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DNA Solves
  1. smartsass

    Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

    IIRC, the family had parts of the ashes made into jewelry? Did Casey have anything/receive anything/request a piece for herself, if it's possible to know that? Surely if she had been wearing something like that or in possession of something like that, the DT would have alerted the jury to show a...
  2. smartsass

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    More people than we'd like to realize will fawn over anything and everything she does, be it books, interviews, movies, tv shows, radio shows, etc. and she will get $$ from it. More people than we'd like to realize will not know who/not recognize who/not care who she is, she will not quite be...
  3. smartsass

    2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

    I don't believe in God/god/god(s) and I don't believe in coincidences but this sure has my head spinning and wondering if I should start! MOO
  4. smartsass

    Did Jurors Talk About Case during Trial Against Judge's Orders?

    Hi, I have wondered about this too and I'm not sure if it's just my jaded thinking or if there's grounds for this thought. Can you share either here or in PM why you feel there'd be a fix, how it was done, etc? TYIA!
  5. smartsass

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    How in the name of all that may be holy can 12+ people believe that story to the point of "not guilty"? Hung jury is what I thought was quite likely as I can see ample room for true reasonable doubt(s). Personal experience and common sense tell me that one person can barely keep a secret, let...
  6. smartsass

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    I'll have to find it again in a min but I found multiple cases of people being suffocated by duct tape. I wondered if it were possibly the jury did too? I wish the state would have brought forth examples like that Why didn't they have at least some kind of charge regarding improper disposal of...
  7. smartsass

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    OMG??!!! What??!!
  8. smartsass

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    I don't think it can be good for ICA that the verdict came back this soon. I am feeling it's going to be guilty of murder in the first. With all of the evidence, I am shocked it came back so quickly. I had read several places where people thought the jury pretty much knew going into deliberate...
  9. smartsass

    How did State do on rebuttal closing?

    Did the state ever drive home that ICA never reported Caylee missing, that it was CA who made the call, even after 31 days? Is there somewhere to listen to the state's final closing arguments, the one given today in rebuttal to JB's? TYIA!
  10. smartsass

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    Brava! Fantastic and succinct way of stating what the wheels in my head have been chugging to state more simply. And this is something I am already instilling in my girls (not yet school age) and have been from the get-go. Regardless of what someone does to you, you and you alone are...
  11. smartsass

    Why Was Cindy and Casey Taking So Many Notes In Court...

    I'd be taking notes too if I were/my daughter/family member on trial, much less for murder 1. I'd want to take notes on any questions I had, points I wanted to make, things I wanted my attorney to correct/make clear, etc.
  12. smartsass

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    I can't catch up! Why did Bill S say "contempt" or "mistrial"? What happened???
  13. smartsass

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    I am just tuning in and trying to speed read and catch up. I can't believe Baez tried to argue being allowed to go the sex abuse route because Casey was promiscuous and compartmentalized which is indicative of sexual abuse. Yes, and a headache and stomach ache are indicative of the flu, a...
  14. smartsass

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    OMG, I'm in HI which means I need to just stay up! It will be 3am here when the arguments start, I wonder how long they'll last? I don't want to miss it!
  15. smartsass

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I thought the same thing until I came across these stories and I'm guessing there's more where these came from. Cases of suffocation from duct tape: Kenisha Barry, killed 4-day old son Malachi, bound face and arms with duct tape Man suffocated with duct...
  16. smartsass

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I thought the same thing until I came across these stories and I'm guessing there's more where these came from, I found these with just a brief Google search. Cases of suffocation from duct tape: Kenisha Barry, killed 4-day old son Malachi, bound face and arms with duct tape...
  17. smartsass

    Subornation of Perjury and Jose Baez

    And what's worse, I feel he knowingly did this, knowing that he couldn't substantiate these claims and that the jury would expect him to. He made a "mistake" that many people not trained in any legal fashion know: you never, ever say or do anything to place the burden of proof on the defense as...
  18. smartsass

    Subornation of Perjury and Jose Baez

    I was rather incensed when Baez admitted that he knew CA was going to testify that she did the searches, that she wasn't at work and knew the records could/would/did prove otherwise. Makes me wonder what else he's right-out lying about with solid knowledge he's lying, ie: the sexual abuse...
  19. smartsass

    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    I don't feel she should. I completely understand why others feel differently, I understand that she has had an impact on getting justice for Caylee, however, I believe she has been through enough. As I've stated before, she realizes she can't bring Caylee back and now she is trying...

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