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DNA Solves
  1. N

    Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

    And hopefully it will all be over soon so everyone can move on. I cannot imagine the stress this is putting on MY's family and it is all over a facebook post that showed nothing but someone maybe knowing something. It has nothing to do with the outcome of the verdict and it doesn't show that...
  2. N

    Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

    I think if you research Charles Manson you will see differently. He had a lot of problems in prison because Sharon Tate was pregnant when those murders occurred. There are many other cases but his is the most famous I can think of right now...
  3. N

    Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

    IMO and what I have heard about prison it would be more the fact he killed a baby (unborn or not she was still carrying a child). A lot of prison cliques don't like that and they are close to the bottom of the food chain. Child molesters are lower but killing a baby isn't something you would...
  4. N

    SBI probe into possible juror misconduct

    I think it is great the judge acted quickly on this issue. It will stop it from snowballing and causing the family more pain. The quicker this is taken care of the quicker MY's family can try to heal from all of this. I am very sorry for her family even if it is unlikely to lead to an appeal...
  5. N

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

    I think it is hard to believe that ZG was ever a serious suspect or even a poi if Police only questioned her once. I don't think CFA could have taken it to far they already knew she was a liar. I also don't think it would have went to far with the media if ZG had kept quiet or just come out and...
  6. N

    This is very difficult....however, (if DB confessed now...)

    A lot of people don't see problems with it in their daily life though. I grew up with it and see people I grew up around do it all the time. They get home from work have friends over and get drunk. I personally don't drink and see a lot wrong with it but there are people out there who really...
  7. N

    This is very difficult....however, (if DB confessed now...)

    I am on the fence and this is my opinion (not saying innocence or guilt that isn't what being on the fence means. You can see it both ways or their isn't enough evidence for you to proclaim guilt. It doesn't make you pro DB because I have said before I don't think she is mother of the year or...
  8. N

    Josh Powell Money Trail (transfer of 7K)

    He had a job making pretty good money
  9. N

    "incestuous" images found on JP's computer in Utah

    So maybe its a legal loop hole that he couldn't be charged but how could CPS know and not stop the home visits immediately! They found out before the hearing, they knew before the tragedy occurred they had the power to stop it. When this first started I though Josh was solely responsible but so...
  10. N

    Parental rights vs. child safety (Was there any reason Josh was awarded visits?) Still in shock after reading this.....why weren't the right people told??????(the Cox family and their attorney should have seen this before the hearing!) Computer generated...
  11. N

    Details about Josh's childhood revealed in his parents divorce documents

    So much happens developmentally to the brain in the first few years of life that we might not have the memories but the effects are still there. They are doing a lot more with brain scans and finding out a lot that is beyond our control but they have no idea why. Some may be a genetic...
  12. N

    20/20 - Josh Powell Told Sons He Had 'Surprise' For Them, Social Worker

    Just when i thought we had heard the worst every day new details that break the heart and boggle the mind. My heart breaks for these boys and their family. My heart breaks for everyone involved and their families also. It is just the saddest case I think I have ever followed and it keeps getting...
  13. N

    05 Feb 2012 - Timeline discussion

    According to the article she called her supervisor after calling 911 the first time and was on the phone with her supervisor when the house exploded. The interview will probable shed a better light on the chain of events then the teaser does...
  14. N

    2012.02.07 - 911 Tapes Released

    I want to know what the knew and if they passed the info on to the supervisor they sent to the house. Do they let "contractors" know details about the parents? Would they have warned her if this visit could have potentially more dangerous (we know it was now but did they send in this poor woman...
  15. N

    2012.02.07 - 911 Tapes Released

    How long did it take for them to approach the house though? I assume they had time to think and plan by the time they had the house surrounded it would have been done and over with anyways. I have no doubt LE knows how to do their job, but in the 10 minutes it took before he caught the house on...
  16. N

    2012.2.8 - Chuck and Judy Cox to appear on Nancy Grace

    PINSKY: Do you think that Steve ever did anything to the boys? JUDY COX: I don`t know. I would sure like to find out. CHUCK COX: I think he did. I think it`s possible he did, because when the boys were over here, they were running around naked and they were saying things like it`s good to be...
  17. N

    Possible pending arrest in the near future?! Steven Powell discussion

    I wouldn't be surprised if SP is very involved in Susan's disappearance. He is just as crazy as his son!
  18. N

    Lisa has been missing over four months now (poll)

    I don't think it makes a difference how the boys get to school we all know she is capable of driving with or without a licence. If she drives everyday or not she still could have driven that night if she had access to a vehicle. I am sure LE has searched all the vehicles on their property they...
  19. N

    05 Feb 2012 - Timeline discussion

    In the first call the supervisor says they have been in there about 10 minutes but it is a couple minutes into the call.
  20. N

    2012.02.07 - 911 Tapes Released

    I think the minute Josh heard sirens or notice someone else around he would have thrown the match. Swat doesn't move that fast in most cases and LE would have likely had sirens or made Josh aware they were at the house to try and negotiate to get the boys out. I think has soon as the fire was...

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