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DNA Solves
  1. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #9

    Hello guys! I am sorry that I havnt checked in for so long!still just on page 2 catching up on a phone but stopped to say Hi.Should have a computer up and able to post.Thank goodness the tornado damage is a little se of me.It is great to feel missed.Thanks.
  2. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #9

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wfgodot!!!! I just checked in so a day late.Sorry about that!
  3. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Yep Little/The link Genie! I clicked on it the other day and it was all different then.Must have been down for maintenance.I tried it a second ago and it came right up!Thanks
  4. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Yes Oriah that is the square cloud that I keep getting.It sure makes it hard or impossible to check out that area.There are in fact gas pipeline right of ways and old seismograph trails all through those hills.There is a GEO Communicator link that Little has that shows all the lines and oil and...
  5. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Very impressive group I must say!There must be one hell of a drug war going on in them thar hills.When they show up at the coffee shop I bet the local cranksters are rather impressed!! They really don't look any different than the Drug Task Force in my part of the state.I think all the...
  6. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Oriah Beware: You will end up with a "Google Earth" headache and hangover!! I have been wondering about the cloud over the mountain for some time.
  7. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Oh yes the prescription meds!! The Divers/LE found them and as any Diver worth his salt said "OH BOY" I take those too and stuck them in there pocket for personal use! Yep that is probably what happened. Another thing,If the truck,cell phone,and cash has been released then why can't the...
  8. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    First off I would think there should be two sets of pics.The first set should be taken the very first time when LE starts to sort through and examine the scene as they try and sort out just what has went down.The very first views of the scene should be recorded "As Is/WAS" !! Then if LE needs...
  9. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Oriah are you still planning a search soon?I havn't read anything about it so I thought I would ask! The grass is greening up the trees are budding and some have leafed out.I killed my first rattlesnake of the year last Friday. It sounds like there was a gathering of some sort on the...
  10. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Could it be that under these circumstances with being missing and in the certain length of time required by law to be considered deceased their affairs would indeed need a Guardian. Then at the end of the waiting period(7 years?)there would be need of an executor of their affairs?I don't know...
  11. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    My Android phone will suck the life out of the battery fast if I am in an area with little or no signal.I can check power usage and it will say 60% or more used just in searching for signal.If I decide to surf the web much quicker.I downloaded an app to kill certain apps to try and conserve...
  12. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    SC Oklahoma Fire update! I called 911 at 1 PM yesterday and told them that they had better sprout wing's if they were going to save a home and 1,ooo head of hog's in a Tyson hog barn one mile west of my place.My hat is off to them because they pulled it off!!!The smoke was so bad it blocked...
  13. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Here is your weekly update on Wally World happening's in Oklahoma. Wfgodot you should wear your BPV on your next trip to WM!!LOL
  14. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Oriah you hit the Love Thy Neighbor thing on the head!!! You also nailed the Fire on the mountain idea.I can now go to that pasture and see every rock,gopher run,and even find that hole in the ground where those mean-as-hell little ground Hornet's were hiding when I ran over them brush...
  15. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Good Morning All Has anyone come up with any HOT new leads? Spring is getting closer in SC Oklahoma.The trees are budding,the wild onions are up,and we are under a Burn Ban.The Purple Martin's are due any day now. A good neighbor managed to burn off 40 acre's for us yesterday with the...
  16. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    I am leaning toward a ball of mud or muddy glove finger.Perhaps of clay content.Red gumbo or clay is almost like paint or dye and will stain and stay a long time Especially in clothes.I think if a sand rock was used the paint would be scratched visibly in the pic.IMO It does appear to have...
  17. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Oriah or anyone.Would you be able to BLOW up the pic of the glove box?If you can get it big enough you just might be able to read part of the label on the script bottle.Just before I can read it the damn thing blurs on me.Are the blue bottles for certain kinds of scripts or bottles used by a...
  18. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    Oriah do you have the cords off the pics of the two signs?Is one of the signs the location where the truck was found?Then say the other location was say NE of there?Which direction does the road take when it leaves the location or the direction they were coming back from? Thanks!
  19. C

    OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #8

    What do y'all figure the symbol was drawn on the signs with?Was it a muddy clay glove finger by some bored oil field worker?Was it more recent by someone with a sand rock.You would think if it were Sherilyn she would have used her signature spray paint? It is hard to come to any kind of...

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