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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. NewsMuse

    What happened to Isabel Celis?

    I voted extended family member/place known to parents. However, I believe this is my heart speaking. After hearing the 911 call (that chuckle, who does that?), it was harder to ignore the behavior of Isa's parents. Then CPS was smack in the middle of everything, only to find out they had been to...
  2. NewsMuse

    New poll! How well of a job is the Zahau family attorney, Anne Bremmer, Esq doing?

    I see what you are seeing also. When I was (way) younger, I had a white iron bed (not as fancy) with a white frame and wood slats. Lots of wooden slats that squeaked. That bed looks like a newer type bed, though, and much fancier. On my bed, the slats rested on a white painted frame, much higher...
  3. NewsMuse

    Will the Rebecca Zahau case be reopened?

    I voted re-open if new evidence uncovered (paraphrased?) (edited for space and BBM) "It’s about whether an investigative finding of suicide was proper." IMO, the investigation into the suicide lacked critical information, information that has been discussed over and over on several...
  4. NewsMuse

    Lee's Investigative Binder

    BBM. And you know someone, somewhere is STILL keeping the binders up to date with the current info. It's just so nice that WS has a very dedicated staff who has made this information so easy to locate. It's just too bad it doesn't match the infamous color-code Baez system, which must be causing...
  5. NewsMuse

    A big THANK YOU to Tricia & !!!

    This is really nice. Funny, I didn't even really notice until, well, now. This is even better than new shoes!! Love it! Thanks for all that you guys do, ALL of you!
  6. NewsMuse

    The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

    I digress. Could she be the plant for LE? She's really into the inside info now, and Lee really has no one else to talk to. Just a thought. And CA is so using her to make Casey even more furious. At the beginning I thought it was GA, but decided he was too weak to pull it off. For a bit I...
  7. NewsMuse

    The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

    :laughbounce: Good point. I tend to get all distracted with the tube socks. Then in court when he mouthed "I love you" to Casey, well, it was just more than I could handle :sick: not to mention the disrespect Lee (aka Vadar) presented to the court in his chosen attire. What is Mallory...
  8. NewsMuse

    The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

    After getting the ok to wire tap all the phones only for the incoming and outgoing telephone numbers and the bat phones factored in, I don't see that there should be a huge issue with getting the conversations included. Obviously the whole lot of them were being evasive, thinking they were so...
  9. NewsMuse

    Police Flyer #2 - Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020?

    Jeez Louise. That's what I mean. I guess they want to know who was at your home that doesn't always live there. Not being hard to get along with, but because in my last job (h/care) EVERYTHING depended on documentation, I just know I would have either: (1) written down every single thing...
  10. NewsMuse

    Police Flyer #2 - Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020?

    So far behind ... About this new specific flyer, as I read the question about "visitor" my first reaction was if I had "company" that day -- like grandparents possibly visiting for the science fair . (My folks would've have done this if they lived close by, within driving distance of a few...
  11. NewsMuse

    What does LE know that we don't?

    BBM. I agree. I just don't think TH could physically pull this off; however she could plan it and use her computer(s)/cell(s)/etc. to communicate and execute. I would imagine TH using throw-away cells prior to Kyron being missing. (They probably even made up a "code-speak" which LE quickly...
  12. NewsMuse

    What does LE know that we don't?

    That was my first thought, too. Then along came DeDe and I didn't know what to make of TH's circle of friends. But I figured she's been using disposable phones for quite a while now, just cause she can and that's how she seems to be. JMO mind you; reminds me of someone who used to live in my...
  13. NewsMuse

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    I sort of just kind of thought the "leaks" to the media were put out their for a specific reason, possibly to add some pressure to TH (or whomever) to let out just a bit of information (or appear that way anyway). However, wouldn't they give KH/DY/TY a heads-up before doing this? Just my...
  14. NewsMuse

    Terri's Computer forensics

    Well, then Sprint is either blowing you off or not following the new laws. I really can't explain why this happened to you. I just googled something like "electronic data record law" and came up with a mother lode of sites, all involving regs post 9.11.2001 (too many to link and you could make...
  15. NewsMuse

    Terri's Computer forensics

    Respectfully bolded and snipped by me -- And we can't forget that now all of our medical records will be digital. I just received my first email regarding some blood work done last week. By law, every provider all providers must digitally archive records forever. So even if TH were using...
  16. NewsMuse

    RE: Where is the information about TH coming from?

    I sort of thought of this, too. But if so, I don't think they expected the extent of the photos she would share. But what do I know? JMO as always. Completely agree. TH appears to be a Chatty Cathy.
  17. NewsMuse

    Family Press Conferences

    I can't even begin to imagine the emotional rollercoaster these parents are on right now, physically and mentally. I wonder if DY and TY are traveling back and forth? I was thinking, she does have another son who surely has feelings for Kyron. I hope that the older children are not being kept...
  18. NewsMuse

    Has this turned into a reality show?

    BBM respectfully. Now that could work about now. :twocents:
  19. NewsMuse

    Has this turned into a reality show?

    Given the way this case is being handled, I can sort of see your frustration. I agree with GrandmaJ's comment up thread, something about (paraphrasing) that we'll probably be seeing more DeDe's coming out of the woodwork. The media folks seem just as frustrated; however, you are aware that some...
  20. NewsMuse

    Terri's Emails to Desiree

    Yikes! is right. And when you're all done with your prepaid, make sure you completely destroy it. Physically, like with a hammer, I mean. Then some more. I kid you not. (There are programs you can buy that claim to erase to "FBI standards" or whatever.) And you know, SmoothOperator is right...

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