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  1. M

    2010.07.22 Casey reported seen in Palm Springs

    Plastic surgery...I don't think there is much they can do to disguise her..but what do I know...I'm just an RN LOL
  2. M

    Arnold Schwarzenegger refuses to pay wife Maria Shriver spousal support

    What a jerk! Unfaithful, rubs her nose in it and acts like a moron over spousal support!
  3. M

    So over all-things-Casey --- Anyone else?

    Amen, the airport deal was disgusting and in my opinion designed to keep the public interested. Well I would boycott anything FICA.....movies, books or TV shows. I don't care where she is and they (DT and FICA) need to get over themselves. MOO
  4. M

    2011.07.15 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Seizures? Just another way to get attention. Its really a common trick for people who have similar personality traits to FCA. MOO
  5. M

    Possible NEW Suspects In JonBenet Ramsey Case?

    Sorry, no disrespect but I really laughed when I read your post. I do agree with you ..BTW
  6. M

    2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Thanks for post. They obviously didn't understand that George was not on trial or that opening statements were not evidence. There was NO evidence of any accident. The state did not have to prove cause of death or motive.
  7. M

    What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

    Everyone talking about what a great job JB did for ICA
  8. M

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    Thanks for your post....the jury didn't think there was enough evidence to convict but thought there was enough evidence that they believed it was an accident? There was no evidence of that at all.:banghead::banghead:
  9. M

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    She will kill again and it will be on your (jurors) backs
  10. M

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    Who are these people? Did they believe Baez' opening statement was evidence? Reasonable doubt does NOT mean beyond a shadow of a doubt. I guess it would have taken a photo of Casey taping Caylee's mouth shut and putting her in the trash bags to get her convicted? I'm so sad that nothing was...
  11. M

    Baez knew NOT GUILTY verdict was coming....

    Thanks for your post. I agree. What does it take to get a conviction? An eye witness who also took a photo of the crime? There would have been no DNA after being underwater. A little girl is dead and Casey is charged with nothing! How do they figure that? She was the last one who saw...
  12. M

    Who is Vasco Thompson?

    I think they went to different schools together!:woohoo:
  13. M

    2011.06.13. HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Yes, this was TL's testimony! Thanks for your post!!!!:seeya:
  14. M

    Through a Juror's Eyes/What do those who haven't followed the case believe? (Merged)

    IMO, I agree. Several people I know who don't follow the case were convinced of guilt after the defense opening statement. Its science fiction.
  15. M

    2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

    IMO the state has presented a very good case and if I were on the jury I would vote for DP but a lot of folks on here seem to think manslaughter..Dr Glass perhaps and some of our lawyers? What do the rest of you think?
  16. M

    2011.06.12 Dr. Lillian Glass and AZLawyer on Websleuths Radio

    Like the law says, George is innocent until proven guilty and he is NOT on trial. Anyone would be mortified to be accused like this by a child they had loved and treated is he supposed to act. Sorry, I'm a George fan..reminds me of my father.
  17. M

    Casey Smirks In Front Of Jury

    IMO she will go to general population unless she goes to death row. They don't care if the poor little ICA needs protecting.
  18. M

    2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

    Thanks for your post. Very interesting
  19. M

    2011.06.09 TRIAL Day Fourteen (Morning Session)

    IMO she is thinking about what will happen at the end of this trial? She can't possibly think she is going home, could she?
  20. M

    2011.06.09 TRIAL Day Fourteen (Morning Session)

    MOO, it appears ICA is poking at her eyes, wiping with a tissue and yet it remains dry! HLN reporting she is sobbing! NOT

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