go to a thread titled Padilla says, well, what were you expecting to find there? Obviously the thread is about what he says and if you are tired of checking for facts and find Padilla said it, then shy away from a thread that is titled Padilla Says...:rolleyes:

Alright, I knew I would be challenged by this...90% is obviously a rough estimate (as far as I know there hasn't been an actual poll of LP fact v. fiction). I'll go through a few false LP statements...She fell off the balcony, she's in JBP, she was naked, she was in a bathing suit, the whole Kronk daisy chain (which may or may not be true or false)...OH, and let us not forget...KC is innocent, a day with LP will get the truth out of her (not exact qoute but thats how he got invovled int the first place)...I could keep going but is it really worth it?

I was just expressing my opinion on LP. As I said, I like the guy but I question much of what he says (its a bit convienent that much of what he says proves to be false and he dribbles out info when it suits him and the media)

Ok, time to jump all over me. Good thing I have extra padding to handle it.
Alright, I knew I would be challenged by this...90% is obviously a rough estimate (as far as I know there hasn't been an actual poll of LP fact v. fiction). I'll go through a few false LP statements...She fell off the balcony, she's in JBP, she was naked, she was in a bathing suit, the whole Kronk daisy chain (which may or may not be true or false)...OH, and let us not forget...KC is innocent, a day with LP will get the truth out of her (not exact qoute but thats how he got invovled int the first place)...I could keep going but is it really worth it?

I was just expressing my opinion on LP. As I said, I like the guy but I question much of what he says (its a bit convienent that much of what he says proves to be false and he dribbles out info when it suits him and the media)

Ok, time to jump all over me. Good thing I have extra padding to handle it.

LP has theorized much like we do here...Some of his theories have proven false-but they were not stated as facts-they were stated as what he believed happened or could have happened. He obviously got the JBP story right from the horses mouth so to speak, as it has been thoroughly discussed how Casey changed her story to the JBP kidnap scenario in the midst of all of this. She was in a bathing suit that evening swimming with Cindy so it was probable that she may have still been in it when Casey jerked her out of the house...a misassumption, an innacurrate theory, but certainly not a lie. :) The Kronk daisy chain is yet to be debunked and honestly, if all of us here were called liars each time we stated a new or different theory or opinion? Well, we would all be liars in that case.

As new info is discovered, theories change, and LP just like anyone else has a right to change his theory based on new information. We all do that. The only difference is that he is on tv and we are on a discussion board/forum.

I would not dream on "jumping all over you" regardless of your padding...:blowkiss: We all do have our own opinions, but it seems every time there is a LP thread it erodes very quickly into this sort of thing. I was just saying that if you do not like to judge the facts according to what LP said, then coming into a thread all about what he said...well, you see what I mean?

No harm no foul...:)
ITA with you on some of your points. But if LP has been in jail before for basically the equivalent of lying...I guess to me he can't be trusted anymore than any of the A's...jmo. He is also a proven liar. I don't think he is involved in this case just because he cares about the death of little Caylee...but that is just my opinion.

Also, he is getting a lot of free press for this sure. But to say that he has no other motive other than he was concerned about Caylee...I am too much of a skeptic and not that naive to believe that he has absolutely no ulterior motive beyond caring about a child that doesn't belong to him.

Who has a bigger motive? LP for publicity or GA for his daughter killing his grandchild?
Respectfully, and I don't believe the A's at all...but you really believe everything that LP has said thus far? This is not a compare the truthfulness of the A's who have lied considerably...this is do you honestly believe a guy, LP, who has gone to jail for tax evasion...the entire stuff he says...you are saying you believe? :bang:

Could you provide a link for this statement? I had not heard this until now and was hoping a link could be provided...:eek:
...For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail."

Before you buy LP's story, you may wanna consider the house of cards it is built on.

OK...everyone that buys what LP says, raise their hand please. :wave: :wave: :wave:

To believe LP's story is to believe Lee's story.
To believe Lee is to believe whose story???? :confused: Not Lee's. Lee stated the last time he saw Caylee was @ Cindy's b-day party 6/5. So, Lee didn't see Casey & Caylee the night of 6/15...if you believe Lee.

OK...hands again, please. :wave: :wave: :waitasec:

So, to believe Lee is to believe whomever told Lee the story.
Who's left to tell Lee the story? Casey, Cindy or George.

So, to believe LP is to believe Lee is to believe Casey?...believe Cindy?...believe George?

...hands up!...:wave: :waitasec: :rolleyes:

And if you believe LP when he is saying that George is lying then you don't believe George. So...you're left to believe...hmmm...lemme see....that'd be...Casey or Cindy.

...show of hands, please... :waitasec: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So...in summary...if you believe LP, then, you believe LP AND Lee AND Cindy or Casey. How many people left with their hand up?

One more time?

Anyone? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone? :Benny_monkeysmilies

Well worked out and beautifully illustrated analysis! :clap:

Though you may be :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead

when it comes to LP/NG :genie: fans?

I'll end tonight with a plain and simple "fair enough". I know we all have opinions especially about certain people, events, phone logs, pings, evidence, etc. Thats what I love about this place....there is always room for a nice debate. i know there are people that like to take a healthy debate and make it into an arguement or much worse. I am not one of those people, I respect and welcome new opinions and to be honest, love to be proven wrong.

One thing I do have to say... I was looking forward to the jumping on the padding (flatten things down_, I'm pretty much desperate to lose some extra lbs (going to start a thread in the jury room tomorrow to get tip/hints):crazy:
ITA with you on some of your points. But if LP has been in jail before for basically the equivalent of lying...I guess to me he can't be trusted anymore than any of the A's...jmo. He is also a proven liar. I don't think he is involved in this case just because he cares about the death of little Caylee...but that is just my opinion.

Also, he is getting a lot of free press for this sure. But to say that he has no other motive other than he was concerned about Caylee...I am too much of a skeptic and not that naive to believe that he has absolutely no ulterior motive beyond caring about a child that doesn't belong to him.

not everyone involved with this case is a "bad guy". I spend a lot of time on here and my only motive is that I care about a child, a child that was murdered, Caylee - a child that does not belong to me. I believe that everyone on here has been touched by Caylee's Story.

1)GA has motive to lie
2)CA has motive to lie
3)LA has motive to lie

LP has had this theory and that theory, but his theory about KC and Caylee leaving the house on Fathers Day is what a lot of WS'ers have thought all along. MF reported that a neighbor told him that there was a fight. Most have seen the infamous jail visitation video of KC getting angry, I just can't imagine, if there really was a fight as told by neighbor and relayed to LP via JG or via LA , that KC would have just stayed at the house.

CA says that there wasn't a fight and she could hear them breathing on the morning of the 16th
GA says that he saw KC and Caylee on the 16th
LP says that he believes KC and Caylee left the house the night of the 15th after the fight

OK naive, I am not...although I am still , if I just have to pick, going with LP
...For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail."

Before you buy LP's story, you may wanna consider the house of cards it is built on.

OK...everyone that buys what LP says, raise their hand please. :wave: :wave: :wave:

To believe LP's story is to believe Lee's story.
To believe Lee is to believe whose story???? :confused: Not Lee's. Lee stated the last time he saw Caylee was @ Cindy's b-day party 6/5. So, Lee didn't see Casey & Caylee the night of 6/15...if you believe Lee.

OK...hands again, please. :wave: :wave: :waitasec:

So, to believe Lee is to believe whomever told Lee the story.
Who's left to tell Lee the story? Casey, Cindy or George.

So, to believe LP is to believe Lee is to believe Casey?...believe Cindy?...believe George?

...hands up!...:wave: :waitasec: :rolleyes:

And if you believe LP when he is saying that George is lying then you don't believe George. So...you're left to believe...hmmm...lemme see....that'd be...Casey or Cindy.

...show of hands, please... :waitasec: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So...in summary...if you believe LP, then, you believe LP AND Lee AND Cindy or Casey. How many people left with their hand up?

One more time? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Anyone? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone? :Benny_monkeysmilies

Hi again Bond!

Every blasted one of them has told us lies-there is no doubt of this. BUT in the midst of all of those lies, Lee has told us some small amount of truth. He informed us that Casey was never responsible for Caylee's actual upkeep/support-that she had never done those things for Caylee-like buy her food and diapers-etc. I am confident that was truth.

Also concerning the 16th-well, Casey needed a FOUR HOUR WINDOW in her story so something is seriously wrong with that-don't you agree?

Early on, before I think Lee realized how HIGH the stakes were for his sister, he was being more truthful than he has been of late, and I do know he spent time in the "trailer" with LP and it is possible, and perhaps even probable that he did tell LP that very story. And where did HE hear it? Perhaps when it all went down, his sister called him or sent him a message? Perhaps he was out of town and she had a key to his place and contacted him on HIS computer? Pehaps...well, you see my point?

I personally have never believed that George was telling the truth about the 16th-and I think you are pro'lly right that he is actually recounting the details of the 9th. The point is, nobody in this entire sorry mess, right down to the meter reader has been forthright and completely honest, so whom to believe and what is certainly a mine-field to navigate.:crazy:
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