2012.02.07 - 911 Tapes Released

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I think the minute Josh heard sirens or notice someone else around he would have thrown the match. Swat doesn't move that fast in most cases and LE would have likely had sirens or made Josh aware they were at the house to try and negotiate to get the boys out. I think has soon as the fire was lit everyone was done for anyone coming in the door would have went up with them. Josh didn't care he would have taken has many out with him as needed. I am not sure if LE or fire department would have even attempted to rush the house knowing there was gas and the dangers there wouldn't have been time to set anything up.

Disagree. LE, 4 cars and multiple others surrounded our block last night, no headlights, no sirens and no flashing lights. They apprehended two runaway teens who were living in a home that is vacant and was for sale. They know how to approach in a dangerous situation.

The caseworker's call resulted in nearly seven minutes of questioning by the dispatcher before he said he would send a deputy. A short time later, the Graham house erupted in flames, killing everyone inside.

The Pierce County Sheriff's department says a dispatcher's extensive questioning of a caseworker who tried to summon help to Josh Powell's home was inappropriate.

I knew there was something wrong about how that went down.

Josh Powell's pastor shares thoughts on murder-suicide

Josh Powell's pastor is speaking out in a statement e-mailed to FOX 13.

Pastor Timothy Atkins of the First Bible Church was among those who received an e-mail from Powell just before he killed his two children and then himself in a fire on Sunday. Atkins forwarded Powell's e-mail to FOX 13, which said simply: "I'm sorry. Good bye."


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He released this statement:

"We are all greatly impacted by the news in our community of the suicide of Josh Powell and the murder of his sons, Charlie and Braden. This has been a very difficult time for all of us as we look to the Lord God for His strength and hope. My family has been deeply affected because of my relationship with Josh as a neighbor, a pastor, and a friend. My wife and I have four children, three of whom attended school with Charlie at Carson Elementary School.

Although we had questions about the disappearance of Susan Powell, we made efforts to minister to him through giving counsel in making needed changes in his life and by speaking about the truth of the Gospel with him, showing him how he might receive salvation through Jesus Christ. We often quoted in our discussions the truth of Romans 10:11-13 “For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed . . . Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”

In October 2011, I helped Josh move from our neighborhood into the house in Graham. In November 2011, Josh asked us to assist him with child visitation by supervising visits with his sons. We were supervising weekly visits in our home for The Department of Social and Health Services between Josh, Charlie and Braden. Our children would play together during these visits.

I spoke with Josh on the phone Thursday night last week, and like so many others it seems, there was no indication of a problem or a change in his outlook. Josh spoke with me during that phone conversation about seeing him Sunday evening following the Sunday afternoon visit with his sons. We are continuing to be in prayer for the Cox family and the Powell family that they may receive mercy and find grace to help in this time of need. We are asking for the Lord's strength in our lives and the lives of all of us who need His help because of .............................


OMG! This story just gets worse and worse. DSHS let an untrained citizen supervise the court ordered visitation?????????????? WTH?

Agreed! I heard the coward was complaining about having to visits with the kids with other families present and that it failed to afford them privacy. So he wanted visits to occur at his home. Well, if he was referring to the pastor and his family, I feel he was planing this, or at least had it as a contigency plan, for a long, long time. He wanted those babies where he could kill them, not in a house belonging to his pastor. Wow.
Generalizing about any profession is not helpful, IMO...every job has great, good, average and poor employees...even those professions we count on most, doctors, nurses, 911 operators, etc...

If this particular 911 operator was normally on-the-ball, great at his job, and was having an off-day, so to speak, or thinking too much about the Super Bowl, for example, I am sure he will be punished, if not by losing his job, by his own conscious. If he was always careless, hopefully he will take a job in a line of work that does not involve matters of life and death. JMO

I have had to call 911 on many occasions. Not once have they been rude or condescending like this man. He was playing games with her. And that's horrible because people who call 911 are at their most vulnerable and scared.

I think he is actually the rare exception. Most people who go into that line of business do so because they really have a heart.
I still disagree. 911 Dispatchers are giving information to the police as they are getting it. Most people cannot type and chew gum at the same time. So while you sit in judgement of them, they are doing 3 or 4 things at the same time getting the info out to the proper people. They juggle ALOT!! Usually while they are talking you, they are disseminating the information to the people on the street! So again, until you sit their shoes.... I would not judge!

JP and JP ALONE is responible for this. Nobody else!

Excellent post. I'd also like to add while many are saying he should lose his job, go for retraining (which may not hurt at all) I think most importantly, he should be offered councilling. Like the SW on scene, this man has a massive load of guilt on his mind right now I'm sure, deservingly or not.
Excellent post. I'd also like to add while many are saying he should lose his job, go for retraining (which may not hurt at all) I think most importantly, he should be offered councilling. Like the SW on scene, this man has a massive load of guilt on his mind right now I'm sure, deservingly or not.
BBM...is how I think, too, because I know if it were me, I'd be in my own personal hell right now.
I still disagree. 911 Dispatchers are giving information to the police as they are getting it. Most people cannot type and chew gum at the same time. So while you sit in judgement of them, they are doing 3 or 4 things at the same time getting the info out to the proper people. They juggle ALOT!! Usually while they are talking you, they are disseminating the information to the people on the street! So again, until you sit their shoes.... I would not judge!

JP and JP ALONE is responible for this. Nobody else!

I won't judge him because I don't know anything about him but as you know even the Sheriff department said his conduct on the phone with the social worker was inappropriate. Sometimes we think we're cut out to have a certain career and later discover that we're not qualified to handle it. A friend of mine wanted to become an air traffic controller. After months of training, he realized the salary wasn't worth the stress and possible health issues that comes with it.

I admire those who take on these stressful jobs. It takes a special kind to do so.....not everyone is able to handle them. Perhaps this man needs more training or this is not the right job for him.
Disagree. LE, 4 cars and multiple others surrounded our block last night, no headlights, no sirens and no flashing lights. They apprehended two runaway teens who were living in a home that is vacant and was for sale. They know how to approach in a dangerous situation.

I'm sorry, but 2 runaway teenagers squatting in an empty house is not the same as a hatchet swinging psychopath intent on murdering his two boys who had already turned the house into a ticking bomb and was chopping at their necks. He was intent on murdering them. He doubled up on murder methods, when only one would have done the job. I don't think he would have cared at all if police were outside, on their way, sirens, no sirens, trying to hostage negotiate through the doors, etc.
I think this confirms what concerns are being raised about the particular 911 dispatcher here.. And that they are not rude, judgemental slurs but rather a very honest statement that the man was not behaving in the least bit a professional manner but rather very condescending and Inappropriately sarcastic manner..

No one is blaming him or anyone else for the murders.. That solely lies on Josh Powell.. But when in the process of bringing to light all of the events as they unfolded that day this 911 dispatchers unprofessional and inappropriate manner has too come to light and is of great concern to the city/county of which he serves as a 911 dispatcher for(as is clearly stated in the article above and others).. No one is placing blame on him for these precious children's death again that lies solely with Josh.. But how this man handled this situation is unacceptable, period.. He couldn't have saved Charlie and Braden but you damn well better believe that he is in a position of which will very much be the difference between life or death.. Many times over he will and it is unacceptable how he handled this call and now with those in positions above him will be able to go thru and do a fair investigation on how this man performs his job as a dispatcher(his calls will be reviewed to see was this his standard of care that he gave regularly)..these procedures very likely will be what saves someone else's lives.. And thats worth it IMO!!!

Thanks weren't enough. ITA that it wouldn't have mattered in this case, but what about the next time? What if it were YOUR babies that needed help?

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I have absolutely no criticism here. Nobody could ever be totally prepared for this type of situation.

However, I'm a high-anxiety sort of person and have listened to many 911 calls as I follow cases. Personally, I've only had to call 911 once, while tending to a person in a wheelchair. She fell out in an awkward position and I couldn't help her get back into the chair. She needed paramedics to do the job and monitor her health in the process.

I was fortunate because I called from a land line and the dispatcher immediately asked me if so-and-so had fallen. The minute I said "yes", she dispatched an ambulance and all was well.

However, this soial worker had a difficult time explaining the situation to the dispatcher and it took a while before the dispatcher understood the situation clearly. If she had the sort of anxiety disorder I do, she would have taken a moment to find the address first and then called 911. She was calling from a cell phone with no way for the dispatcher to know her location immediately.

If she had said immediately that she was at X address and there were 2 boys in a house reeking of gasoline with their unstable father, it would have caused the dispatcher to put his ears up and ask different questions.

In my mind, I have gone over and over what I would say to a 911 dispatcher if an emergency were to arise. Up front, I would state I needed an ambulance, police, fire, whatever at Y address because...

Yes, I'm strange about those sort of things, but when emergencies do arise, I'm the calm in the storm who does what needs to be done. As a retired teacher, there have been many times when emergencies have arisen and my co-workers were amazed at how well and efficiently I handled them.

Again, I'm not putting blame on anyone. The social worker never expected a problem. The dispatcher didn't understand immediately the situation. Even if the social worker had been able to quickly explain the situation, it was already too late.

Let's do hope that this is a learning situation for all involved, from the judge on down. That visit never should have happened.
I'm sorry, but 2 runaway teenagers squatting in an empty house is not the same as a hatchet swinging psychopath intent on murdering his two boys who had already turned the house into a ticking bomb and was chopping at their necks. He was intent on murdering them. He doubled up on murder methods, when only one would have done the job. I don't think he would have cared at all if police were outside, on their way, sirens, no sirens, trying to hostage negotiate through the doors, etc.

This has just made me think...imagine what would have happened if the Police had turned up in time, and made it into the house. He'd only have had to drop the lighter and we'd be looking at dead or maimed officers too. I mean, what could they do - shoot him? He quite clearly wanted to die anyway, and there was nothing a couple of Police officers could do to stop that blaze once it started.
I have to respectfully disagree because they should be trained to gather the pertinent information....in a calm, professional manner. This may have been the first time the woman ever called 911 and given the circumstance was clearly upset. It's what he was trained for...and not pussy footing around about the visitation specifics....7 minutes. As soon as she said she smelled gas, it should have sent up a red flag...along with Josh scooping the kids inside and closing the door in her face. IMO Granted she should of known the addy, but I had to call 911 for an accident after only being in the area only a few weeks. I had to run back close enough to the intersection to see and get the cross street's name. He needs a refresher. IMO
Disagree. LE, 4 cars and multiple others surrounded our block last night, no headlights, no sirens and no flashing lights. They apprehended two runaway teens who were living in a home that is vacant and was for sale. They know how to approach in a dangerous situation.

How long did it take for them to approach the house though? I assume they had time to think and plan by the time they had the house surrounded it would have been done and over with anyways. I have no doubt LE knows how to do their job, but in the 10 minutes it took before he caught the house on fire? Or the couple of minutes it took the Supervisor to call? 2 teens in a house vs a man who is killing his children and burning the house down big difference. I doubt LE would have even approached the two situations in the same way. He had the gas poured he had the hatchet he knew he was killing himself and the 2 boys.
I have had to call 911 on many occasions. Not once have they been rude or condescending like this man. He was playing games with her. And that's horrible because people who call 911 are at their most vulnerable and scared.

I think he is actually the rare exception. Most people who go into that line of business do so because they really have a heart.

ITA. I could almost see the 911 dispatcher :rolleyes: at the frightened social worker. What a cocky SOB :furious:
I'm sorry, but 2 runaway teenagers squatting in an empty house is not the same as a hatchet swinging psychopath intent on murdering his two boys who had already turned the house into a ticking bomb and was chopping at their necks. He was intent on murdering them. He doubled up on murder methods, when only one would have done the job. I don't think he would have cared at all if police were outside, on their way, sirens, no sirens, trying to hostage negotiate through the doors, etc.

That wasn't my point.
I still disagree. 911 Dispatchers are giving information to the police as they are getting it. Most people cannot type and chew gum at the same time. So while you sit in judgement of them, they are doing 3 or 4 things at the same time getting the info out to the proper people. They juggle ALOT!! Usually while they are talking you, they are disseminating the information to the people on the street! So again, until you sit their shoes.... I would not judge!

JP and JP ALONE is responible for this. Nobody else!

I agree with you about JP being responsible but I don't agree with defending the way the dispatcher handled the call and he was not doing what your post states.

According to the facts coming out about the dispatcher's actions while he was on the phone with the caller he was not multi-tasking and relaying information to LE as he was receiving it. Epic fail on his part. JMO

According to the sheriff's office, the caseworker called 911 at 12:08 p.m. Deputies weren't dispatched until 12:16 p.m.

much more information on the call(s) at link

I agree with you about JP being responsible but I don't agree with defending the way the dispatcher handled the call and he was not doing what your post states.

According to the facts coming out about the dispatcher's actions while he was on the phone with the caller he was not multi-tasking and relaying information to LE as he was receiving it. Epic fail on his part. JMO

According to the sheriff's office, the caseworker called 911 at 12:08 p.m. Deputies weren't dispatched until 12:16 p.m.

much more information on the call(s) at link


Troyer said the call was dispatched to deputies as routine. Deputies weren't told that the home belonged to Powell or that the caseworker had smelled gasoline, he said.

Had they been given that information, and had the call been deemed a priority call, he estimated the deputies could have shaved about five minutes from their response time. Troyer said additional time could also have been saved had the call taker handled the 911 call differently.
When the caseworker stated that he'd had the kids in there for about ten minutes...that was about IIRC, 4:17 into the call. She was probably very accurate on that detail because, IMO, she knew that the visit started at Noon.
If she had had authorization to immediately call 911 and she had....because as soon as he locked her out he had essentially "kidnapped" the boys...then that call would have been made at 12:00 or 12:01, whatever the case may be. Then, if she had been trained to describe it as an "abduction or kidnapping," the 911 operator would have immediately dispatched officers...not just one deputy and not at 12:16 but at possibly 12:02 or 12:03. It has been stated that the deputy arrived on the scene 21 minutes after the call was initiated. That puts his arrival at 12:29.

12:08 911 call
12:16 officer dispatched
12:29 officer arrives on scene. (That appears to be 13 minutes after being dispatched.)

If the officer had been dispatched at 12:02...he may have arrived at 12:15 PM.

All agencies should realize, in an instance such as this, the parent is in direct violation of a court order. There should be no question, on the part of any agency, that this is a high risk call/situation.

Mistakes were made at every level.

1. Court allowed a man who was required to undergo psychological exams, before his custody arrangement would even be reviewed, to continue with "supervised visitation."

2. DSHS allowed JP to sway them away from the approved "safe house" for visitation.

2a. This was a man, under suspicion for killing a women/his own wife and mother to these two children.

2b. To send a woman alone to be responsible for overseeing these visits was naive on the part of DSHS supervisors. At the very least they should have sent another worker with her.

2c. The caseworker was apparently not allowed to call 911 before contacting a supervisor....that is just ridiculous! The parent had ostensibly "ABDUCTED" the children. That is a crime deserving of an immediate 911 call.

2d. The caseworker should have been trained to have the case file with the address, very visible at the top of the file, in hand as she approached the home of a parent or guardian.

3. The dispatcher should have had the opportunity to hear the word "kidnapped or abducted." If he then, further delayed dispatch then, it would seem, he would have been completely negligent in his duties.

The way I see it, mistakes were made at every level. Procedures/guidelines for "court ordered supervised visitation" must change, nationwide to a universal standard! Then, at least the caseworkers and Emergency Response personnel will know that they did everything possible to protect the children.
I think this confirms what concerns are being raised about the particular 911 dispatcher here.. And that they are not rude, judgemental slurs but rather a very honest statement that the man was not behaving in the least bit a professional manner but rather very condescending and Inappropriately sarcastic manner..

No one is blaming him or anyone else for the murders.. That solely lies on Josh Powell.. But when in the process of bringing to light all of the events as they unfolded that day this 911 dispatchers unprofessional and inappropriate manner has too come to light and is of great concern to the city/county of which he serves as a 911 dispatcher for(as is clearly stated in the article above and others).. No one is placing blame on him for these precious children's death again that lies solely with Josh.. But how this man handled this situation is unacceptable, period.. He couldn't have saved Charlie and Braden but you damn well better believe that he is in a position of which will very much be the difference between life or death.. Many times over he will and it is unacceptable how he handled this call and now with those in positions above him will be able to go thru and do a fair investigation on how this man performs his job as a dispatcher(his calls will be reviewed to see was this his standard of care that he gave regularly)..these procedures very likely will be what saves someone else's lives.. And thats worth it IMO!!!

The 'Thanks' button didn't seem enough.

Thank you for putting into words my thoughts. I appreciate it so.

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