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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. B

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    Baez made me keenly aware that this was a trial about WHO. The why's, the how's, the when's - well, Casey could answer all of that. But the WHO is the question that creates the trial, and only Casey was involved. Unless some of her party-friends were buying xanax and anything else she'd used...
  2. B

    2008.07.17 Maria K. Interview (Clint's girlfriend)

    The well-wrapped, double-bagged body, protected by the heavy cloth of the laundry bag. And probably DUCT-TAPED CLOSED. After all, she'd seen that before, too!
  3. B


    When George was breaking down, on the stand, about the suicide testimony, she mouths, "I wish you were", perhaps an affirmation that, if he was dead, she could have blamed him. "It's all his fault" is therefore her appropriate mutter during LDB's closing statement.
  4. B

    What one subject or particular argument worries you from Closing Statements

    "If you're a chemist, are you secretly afraid of being buried by dogs and having your skull broken while Spitz saws it up?"
  5. B

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    If convicted, maybe we'll see a parade of Casey's childhood friends who'll testify. I'm certain Baez can find some that will show up and avoid mentioning mysterious loss of toys, clothes, piggybanks, lunch allowances, birthday money, or counting silverware. He doesn't want to bring Mr...
  6. B

    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    I think a Perjury Charge would be very interesting. As others point out, Cindy's never given straight answers and, when she has, she can lie like the expert teacher she is. It would be interesting for her to face THIS consequence as well. But the State should definitely tell the jury...
  7. B

    What questions are still unanswered?

    "She's sat, rotting in jail for 3 years" on some ACCIDENT? Yes, that too is another great nail in her coffin. If it was an accident, she could have taken the stand and said it. She didn't even do that! "I waited 31 days - why not wait 3 more years" - that is the Duhfense's position...
  8. B

    The missing evidence

    I've gone thru the Witness Testimony, and Lee's State's testimony has him never knowing there WAS a nanny at the July 15-16th evening "confrontation", and then he had to repeat the "Zenaida" name to Cindy. It seems everyone believes "Zenaida" was being used for a year or so (I did, too)...
  9. B

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    I think the State can use Cindy's perjured testimony to point out, "Why would a mom do that? Because a mom would be willing to lie, to perjure herself, in an attempt to save her daughter. "Because she knows her daughter murdered Caylee. Cindy knows this. And Cindy knows it was...
  10. B

    What questions are still unanswered?

    Yeah, Beatrice is gonna get me in trouble, too! As for Cindy's perjury-lies, all the State needs to tell the Jury is, "See? Even her mom believes Casey did it in a pre-meditated way, and her act of lying shows that she's willing to do anything to save her daughter. Her act says more than...
  11. B

    Dead Pets

    I think this could have been Casey's first idea, but her native laziness quickly kicked in and realized it was too much effort to bury. Tossing out like garbage was much easier. The shovel might have been used to 'sled' the wrapped-up body from the backyard to the trunk of the car. It was...
  12. B

    Duct Tape and Premeditation #500

    Noel Behn's LINDBERGH THE CRIME asserts that Charles Lindbergh & Family concocted the Baby Kidnapping to save his unhinged sister-in-law after Junior's fall/drop from that house's 2nd story. And all the subsequent pay-offs, arrests and eventual execution were accepted by Lindbergh as...
  13. B

    The missing evidence

    Your Missing Evidence List: Computer File Deletes... simple. In Windows Home (which is what the Anthony's HP had loaded), it's either the "Disk Cleanup" applet (a small application or program) under the C: Drive's "Properties" menu. But this is also controlled by default values when...
  14. B

    Duct Tape and Premeditation #500

    What's always made me wonder - no one who's been chloroformed will enjoy that experience a second time. No matter how big or small. The burning is excrutiating, and nasal, sinus and throat tissues can erupt into a bloody, gory mess without the greatest amount of care. Caylee HAD to suffer a...
  15. B

    2011.07.01 HLN Coverage (JVM, NG, Dr D)

    I think it's odd that the duhfense's best witness is the one BAEZ was blowing horns about "impeach"ing. He's the ONLY ONE who used the phrase "impeach Cindy Anthony" in front of the jury. And he did it twice. The prosecution never did. They let the facts speak for themselves, but it was Baez...
  16. B

    Who is Matthew Bartlett and why the middle finger sign?

    He's no kid. 28 is decades from being "a kid". At least in age. I know he was just flipping off the camera. He wasn't looking at Ashton, just the camera. And congrats to the Video Tech who got him! GOOD JOB. Bird-Nut was just out for his own masturbatory experience. A real Toyota job...
  17. B

    Sidebar from 6/24 released

    I wish I could apologize for this long quote - but Smart Blonde so perfectly assembles this: This is SOOOO much the HEART of the case, both against Casey's attitudes AND BAEZ's. SO PERFECTLY said here.
  18. B

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I believe we might hear George say the REST of that sentence - or at least, "I don't believe she's innocent" before this trial is over. The Defense has certainly been opening those doors. Bringing up the suicide attempt, getting him to re-live those times. I've seldom had sympathy for...
  19. B

    Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

    This family's kids have such a long history of parents' lying. And it hasn't stopped yet.
  20. B

    POLL: Does The Meter Reader Fiasco Change Your Mind?

    It shows that unscrupulous attorneys can slander someone who was doing his best to be a good citizen, and will collaterally kill off the desires of so many others to ever volunteer their services. That's the legacy of Baez and Cheney.

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