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DNA Solves
  1. N

    WI - ICE seeks help to ID youth in photos #2 - Identified

    If JM were actually arrested last week, I do not think he would be given access to a computer right now. And the state of Wisconsin has been investigating DAM since at least April. I'm sure the ICE would have been able to put the pieces together --without the need for a public plea -- if DAM was...
  2. N

    WI - ICE seeks help to ID youth in photos #2 - Identified

    I do not think JM is the boy that ICE was trying to identify; there are just far too many inconsistencies for it to be him, IMO. I think it's more likely that DAM has nothing to do with ICE boy and that the charges against him are primarily related to the person born on xx-xx-1998.
  3. N

    FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #3

    But there is no such thing as reverse institutionalized racism; old white men still hold the majority of power in this world. It's kind of like reverse sexism, an individual can hate men but in the grand scheme of things it means nothing because women do not hold the balance of power. People...
  4. N

    FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #3

    I don't even know. This young man --armed with only Skittles and iced tea-- was chased and then gunned down by an unmarked stranger who started the altercation. He should not have been punished with a death sentence for wearing a hoodie and ducking under a porch to take cover from the rain.
  5. N

    FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #3

    So it's okay to make assumptions based on the colour of one's skintone?
  6. N

    FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #2

    People around the world are giving voice to a young man who no longer has a voice. Be it Fl, NYC, whereever. It's the least this young man deserves, considering that GZ is walking around a free man.
  7. N

    FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #2

    Word. I'm not American and the news of this young man being murdered like this has me incensed. It angers me so much that this young life was snuffed out because a dude with hero complex felt the need to be validated.
  8. N

    FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #2

    There were obvious racial undertones in this murder. This child was chased and then gunned down for absolutely no reason other than he was wearing a hood and looked "suspicious". And I disagree with whomever said that Trayvon had to tell GZ where he was headed and his reasons for being in the...
  9. N

    Son dresses as Daphne from Scooby Doo for party

    If a little boy wants to dress as a girl for Halloween, he should feel free to so. If people have a problem with that, said little boy should not feel the need to bend to their will. This little boy is not in the wrong; it's the close-minded segment of society that is. Those who said that this...
  10. N

    Son dresses as Daphne from Scooby Doo for party

    He was apprehensive about the reaction he would get, not the actual costume. By getting him a new costume, his mother would only be teaching him to place more value on the opinions of others and not what his own little five-year-old self actually wanted. I think she did the right thing. Too many...
  11. N

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    I hope you are being facetious. The entire legal system would fall apart if that kind of reasoning were to be employed.
  12. N

    Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

    Agreed. I hate the 'men are rational and logical' and 'women are emotional' paradigm.
  13. N

    GUILTY FL - David James, 41, slain in dispute, "Stand Your Ground", Valrico, 25 Sept 2010 *probation*

    The US has crazy gun laws. I'm pretty glad I don't live there.
  14. N

    'Dr Laura' uses the 'N-word on air

    The fact that you just compared the plight of a white, blonde haired woman with big breasts to that of a race who were -- and still are -- treated with abject derision, kind of shows your ignorance on the subject. And you're right, women still face an uphill battle in terms of achieving...
  15. N

    'Dr Laura' uses the 'N-word on air

    That term has historically been used by white people to denigrate black people. Knowing this, it is hard to see why people could be confused as to why it is wrong for a white person to use this term. Black people don't use it in a pejorative way. It's not that hard of a concept.
  16. N

    Judge Rules California's Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional 8/4/10

    The rights of a minority should never be decided by a vote from the majority. I will never understand why people get so worked up over this. It's ridiculous. So many other countries around the world have granted this right with far less fanfare and hysteria. Religious doctrine needs to GTFO of...
  17. N

    Back to the Beginning: Where Might Kyron Be?

    That is incorrect; you need a passport or passport substitute upon entry into Canada regardless of your mode of transportation. A birth certificate doesn't cut it.
  18. N

    WI - Priest With Prostate Problem Kicked Out Of Waterpark

    It's expanding in many developing countries. This article pertains to the US only: It's still the largest Christian denomination there.
  19. N

    WI - Priest With Prostate Problem Kicked Out Of Waterpark

    It's actually experiencing growth in many places, including the US. I'm agnostic now, but I was raised Catholic. Not because of the nature of the Church, but because that whole Jesus thing is a hard sell.
  20. N

    OR - Calgary mom sued for son's foster care

    That child should have never been place in foster care within the United States. The mother should not have to recoup the money the state spent on him.

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